• 国家办事处的流行病学家可以立即针对谣言事实进行调查警示区域办事处总部,或消除世界其它地区忧虑。

    Your epidemiologists are on the spot to investigate rumours or facts and put the regional and head office on alert, or in a position to reassure the rest of the world.


  • 取得完成消除进犯威胁效果,EKV弹头甜蜜位置目标弹相撞。这个撞击区域处于导弹有效负载位置只不过厘米的范围内。

    To achieve complete threat neutralization, the EKV will collide with the warhead's "sweet spot," an area just a few centimeters wide where the missile's payload is located.


  • 然后,条不起毛布上干净区域继续把玻璃上的条纹消除

    Wipe off any streaks using a clean area of the lint-free rag.


  • 现在美容皮肤出现了,胶原蛋白过去是用来消除脸部区域形成线的。

    There goes another. Now the Cosmoderm comes out, a collagen used to combat the very fine feather lines that form in the naso-labial area of the face.


  • 单纯疱疹病毒造成了普遍性唇疱疹,已经进入大脑消除了他的整个记忆区,包括海马状突起(大脑侧面脑室壁上的隆起物,主要由灰白质构成,在泛记过程中起主要作用)和控制感情以及行为区域

    The herpes simplex virus, cause of the common cold sore, had traveled to his brain, wiping out his entire memory center, including the hippocampus and areas that control emotion and behavior.


  • 使用这种混合模式消除图层明亮区域保持黑暗的部分就是草地变亮几乎白色原因

    Using this blend mode removes the light areas of the layer and keeps the darkest sections of the layer, hence why I lightened the grass to almost white.


  • 过渡期间可以错开一周之内工作天,并因此消除塞车所有人类活动范围内的拥挤包括海滩娱乐区域

    During the transition, the workweek could be staggered thus eliminating traffic jams or crowding in all areas of human activity, including beaches and recreation areas.


  • 随着贞洁的”满月照亮你们图表浪漫创造区域现在仔细认真地回想起某些你们爱过的人消除他们之间任何难点时间

    With the full 'Chaste' Moon illuminating your chart's romance and creativity sector, now's the time to think carefully about some of your loved ones and to iron out any difficulties with them.


  • 基于区域丰富能源食物供应除了全球主要货物运输需要全球贫穷完全消除

    World poverty will be completely alleviated as everyone's energy and food needs become available in abundance locally, removing the need for much of the major freight transportation worldwide.


  • 研究表明,中间底部吹气过程可以有效改善钢液流动状态,消除短路增强幕墙”区域钢液混合有效促进夹杂物在中间包内上浮去除

    It was found that gas blowing at the bottom effectively eliminated the short flow, strengthened the mixed flow of gas curtain regions and increased the total inclusion removal rate.


  • 相处问题区域消除粗糙皮肤干燥

    Rub along problem areas of feet and smooth away rough, dry skin.


  • 综合参数主要利用癌细胞形态学色度学特征以及区域消除填补算法图像处理技术获得

    The parameter is obtained through digital image processing techniques such as the morphologic and chromatic features of karyon, the removing and filling-up methods of black region, and so on.


  • 然后传感器图像提取融合检测结果中各候选区域多个图像特征作为进一步消除冗余信息证据

    Then extracts the multiple features of these target candidate areas in fusion detection result from the two sensor images as the evidence to eliminate redundant information.


  • 建立了各因素间可以科学选择适当合订方法消除期刊合订本装订线附近区域复印印迹畸变现象的数学关系。

    The formula can be used to choose scientifically an appropriate binding method to eliminate the duplicating distortion close by the binding line of volume bindings.


  • 第四,探讨了彩色显微图像输入光学系统误差及其消除方法结合实际需求,研究了图像中不规则轮廓区域面积测量方法。

    The forth, error analysis and elimination of optical system in color microscopic image input and the methods of area measurement for the irregular region in the digital image are discussed.


  • 通过实例计算表明方法可以高精度将全区域范围水泵试验数据合成光滑的特性曲线,并能够消除因试验随机误差所引起的曲线扰动。

    It is proved in the examples that the new method works well in precisely building the pump test data in wide area into smooth curve without disturbance caused by the random test error.


  • 背景消除采用区域生长进行,生长图像最左上角开始,逐渐向下进行。

    The growing started from the top and left of the image and gradually went on towards the down and the right.


  • 区域平均供水成本代替单个工程供水成本消除现行“成本核算办法制度障碍有效途径

    It is an effective approach to overcome the system obstacle of cost accounting approach by replacing single structure supply cost by regional water supply cost.


  • 整体阀体结构阀座区域能够最大限度消除可能产生淤积死角。上列插图显示直接流向结构可以提供逆流或倒流结构供选择

    The seat area of the integral body design minimizes pockets where material can accumulate. Illustration above shows direct flow configuration. Reverse flow options are available.


  • 采用医生操作设备治疗区域移动,从而消除被破坏皮肤表层

    Using single strokes, the physician will guide the device over the treatment area to remove damaged skin layers.


  • 通过在存储记忆大脑特定区域使用一种药物,记忆可以消除,”电话采访中说:“长期记忆是可以消除的。”

    "Memory can be erased by applying a drug into a specific part of the brain that stores that memory," he said in a telephone interview. "Long-term memory can be erased."


  • 因为行”可以消除这些借口能推我们越过现状舒服区域给我们一个理由我们认为自己不能做事情

    "Because I can" eliminates these excuses. It pushes us past the status quo and our comfort zones. It gives us a reason to do the things that we think we can't.


  • 因为行”可以消除这些借口能推我们越过现状舒服区域给我们一个理由我们认为自己不能做事情

    "Because I can" eliminates these excuses. It pushes us past the status quo and our comfort zones. It gives us a reason to do the things that we think we can't.


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