• 美国人平均消费增长率飞快下降

    The rate of growth in spending by average Americans was falling sharply.


  • 各种燃料消费增长率趋于稳定

    Consumption of various fuels grew at stable but differing rates.


  • 甚至金融危机发生,**的住房消费增长率在“东亚四小龙”中就是最低的。

    Even before the financial crisis, household spending had seen the weakest growth rate among the East Asian tigers.


  • 调研,2007年深圳蒲萄市场消费增长率超过20%,品质则是消费越来越关心主题

    According to the survey, in 2007, the market growth rate of Shenzhen wine consumption was more than 20%, quality is the subject more and more concerned about by consumers.


  • 考虑到是否持有股票消费行为影响使用城镇居民人均消费增长率后,我国证券市场的股票溢价水平8.247%。

    Considering whether the stockholding can impact consume behavior, with per capita consumption growth rate of urban residents, the equity premium level on the security market is 8.247%.


  • 份声明中,“这些及时措施可以使人们更有安全感敢于消费。”然后,会过头来,有助于实现中国保持经济增长率这一迫切目标

    "These timely actions can make people feel more secure to consume, and in turn, help realize China's urgent goal of keeping a high economic growth rate," he said in a statement.


  • 中国过去20年间成为苏格兰威士忌消费增长最多市场,按销量计算,其复合增长率为22%。

    China has shown the highest growth in Scotch whisky sales over the last 20 years with 22% annual compound growth, in terms of volume.


  • 2010最后个月内消费支出平均增长率达到4%,年来的强劲的季度

    For the final three months of 2010, consumer spending grew at an annual rate of 4%, the strongest quarter for four years.


  • 我们目前增长最快消费服务,同比年增长率达到了400%。

    It's currently our fastest growing consumer service-we're up 400% year-over-year.


  • 官方数据显示今年10月为止,消费价格增长高于预期3.2%(),比九月份增长率3.1%有所上升

    It was prompted by official figures showing that consumer prices rose by a higher-than-expected 3.2% in the year to October (see chart), up from 3.1% in September.


  • 预测1月- 3月这个季度消费支出增长2%到2.5%,低于2010年第四季度4%增长率

    He forecast that consumer spending will grow by between 2% and 2.5% in the January-March quarter, down from 4% in the fourth quarter of 2010.


  • 2001-08年期间,希腊年经济增长率为3.9%(其中90%来自消费外加2004年奥运会乘数效应)。

    Yet in 2001-08, growth averaged just 3.9 per cent (of which 90 per cent was consumption, plus the multiplier of the 2004 Olympics).


  • 中国消费物价今年七月底增长了5.6%,年来最大增长率,主要因为肉类产品价格大幅增长

    China's consumer prices rose by 5.6% in the year to July, the biggest increase for ten years, because of sharp rises in the cost of meat.


  • 除去食品能源两个价格不稳定类别核心消费价格增长加速二月为止个月中已经达到2.6%增长率

    Core consumer price inflation, which excludes the volatile categories of food and fuel, has accelerated, to 2.6% at an annual rate in the three months to February.


  • 成本低廉信贷引发消费支出的急剧膨胀此后年中,希腊经济扩张速度颇为强劲,年增长率高达4.2%。

    The cheap credit ignited an explosion in consumer spending. For the next seven years the economy expanded at a strong annual rate of 4.2%.


  • 最有利通胀措施——关于个人消费支出核心物价指数- - -到达0.4%的增长率

    Its favoured inflation measure-the core price index for personal consumption expenditures-came in at a 0.4% annual growth rate.


  • 实际上中国过去十年消费渐趋活跃,2003以来消费(私人公共消费)实际平均增长率达到7.8%。

    Consumption has actually grown briskly in China in the last decade. Overall consumption (private plus public) rose by 7.8 percent per year on average since 2003, in real terms.


  • 英美国家第二季度消费开支增长率更加繁荣德国相同

    Consumer spending in Britain (and in America) rose at about the same rate as in thriftier Germany during the second quarter.


  • 2006年第四季度,个人消费大幅跃升,年增长率达到了3.2%。

    In the last quarter of 2006, personal consumption jumped sharply, growing at an annualized 3.2%.


  • 消费迄今为止房产市场降温不屑一顾很大程度上由于工作薪金增长势头良好真正消费支出仍然保持了大约3%的增长率

    Consumers have shrugged off the housing slowdown thus far: real consumer spending is still growing at annual rate of some 3%, thanks largely to strong job and wage growth.


  • 因为紧张消费消减支出零售业就业增长率下跌

    Retail trade employment growth also tumbled, as nervous consumers trimmed spending.


  • 在2003到2007年间,中国增长率达到了两位数——但是消费物价指数的年均增长率不到2%。

    And between 2003 and 2007, China enjoyed double-digit growth-yet the consumer price index grew less than 2 percent a year.


  • 尽管消费支出有所回暖,但是美国商务部美国经济增长不如预期强劲,今年第二季度增长率为1%。

    Despite an uptick in consumer spending, the Commerce Department says U.S. growth has been less robust than expected, expanding at an annual rate of just 1 percent in the second quarter.


  • 印度本身没有发行关于消费者价格通胀率度量标准但是工业,非体力劳动以及农业劳动者平均消费价格增长率目前已接近令人担忧的8%。

    India does not publish a national measure of consumer-price inflation, but the average of the rates for industrial, non-manual and agricultural workers is now nudging a worrying 8%.


  • 印度本身没有发行关于消费者价格通胀率度量标准但是工业,非体力劳动以及农业劳动者平均消费价格增长率目前已接近令人担忧的8%。

    India does not publish a national measure of consumer-price inflation, but the average of the rates for industrial, non-manual and agricultural workers is now nudging a worrying 8%.


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