• 现在我们一些自定义消息处理器例子

    Now let's look at some examples of custom message handlers.


  • 看到使得上下文路由设置报头消息处理器变得灵活

    As you can see, this makes context routing and setting up the header message processors more flexible.


  • 使用一个简单POJO消息处理器实现时,中间层配置如下

    The middle tier configuration is shown below along with a simple implemention of the POJO message handler.


  • 消息处理器一个接收HTTP请求返回HTTP响应

    A message handler is a class that receives an HTTP request and returns an HTTP response.


  • Web服务器bus对象每次只会如上消息处理器发出逻辑消息

    However, the bus object that runs on the web server dispatches each of these logical messages one at a time to the message handler above.


  • 如果消息处理器需要进行一个数据源查询其他昂贵资源连接,那么需要在这里那样做。

    You would do that here, for example, if the message processor needs to make a datasource lookup or other expensive resource connection.


  • 每个程序定义一个CICS事务QCTL作为控制器;QMHD作为消息处理器

    Each program is also defined as a CICS transaction: QCTL for the controller and QMHD for the Message Handler.


  • 硬件设计着重介绍了利用单片机M22手机模块串口扩展芯片GM 8125搭建的嵌入式消息处理器

    Hardware desiring emphasized how to construct an embedded short message server used single chip computer, M22 module, and serial port extend chip GM8125.


  • 如果至少连接配置为IPC共享内存连接,那么初始化ids时将分配处理器通信消息

    Inter processor communications or messages portion is allocated during IDS initialization if you configure at least one of your connections as an IPC shared-memory connection.


  • 这种体系结构认为SOAP处理器应该两种基本操作发送接收 SOAP消息

    This architecture identifies two basic actions a SOAP processor should perform: sending and receiving SOAP messages.


  • 使用高速处理器重要的,因为多数消息流程常常许多基于CPU处理量。

    It is important to use fast processors, as most message flows typically have a significant amount of CPU-based processing.


  • 系统使用消息接口数据通路来使处理器彼此通信

    The system USES a messaging interface and a set of data paths that allow processors to communicate with each other.


  • 典型J2EE应用程序中,按照JMS定义请求处理器应该通过一个消息驱动Bean来实现

    In a typical J2EE application, the request processor would be implemented as a Message Driven Bean according to the JMS specification.


  • 定义中,202意味着消息仅仅http层上Accepted,但是并不一定SOAP处理器处理

    By definition, 202 means that the message was simply Accepted at the HTTP layer and not necessarily processed by the SOAP processor.


  • 这种设计有利于把系统分布多个处理器之上,可以大多数Mach消息那样直接通过共享内存来传递,可以必要的时候增加一点代码消息复制别的处理器上。

    This allowed the system to be distributed over multiple processors, either using shared memory directly as in most Mach messages, or by adding code to copy the message to another processor if needed.


  • 记录这些数值的实验环境为IBMxSeries 360服务器4x2GHzIntelXeon处理器、3.5GBRAMMicrosoftWindows 2000 (SP4),并且使用非持久性1K字节XML消息

    These figures were recorded on an IBM xSeries 360 server with 4 x 2GHz Intel Xeon processors, 3.5 GB of RAM, and Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP4), using non-persistent 1K bytes XML messages.


  • 没有actor属性时,头条目的SOAP处理器就是SOAP消息最终目的地

    When the actor attribute is not present, then the SOAP processor for the header entry is the ultimate destination of the SOAP message.


  • 这个处理器目的用来路由SOAP消息

    The purpose of this handler is to route SOAP messages.


  • 一个定制事件处理器基本功能使用jms队列中的事件消息然后相应地外部应用进行交互

    The basic functions of a custom event handler are to consume the event messages in the JMS queue and interact with external applications accordingly.


  • 尽管使用文档类型时,消息部分必须遵循WSDL定义顺序,但SOAP数据处理器支持使用类型来对定义的部分进行编码

    The SOAP Data Handler supports encoding for parts defined using types, although the message parts must be in the order defined in the WSDL when using document style.


  • WSDL描述了SOAP消息以及如何SOAP处理器交换这些消息

    WSDL describes a set of SOAP messages and how these messages are exchanged between SOAP processors.


  • 信号处理器消息程序数据都会破坏,因为两个调用操作同一数据结构:流本身

    Both the signal handler's message and the program's data could be corrupted, because both calls operate on the same data structure: the stream itself.


  • 处理器一个特征就是不会管道一起出现,它可以通过使用SOAP角色和头标记把目标消息指定给专门处理器来处理。

    One feature of handlers that is not present with pipes is the ability to target message headers at particular handlers through the use of SOAP roles and header tags.


  • 这里假设处理器添加服务中,并负责一个消息基础上设置目标端点

    It is assumed that a handler will be added to the service with the responsibility to set the target endpoint on a per message basis.


  • SOAP消息包括故障通过使用 SOAP 数据处理器提供支持

    SOAP messages, including faults, are supported using the SOAP Data Handler.


  • 说实话,听到这个消息一种不详预感便随之而来不过经确认后,明白三核处理器不是单独的一条生产线

    The first thing that comes to mind is bad yields, but I am told this is not the case for the three-core product lines.


  • onmessage处理器接收这个消息;我们使用一个简单闭包

    The onmessage handler is what will receive this message; you use a simple closure for it.


  • 路由处理器摘取出这个令牌符号并且根据代表成员资格级别来路由这个消息

    The routing handler extracts the token and routes the message based on the membership level it represents. The following header format is used.


  • 为了演示这一面,我们个稍稍复杂一点的例子 :页面创建个按钮,然后用一个事件处理器响应按钮事件并弹出一个消息显示“Hello world字样

    So we’ll complicate things just a touch and create a button on the page, for which we’ll write an event handler to pop up a message box saying "Hello world", instead.


  • 您可以设置每一个消息SOAPMessageContexttransport . ur l属性的值为选中目标服务端点url,从而完成这个处理器的设置。

    The handler accomplishes this by setting the value of the transport.url property in the SOAPMessageContext of each message to the endpoint url of the chosen target service.


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