• 这次消失预计更快

    That time off came sooner than expected.


  • 非洲大部分地区狮子已经消失了,过去几年里,科学家猜想这种大型猫科动物仍然存在于苏丹埃塞俄偏远地区。

    Lions have disappeared from much of Africa, but for the past few years scientists have wondered if the big cats were hanging on in remote parts of Sudan and Ethiopia.


  • Mush更年轻遗址中,不少2600万年前只属于非洲大陆的哺乳科动物消失了。

    A handful of Africa's unique island mammal families that were present 26 million years ago are absent from sites younger than Mush.


  • 消失的时间煮一个鸡蛋还短,这带走了它重要的历史片段。

    The paint disappeared in less time than it takes to boil an egg, taking away with its important pieces of history.


  • 虽然发生这些案件,但是所有莫拉时期以来众多法律法规中,死刑世界许多地方逐渐消失

    Despite these cases the death penalty, on the statute books since the days of Hammurabi, is disappearing in much of the world.


  • 它们提供普通国债更好收益率除非通胀消失

    They provide much better yields than ordinary Treasuries unless inflation disappears.


  • 但是,我们得到相关警告回应说:通过这本小说,社会利润财富创造力诋毁的时候,他们便消失使人们以往更加贫穷

    Yet one pertinent warning resounds throughout the book: When profits and wealth and creativity are denigrated in society, they start to disappear -- leaving everyone the poorer.


  • 然而——假设打算原文一起抛掉——《了不起的盖茨》的困惑不会消失

    And yet - assuming he is not planning to jettison the source material altogether - the Great Gatsby Problem is not going away.


  • 科学家们认为这个世界冰盖短期内都不会完全消失然而,如今的格陵兰冰盖脱落的冰聚积的冰更多

    Scientists believe the world's great ice sheets will not completely disappear for many more centuries, but the Greenland ice sheet is now shedding more ice than it is accumulating.


  • 麻厂街科林斯消失铺路石下面

    The Rue DE la Chanvrerie and Corinthe have disappeared beneath the pavement of the Rue Rambuteau.


  • 被感染黑猩猩要么死亡要么正常的黑猩猩消失的快一点

    Infected chimpanzees died or disappeared at a faster rate than uninfected chimpanzees.


  • 北极温度上升率过去的100年中全球温度的上升率高出了每年7万平方公里冰海消失,而面积相当于整个爱尔兰面积

    Arctic temperatures have increased at almost twice the global average rate in the last 100 years; 70, 000 square kilometres of sea ice (an area about the size of Ireland) is disappearing annually.


  • 北极温度上升率过去的100年中全球温度的上升率高出了每年7万平方公里冰海消失,而面积相当于整个爱尔兰面积

    Arctic temperatures have increased at almost twice the global average rate in the last 100 years; 70,000 square kilometres of sea ice (an area about the size of Ireland) is disappearing annually.


  • 例如,为了恢复海岸栖息地报告中建议使用有效疏浚引流重建快速消失密西西三角洲湿地

    To restore coastal habitat, for example, the report advises using strategic dredging and river diversions to rebuild the rapidly disappearing wetlands of the Mississippi Delta.


  • 一种伦敦公共汽车还要,可以把点心吃巨大已经确认恐龙消失顶级肉食动物,他们陆地行走或者至少是滑行在陆地上。

    A titanic snake that snacked on crocodiles and was longer than a London bus has been identified as the top predator to walk, or at least slither, the land when the dinosaurs disappeared.


  • 大多数交通专家认为如果能够保证车辆逃离拥堵的速度车辆聚集的速度更快那么拥堵就能自行消失

    Most traffic experts agree that the basic idea is to ensure that cars leave the jam more quickly than they arrive, so that the jam dissolves.


  • 市场人士表示,如今的交易量年前减少了一半以上复杂交易合约市场消失

    Total trade volumes have more than halved since a year ago, say market participants. Complex trades have vanished from the market.


  • 意味着当地几乎总是可以找到淡化海水更廉价淡水然而这种价格差距正在消失

    That means it's still almost always cheaper to use local freshwater than to desalinate seawater. This price gap, however, is closing.


  • 即使是兴旺的多伊士堡,那些旧习那些产生它们工业消失

    But even in booming Duisburg old habits are fading more slowly than the industries that fostered them.


  • 密西西文化消失可能因为遭受病毒袭击所致,例如欧洲带来天花病毒

    It is likely the Mississippian culture was dispersed by the onslaught of viral diseases such as smallpox that was brought by European explorers.


  • 航天头版消失——尽管所有报纸周六头版都会报道说美国东部时间周五上午11:29,预定时间晚两分亚特兰蒂斯发射成功

    Spaceflight dropped off the front pages - though on Saturday, all will report the successful launching of the Atlantis, at 11:29 a.m. Eastern time Friday, two and a half minutes behind schedule.


  • 不是一项有把握赌注因为超过密西西以外的乡村道路变化很大,路面常会消失不见。

    It was no sure bet, because in rural areas beyond the Mississippi River, the roads varied from poor to nonexistent.


  • 2007年,一家现在已经消失了的公司,银捷航空公司赞助的研究表明,乘坐希思罗机场飞机抢劫时还要紧张

    In 2007 research funded by Silverjet, a now-defunct airline, found that flying from Heathrow was more stressful than being mugged.


  • 然后XSLT外壳导入标准迁移XSLT会自动赋予规则规则更高优先级,因此如果现在迁移的话,所有step都将消失

    Your XSLT shell imports the standard migration, but XSLT automatically gives your new rule priority over the original one — so if you migrate at this point, all of your steps will disappear.


  • 2007年夏天超过1百万平方公里海洋冰层消失——这创纪录损失

    More than a million square kilometres of sea ice - a record loss - were missing in the summer of 2007 compared with the previous year.


  • 我们认为2700万年前之后某个时间旱季长度增加导致埃塞俄高原那些植物群落消失

    We think that an increase in the length of the dry season sometime after 27 million years ago caused the loss of those plant groups on the Ethiopian Plateau.


  • 南赤道1973年上世纪九十年代早期消失过,如果说这次消失什么不同之处的话,就是它发生得预计晚了一点(因为,推测出的消失周期为15年)。

    The belt took leaves of absence in both the early 1990s and in 1973, so its disappearance now, if anything, is a bit overdue (it seems to be on a roughly 15-year cycle).


  • 南赤道1973年上世纪九十年代早期消失过,如果说这次消失什么不同之处的话,就是它发生得预计晚了一点(因为,推测出的消失周期为15年)。

    The belt took leaves of absence in both the early 1990s and in 1973, so its disappearance now, if anything, is a bit overdue (it seems to be on a roughly 15-year cycle).


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