• 蚂蚁不能消化树叶中的纤维有些真菌可以

    Ants can't digest the cellulose in leavesbut some fungi can.


  • 消化系统癌症相关风险可能更多饮食问题即脂肪过多缺乏纤维而不是体重问题。

    And the associated risk of cancer in the digestive system may be more of a dietary problem too much fat and a lack of fiber than a weight problem.


  • 使得研究人员推测大熊猫肠道咀嚼纤维细菌消化中扮演一个角色

    This led researchers to speculate that panda intestines must have cellulose-munching bacteria that play a role in digestion.


  • 熊猫消化能力只能吸收下去食物的30%,也就是说,它们粪便里面富含纤维营养成分。

    Pandas have a very poor digestive system and only absorb about 30 percent of everything they eat.


  • 也好,吃荤也罢,我们烹调方式表明了人类的本质就是利用消化食物。

    Humans are designed to use and digest foods that look the way they did when they came from the ground or were cooked fresh from an animal.


  • 复杂水化合物纤维纤维基本上不能消化的,就植物性食物中所找到许多低聚糖、某些其它碳水化合物、树胶和纤维质材料一样。

    Complex carbohydrates, such as cellulose and hemicellulose, are largely indigestible, as are a number of origins.


  • 依据一个地质区域内主要同位生活在该地个体消化以后会被牙齿釉质中。

    This is because particular isotopes of strontium dominant within a geological region are digested by individuals living there and incorporated into their tooth enamel.


  • 因此,确认那些可以消化纤维基因,然后修改重组这些基因形成新的代谢途径就可以生成一些系统能够消化株植物,并转化乙醇

    Identifying the genes for the enzymes that do this, modifying them and assembling them into new pathways would produce systems that could digest the whole plant and turn it into ethanol.


  • 这些营养胃肠道消化吸收进入人体保证机体的正常生长发育各种生理功能

    These nutrients are digested in gastrointestinal tract and absorbed into the body to ensure the normal growth and development of body and physiological functions.


  • 虽然那些组成植物茎干纤维木质分子不能为酵母消化,但是某些细菌其他种类真菌可以完成这项任务。

    Although yeast cannot digest cellulose or lignin, the molecules that form a plant's skeleton, some bacteria and other species of fungi are able to do the job.


  • 结肠内,微生物我们合成维生并且通过分解我们不能消化食物纤维我们提供10%的卡路里

    In the colon, microbes synthesise vitamins for us and provide 10% of our calories by breaking down dietary fibre we cannot process.


  • 这样就不用费那么力气去消化这些食物而且那些重要维生营养容易人体吸收。

    Your stomach won \ 't have to work so hard to digest the food, and important vitamins and nutrients will be absorbed more readily.


  • 膳食纤维主要成分一种叫做纤维聚合物由于缺少必需消化人类无法消化纤维

    Fiber is mostly made up of a polymer called cellulose, which is not digested because humans do not have the necessary enzymes to process it.


  • 由于我们不能有效消化纤维这个功能尤其重要

    This was particularly essential as the body lacked the ability to sufficiently digest cellulose.


  • 为了避免消化出现问题需要逐渐增加纤维摄入量不要忘了大量

    To avoid digestive problems, increase your fiber intake gradually, and don't forget to drink plenty of water.


  • 虽然对于他本来功能还有怀疑,大部分科学家同意达尔文的观点:原本我们消化以树叶为主的饮食中的纤维

    While its original use is still speculated on, most scientists agree with Darwin’s suggestion that it once helped to process the cellulose found in the leaf-rich diet that we once had.


  • 知道,亚贡雪莲果的菊糖是直接通过消化区域而不用产生代谢变化的,这适合那些缺乏必需代谢的胰岛食用。

    You see, the human body lacks the enzyme necessary to metabolize insulin, so the substance that gives yacon its sweetness passes through the digestive tract unmetabolized.


  • 不过酸奶牛奶相比,酸奶易于消化吸收,使得营养利用率有所提高

    Leben is compared with milk however, leben is easier to digest sum sorption, its nutrient utilization ratio improves to some extent will do.


  • 维生食物一起食用将会有利于消化系统对维生吸收身体大脑也就更好利用维生

    No only does doing so often cause you to have an upset stomach, but taking them with food helps the digestive system better assimilate the, so your body (and brain) can better use them.


  • 正如广告所言,粗粮食品不仅仅富含营养而且含有帮助消化促进吸收的纤维

    As the advertisement says, food products with roughage are not only full of nutrition, but also contain fiber which helps you digest food and makes you feel full.


  • 血液消化时,它会通过一个适应排除过量营养而形成消化

    When ingested, the blood goes through a tract that's adapted for extracting nutrients.


  • 益生维生使消化系统顺畅健康地运作。

    Also, probiotics and magnesium vitamins often help keep your body on a healthy, digestive roll.


  • 同时考虑维生补充剂形态JENNINGS如果消化系统比较脆弱,那么液态维生或者粉末状的超级食品都药片更易消化。”

    Consider the form you buy them in, too, says Jennings. ‘Liquid vitamins or powdered superfoods may be easier to digest than hard tablets, especially if your digestion is delicate.’


  • 由于纤维不易消化产生很少产生食物能量,也不会明显影响葡萄糖胰岛浓度。 酮症包括脂类分解——脂肪细胞内储存的某些脂质在其中转化为血液。

    Lastly, because of fiber's low digestibility, it provides little or no food energy and does not significantly impact glucose and insulin levels.


  • 呃,比如说,我们肠道里有一种叫做thetaiotamicron的杆类菌,专我们摄入的食物为生,之后通过将食物分解为维生反过来帮助人体消化

    Intestines that lives off the food we eat. In return, it helps us digest certain foods by breaking them down into sugars and vitamins.


  • 人类基因,也个曾用来分泌帮助维生C代谢的消化结构(L-gulonolactoneoxidase)。

    Humans have structures in their genetic make-up that were once used to produces enzymes to process vitamin C (it is called L-gulonolactone oxidase).


  • 研究小组确认13消化纤维细菌品种但是其中7种属大熊猫独有

    Thirteen of the bacteria species that the team identified are from a family known to break down cellulose, but seven of those species are unique to pandas.


  • 研究小组确认13消化纤维细菌品种但是其中7种属大熊猫独有

    Thirteen of the bacteria species that the team identified are from a family known to break down cellulose, but seven of those species are unique to pandas.


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