• 至今仍记得潜水新手造访一400英尺长的海底沉船浮出水面懊丧神情

    I recall the chagrin of a novice diver who, after surfacing from an underwater tour of a 400-foot ship, asked his diving buddy, "Where was the wreck?"


  • 考古学家高迪奥表示,他花了20年时间寻找海底沉船沦陷城市遗址是他发现的最独特的地方。

    "It's a unique site in the world," said Goddio, who has spent two decades searching for shipwrecks and lost cities below the seas.


  • 沉船海底

    The wreck is lying at the bottom of the sea.


  • 沉船于2000年6月海底打捞上来。

    The wreck was raised from the seabed in June 2000.


  • 12月15日,Alexandria举办会议作出规划,他希望可以在具有潜力埃及海底区域定位探索所有沉船

    As he outlined at a meeting held in Alexandria, on December 15th, he hopes to survey a promising area of seabed off the coast of Egypt, with a view to locating and exploring all the wrecks therein.


  • 保护区域内现存完好的沉船被船蛆侵害研究者建议聚丙烯幕帘覆盖沉船或者海底淤泥沙袋掩盖沉船

    To defend the region's well-preserved wrecks from shipworms, researchers have suggested draping submerged vessels in polypropylene covers or covering ships with seabed sediments and sandbags.


  • 几年海底沉船工作潜水员看到一条20英尺长的鱼。

    A few years ago divers, working in a wreck under the Red Sea, several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long.


  • 尽管如此据估计有3百万沉船还躺海底,我们对其中大多数至今束手无策

    Until recently, though, most of the 3m ships estimated to be lying on the seabed have been out of reach.


  • 重现泰坦尼克号!相信自己耳朵,千真万确。今年的8月18,科学家大西洋海底2.5英里的残骸范围内,艘世纪沉船展开科考活动。

    Raise the Titanic! Virtually, that is. On Aug. 18, an expedition will begin exploring the lost ship, some 2.5 miles down on the floor of the Atlantic.


  • 不巧是,海底打捞上来的第一钢板似乎结束沉船之谜

    As luck would have it, the first piece of steel pulled up from the bottom seemed to put an end to the mystery.


  • 船员开始认为沉船着了,海底沉箱内物品证明他们弄错了

    Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the chest proved them wrong.


  • 梅尔·费希尔寻宝公司的潜水员比尔·伯特在搜寻“阿托卡夫人号”沉船发现条40英寸(约101厘米)长的。 “阿托卡夫人号”1622年的一场飓风中,永远沉没美国弗罗里达州的海底

    Bill Burt, a diver for Mel Fisher's Treasures, spotted the 40-inch gold chain while looking for the wrecked Nuestra Senora de Atocha, which sank off the Florida Keys in a 1622 hurricane.


  • 几年海底沉船工作的潜水员看到一条20英尺长的鱼。

    A few years ago pers, working in a wreck under the Red Sea, several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long.


  • 作者海底深处的沉船仍然保持完好比喻下列哪项?埃及古墓

    The author compares a sunken ship preserved in the deep sea to which of the following? A tomb in Egypt.


  • 保护区域内现存完好的沉船被船蛆侵害研究者建议聚丙烯幕帘覆盖沉船或者海底淤泥沙袋掩盖沉船

    To defend the region's well-preserved wrecks from shipworms, researches have suggested draping submerged vessels in polypropylene covers or covering ships with seabed sediments and sandbags.


  • 印度尼西亚艘渡船沉入海底,人员损失惨重,其中沉船残骸上爬幸存者获救

    Ten survivors from an Indonesian ferry which sank with heavy loss of life have been rescued at sea after clinging to debris for more than three days.


  • 船员开始认为沉船着了,海底沉箱内物品证明他们弄错了

    Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the sea-chest proved them wrong.


  • 昨天不论多么值得回忆和怀念沉船一样沉入海底了;

    No matter how memorable yesterday is, it has gone by like a ship sinking into the sea;


  • 海底通道里还有古老沉船,船壁上长满了厚厚的

    There is an old wrecked ship, with thick moss all over its sides.


  • 沉船虽然已经存在100最终完全消失,只大西洋海底留下一个锈斑

    It has already lasted for 100 years, but eventually there will be nothing left but a rust stain on the bottom of the Atlantic.


  • 这些沉船俄罗斯领导财团在扫发现财团正在波罗的海铺设一段750海里长的海底管道

    The shipwrecks were discovered during a probe of the sea bed by the Russian-led Nord Stream consortium, which is building a 750-mile pipeline in the Baltic sea.


  • 船员开始认为沉船找着了,海底沉箱物品证明他们弄错了

    Though the crew were at first under theimpression that the lost ship had beenfound, thecontents of the sea-chest proved them wrong.


  • 1628年,瑞典王国艘大帆船处女航刚起程就沉没海底这个发生于17世纪沉船故事堪称海难奇闻之一。

    From the seventeenth-century empire of Sweden, the story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.


  • 1628年,瑞典王国艘大帆船处女航刚起程就沉没海底这个发生于17世纪沉船故事堪称海难奇闻之一。

    From the seventeenth-century empire of Sweden, the story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.


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