• 随着河道海岸资源开发不断深入船舶参与施工作业数量频度以及复杂程度都在不断加大。

    With the deepening of the development of river course and coast resources, the amount, frequency and complicatedness of ships' entering construction operation are increasing continuously.


  • 最近发现表明当年残存少许人类繁衍出今天还活着所有人种,就是因为他们利用沿非洲南部海岸特有各类资源才存活下来。

    Recent finds suggest the small population that gave rise to all humans alive today survived by exploiting a unique combination of resources along the southern coast of Africa.


  • 尽管资源随处可得,但实用性考虑波浪发电只能沿海岸地区开展

    Although all the sources can expand greatly, for practical reasons, wave power can be extracted only near coastal areas.


  • 满足美国大西洋地区电力需求多种方式,比如利用东部海岸线丰富的风力资源不是把电厂生产的肮脏能源输送过来。

    There are other solutions to meet power needs in the mid-Atlantic region rather than linking up with dirty coal plants, including the vast East Coast offshore wind resources.


  • 今天很多专家(包括德州发展局成员),建议着手一项重要工程保证未来资源的可持续性比如海岸线建设脱盐工厂

    Today, many experts, including members of the Texas Water Development Board, recommend undertaking a major project to ensure future sustainability, such as a desalination plant on the Gulf Coast.


  • 绝大部分源自寒冷水域有着丰富资源的圣劳伦斯北部以及拉布拉多海岸边。

    Most of these will come from colder waters, both in the northern Gulf of Saint Lawrence and off the coast of Labrador, where there is still plenty of ice.


  • 根据美国地质勘查局估算包括阿拉斯加海岸在内北极海底蕴藏着全球开采油气资源的22%,这些资源如今正因冰盖的融化离人们越来越

    That has opened more access to areas holding about 22 percent of the world's untapped oil and natural gas, including deposits off Alaska, according to U.S. Geological Survey estimates.


  • 保证英国2020年达到欧盟可再生资源提供15%能源目标其他提议包括在海岸建造3500座风力涡轮发电机

    Other proposals to ensure Britain hits its EU target of generating 15% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020 are the building of 3, 500 onshore wind turbines.


  • 拥有相当于国土轮廓长的海岸线终年丰富风力资源

    It has 10 times more coastline and benefits from plenty of wind throughout the year.


  • 据英国广播公司(BBC)1月19日报道,英国亚特提斯资源公司计划印度西海岸库奇海湾兴建一座潮汐电厂。 该电厂的规模达50兆瓦工程2012年初开始,次年竣工。

    The company Atlantis Resources is to install a 50MW tidal farm in the Gulf of Kutch on India's west coast, with construction starting early in 2012.


  • 世界资源协会关注环境问题诸如气候变化海岸海洋生态系统以及商业永续途径经济

    The World Resources Institute focuses on environmental issues such as climate change, costal and Marine ecosystems, and the economics of a sustainable approach to business.


  • 纵观历史休斯敦主要绵延于德克·萨斯东南海岸JasperAquifer获取资源

    Throughout most of its history, the city of Houston primarily drew water from the Jasper Aquifer, located along the southeastern coast of Texas.


  • 湛江市1500多公里海岸线海产资源非常丰富几乎世界所有海鲜品种可以在这里吃到

    Zhanjiang City has more than 1500 kilometers of coastline, Marine resources are very rich, almost all the world's seafood species can eat here.


  • 过去认为,人类最早食用海洋资源海岸居住地125,000年前

    The earliest previous evidence for people using Marine re-sources and coastal habitats was from 125,000 years ago.


  • 这个巨大岛屿东部海岸可能蕴藏着丰富石油资源

    There may be further riches off the vast island's eastern coast.


  • 灵感来自视觉资源比如海岸线地质印记景观时间的坐标来探索其中改变

    My inspiration is drawn form visual sources such as coastlines and geological markings in landscape, exploring the shifts and changes marked by time.


  • 我国有着漫长海岸线内河流域丰富水路运输资源促进港口业的蓬勃发展

    China has long coastline and drainage basins, rich resources of waterage promote the flourish of ports.


  • 因为这些国家已经承受全球变暖造成持续影响,如饥荒旱灾海岸村庄消失以及因为资源稀缺导致冲突。

    For these are the nations that are already living with the unfolding effects of a warming planet — famine, drought, disappearing coastal villages, and the conflicts that arise from scarce resources.


  • 昌黎黄金海岸自然保护区存在土地权属资源保护开发矛盾、经费不足管理执法力量薄弱诸多现实问题。

    Changli golden coast natural reserve has many problems, such as land ownership, the contradiction between resource conservation and land development, lack of capital and weak law enforcement.


  • 讨论了黄海淤泥质海岸滩涂开发现状存在的问题,提出了滩涂资源开发利用的模式

    The situation and problems with the northern Yellow Sea muddy coast tidal flat exploitation are discussed, and the tidal flat resources exploitation models are also proposed.


  • CXM公司澳大利亚资源勘查公司,南澳埃尔半岛海岸拥有铁矿

    CXM is the Australian resources exploration class company with offices in El peninsula, the east coast of South Australia has the right to multiple iron ore.


  • 台湾媒体报道海军海岸警卫队渔业水产资源表示没有接到类似信息。

    Soughtfor comment, officials of the Navy, Coast Guard and Bureau of Fisheries andAquatic Resources said they have not received any such report, a news accountin Taiwan said.


  • 连登沙河海岸间浅滩地带双重影响特殊自然体,具有独特的生态环境各类极有价值资源

    The coastal zone of Dalian Dengsha River mouth is an intertidal high bed. It's a special zone affected by sea and land with distinctive ecological environment and some kinds of worthy resources.


  • 泻湖不仅海岸区域内一个重要组成部分同时海岸自然资源丰富的地带。

    These lagoons are not only an important part of coastal area, but also rich in natural resources.


  • 泻湖不仅海岸区域内一个重要组成部分同时海岸自然资源丰富的地带。

    These lagoons are not only an important part of coastal area, but also rich in natural resources.


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