• 随着气旋西在昆士兰海岸肆虐,我们透过现场、网络全世界追踪新闻

    As Cyclone Yasi stormed towards the Queensland Coast, we tracked the news from the ground, the web and around the world.


  • 强大的海浪袭击泰米尔纳德邦海岸冲走了海滩上的沙子后,神庙遗迹露出了海面。

    Other relics were revealed when the powerful waves washed away sand as they smashed into the Tamil Nadu coast.


  • 2004年12月26日发生地震海啸,将苏门答腊岛北端亚齐海岸线为平地。

    The massive earthquake and tsunami on December 26th 2004 flattened the coastline of Aceh on the northern tip of Sumatra.


  • 每年夏天不列颠哥伦比亚西海岸我们看到很多太平洋树蛙栖息花园里花朵享受阳光

    Every summer, on the West Coast of British Columbia, we see many little Pacific tree frogs perched on the flowers in our garden and enjoying the sun.


  • 他们如果美国人不想要这里生产的石油艾伯塔修建条通向西海岸的石油管线,将石油销售中国

    If Americans do not want their oil, then Alberta will build a pipeline to the west coast and sell it to China, they say.


  • 因为该队最初加拿大温哥华市打球,温哥华地处不列颠哥伦比亚加拿大西部的太平洋海岸,而那里是灰

    Then why the name "Grizzlies"? The reason is that the Grizzlies were originally based in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Canada's Pacific coast, where grizzly bears do live.


  • 休伦湖乔治亚之间62英里手指状的土地安大略布鲁斯半岛壮观海岸线和尼亚加拉的悬崖岩层而闻名。

    A 62-mile finger of land between Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, Ontario's Bruce Peninsula is known for its spectacular shoreline and Niagara Escarpment rock formations.


  • 不列颠哥伦比亚(加拿大西部)海岸附近生长繁茂的大叶藻紫色的海星。

    Purple sea stars and eelgrass flourish in the waters off the coast of British Columbia.


  • 加拿大著名地震高发带位于偏远的西部地区,即不列颠哥伦比亚海岸线附近。

    The area known for the greatest seismic activity in Canada is in the far western portion of the country-the coast of British Columbia.


  • 2004年摧残亚洲的海啸袭击印度尼西亚亚齐海浪摧毁了苏门答腊西北海岸附近城镇植被

    Thetsunamis that devastated Asia in December 2004 hit Aceh, Indonesia, where waves destroyed towns and vegetation near the northwestern coastof Sumatra.


  • 大多数病例来自首例病例相同,即红海海岸的荷台达

    The majority of the new cases are from the same governorate as the index case, Hudaidah governorate, on the Red Sea coast.


  • 据说那些住纽芬兰(加拿大一个)遥远海岸线

    It is said that people on the remote coasts of Newfoundland, a province in Canada.


  • 最大的盐场是河北东面海岸

    The biggest salt pan lies on the eastern coast of Hebei province.


  • 或许……橡树——座位于加拿大新斯科舍海岸附近小岛上有。

    Maybe so... on Oak island, a tiny island off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada.


  • 根据《人民日报》昨日报道上周日晚上6左右游客大东海海岸附近发现只搁浅海豚。大东海是地处中国最南端海南著名旅游景点。

    The dolphin was found near the shore in Dadonghai, a top resort in the southernmost Hainan Province, at around 6pm on Sunday by the group of tourists, the People's Daily website reported yesterday.


  • 江苏海岸地质灾害主要影响因素为入海径流、地质构造海洋水文气象人工作用等。

    The main factors influencing upon geological disaster in Jiangsu coast area are tidal runoff, geological structure, oceanery hydrology, climate and man-made activities.


  • 山东沿海岸分布丰富地下卤水资源

    There is plenty of ground brine along the coastal line in Shandong Province.


  • 惠州海尚湾畔位于巽寮滨海旅游度假区位于广东惠东县南部,稔半岛西部大亚湾海岸

    Situating at the Xunliao seashore tour and resort in south Huidong County, the project site located at the west side of ping peninsular, east coast of Daya bay.


  • 的确ZGPT位于浙江,优越的地理位置便于服务当地海岸线附近舟山群岛沿岸许多船厂

    Indeed, ZGPT's location in Zhejiang province is ideal for serving the many shipyards along the local coast line and neighbouring Zhoushan Islands.


  • 辽宁沿海地区国内目前还没有整体开发区域之一,沿海岸线周边拥有大片废弃盐田盐碱地和荒滩

    The Coastal areas of Liaoning Province is on of the regions which have not been overall developed. There are many abandoned salterns, saline-alkalis land and wastelands along the coastline.


  • 结合国内外海岸线形研究进展,以江苏海岸线系统地探讨不同比例尺地图海岸线长度变化及其规律。

    Taking the Jiangsu coastline as an example, the authors systematically explore the changes and regularities of coastline length and fractal dimension on the maps on different scales.


  • 江苏海岸淤泥质海岸为主,不利于传统旅游业的开展。

    The main of Jiangsu coast is muddy coast, which is not conductive to traditional tourism.


  • 综合以上研究成果根据福建海岸环境数据的特点设计开发福建海岸环境调控空间决策支持原型系统

    Prototype environment regulation decision support system in Fujian coast has been devised and been realized, which was based on research above and environmental characteristics in Fujian coast.


  • 作为海洋海南海岸线长达1528公里,68个天然港湾星罗棋布海洋水产800种以上。

    Located in the South China Sea, Hainan's coastline stretches to 1528 km, with 68 natural harbors scattered throughout. Hainan produces over 800 distinct Marine products.


  • 位于阿尔伯塔西爱德蒙购物中心能满足购物需求,如果不在此逗留一下,那么西海岸的旅游就算不上完美。

    No visit to the west coast is complete without a stop in Alberta's west Edmonton Mall, which caters to every shopping need.


  • 海岸警卫队负责人表示黎明来临艘名为“超级客轮9”号的客轮在北三宝颜附近海域开始侧倾,乘客纷纷睡梦中惊醒感到恐慌很多人海。

    The Superferry 9 began to list before dawn off Zamboanga del Norte province, rousing terrified passengers from their sleep and prompting many to jump overboard, a coast guard chief said.


  • 丽水位于中国浙江西南部毗邻太平洋西海岸

    Lishui is situated in Southwestern Zhejiang Province and adjacent to the west coast of the Pacific.


  • 地理位置滨州市位于山东北部、三角洲腹地渤海湾西南海岸线238.9公里

    Geographical location: Binzhou City is located in northerm Shandong, the hinterland of the Yellow River Delta, and the southwestern coast of the Bohai Gulf. Its coastline streches238.9 kilometers.


  • 地理位置滨州市位于山东北部、三角洲腹地渤海湾西南海岸线238.9公里

    Geographical location: Binzhou City is located in northerm Shandong, the hinterland of the Yellow River Delta, and the southwestern coast of the Bohai Gulf. Its coastline streches238.9 kilometers.


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