• 当前,海底电缆地震技术浅海浅海海域地震采集显示极大优越性

    Seismic sea-bottom cable technology has showed a great advantage to seismic acquisition in shallow or extreme shallow sea area.


  • 报道,印尼苏门答腊海域发生7.2级地震,已造成数百人伤亡,中方对此评论?

    Q: it's reported that an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 rattled the Indonesian island of Sumatra, causing hundreds of casualties. Do you have any comment?


  • 发生10月1日上午这场地震达到里氏6.9级,地震发生海域距离昨日更为强烈地震震中180英里

    Today's quake, of magnitude 6.9, struck in the early hours about 180 miles from the epicentre of yesterday's more powerful tremor out at sea.


  • 美国国家航空航天管理局(NASA)的科学家托尼·Tony Song)则会议上告诉大家冰川断裂可能导致地震,并在智利新西兰加拿大芬兰等海域引发海啸

    There is also a danger of earthquakes, triggered by disintegrating glaciers, causing tsunamis off Chile, New Zealand and Newfoundland in Canada, Nasa scientist Tony Song will tell the conference.


  • 10月25日印尼西苏门答腊省明打威群岛附近海域发生强烈地震引发海啸造成重大人员伤亡财产损失

    A: on October 25, a major earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra, causing heavy casualties and property loss.


  • 印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛海域周三下午发生强烈地震造成至少100死亡,还有数千人被埋在夷为平地建筑物之下。

    A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island Wednesday afternoon, killing at least 100 people and trapping thousands of people beneath flattened buildings.


  • 如果按照震级来划分,这次地震1906年发生于厄瓜多尔附近海域地震并列为1900年以来第五地震

    If the magnitude holds, it will tie with the 1906 offshore Ecuador quake as the fifth largest since 1900.


  • 周一晚上,印尼群岛附近海域发生里氏7.5级地震

    The 7.5 magnitude quake hit the Mentawai islands, late on Monday.


  • 日本东北部宫城县附近海域发生7.4地震,造成死亡,100多人受伤

    Two people have been killed and more than 100 injured in the magnitude-7.4 earthquake that hit the sea near Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan.


  • 9月30日地震发生于当地时间下午5点16分,距离太平洋萨摩亚群岛海域另一场致命地震不到24小时。

    Yesterday's quake struck at 5.16pm, less than 24 hours after another deadly quake off the South Pacific island of Samoa.


  • 10年来中国企业一直有关海域进行勘探活动,包括地震勘探井场调查作业等。

    Thee Chinese company has been conducting explorations in the related waters for the past 10 years, including seismic operations and well site surveys.


  • 同样,2004年12月印度尼西亚以西海域发生9.3地震也没有被预测到。

    That was also the case with the December 2004 earthquake off western Indonesia, which measured magnitude 9.3.


  • 美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey)报告,当地时间周二早晨6点48分距萨摩亚海岸120英里海域发生里氏8.0级的地震随后发生了海啸。

    The giant waves followed a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, that struck about 120 miles off the Samoan coast at 6:48 a.m. local time Tuesday.


  • 印度尼西亚西部海岸附近海域星期三发生强烈地震

    A powerful earthquake has been detected off the coast of western Indonesia Wednesday.


  • 雅加达印尼一次强大的地震发生太平洋所罗门岛屿海域

    JAKARTA, Indonesia - a powerful earthquake has struck waters off the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific.


  • 美国地质学调查这次地震震级为6.3级,震中位于距离雅加达115英里海域

    The US Geological Survey says the quake had a magnitude of 6.3. The epicenter was out at sea about 115 miles from Jakarta.


  • 聚苯乙烯现在达亚齐地震集中注意力安达曼海域周围地区可能会看到别人复制品区域界线地图通过这些板块

    PS Now that the Banda Aceh earthquake has focussed attention on the area around the Andaman Sea, you may see reproductions of these plate boundaries on regional maps by others.


  • 震源深度最深地震1963年发生印度尼西亚伊里安查亚北部海域的5.8级地震,震源深度786公里

    Focal depth of the earthquake is the most in 1963 in Indonesia Irian Jaya province in northern waters of the 5.8 earthquake, the focal depth of 786 km.


  • 山东数字地震台网承担山东地区附近海域大震速报监测任务

    The earthquake-monitoring of Shandong digital seismic network undertakes task of large earthquake quick report and the small earthquake monitoring in Shandong and adjoin areas.


  • 美国地质勘探局日本南部太平洋海域发生7.4地震

    A 7.4-magnitude earthquake has struck in the Pacific Ocean off southern Japan, the US Geological Survey (USGS) says.


  • 智利附近海域日前遭遇特大地震据专家介绍,此次地震属于超级大地震中的顶尖级别”,2004年那场引发致命海啸印度洋地震不相上下。

    The huge that struck off the coast of Chile belongs to an "elite class" of mega earthquakes, experts said, and is similar to the 2004 Indian Ocean temblor that triggered deadly tsunami waves.


  • 分辨率多道地震调查表明,长江口及其附近海域发现数条第四纪断层

    Several Quaternary faults have been found in the Yangtze River estuary by high resolution multi-trace seismic surveying.


  • 去年圣诞节次日爆发的海啸刚刚平息,印度洋海域又发生了一场强烈地震使地区旅游业的复兴计划严重受挫。

    A powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean, so soon after the Boxing Day tsunami, will be a big setback for the region's plans to revive tourism.


  • 海域工程场地区别陆地工程场地的特殊场地,目前国内外还没有专门针对海域工程场地进行地震安全性评价规范理论

    The sea engineering site compared with the land site is very complicated. Up to now there is no special standard or theory for the seismic safety evaluation at the sea engineering site.


  • 海域工程场地区别陆地工程场地的特殊场地,目前国内外还没有专门针对海域工程场地进行地震安全性评价规范理论

    The sea engineering site compared with the land site is very complicated. Up to now there is no special standard or theory for the seismic safety evaluation at the sea engineering site.


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