• 争取女权运动的第三浪潮第一第二次浪潮怎样不同

    How is the third wave feminism different from first or second wave feminism?


  • 这种事其实人们做,成败关键在于你是否有意识地狠下决心强迫自己科技每次浪潮互动不管看起来有多乏味无聊。

    People do it all the time. It only takes a grim determination to force yourself consciously to interact with each new wave of technology, no matter how insipid it seems.


  • 困难时期卡扎菲虽然新近西方相互适应,丝毫没使免受席卷阿拉伯世界骚动浪潮影响。

    Troubled times: Qaddafi's newfound coziness with Western nations, however, has done little to shield him from the wave of unrest currently sweeping the Arab world.


  • Fitch Ratings甚至暗示房地产市场相联不良贷款浪潮即将袭来的可能性

    Fitch even hinted at the possibility of another wave of nonperforming loans tied to the property market.


  • 洪水饥荒一样,最高浪潮退去数个星期几个月破坏程度最高。

    Floods, like famines, do their worst damage in the weeks and months after the highest waters have subsided.


  • 他们三人得出结论上世纪90年代已经成立家族控股公司没有任何关系公司浪潮般大量上市;在本世纪第一个十年,新公司上市的进程实际上已经停止”。

    They concluded that in the 1990s there was a surge of new firms without affiliation to established family-controlled houses, but that in the past decade the process of new entry “virtually stopped”.


  • 和平友谊请求现在通过所有这些实相回应着这个共同呼声创造了能量浪潮吞没地球

    The call for peace and fellowship now resounds through all of these realms and this collective call creates a wave of energy that engulfs me, the earth.


  • 浪潮来到离开时,清理海滩

    As the tide comes in and goes out, it cleans the beaches.


  • 而伴随着城市化浪潮这些偏远乡村教育资源城市之间存在巨大的落差

    With the wave of urbanization, there is a huge gap in educational resources between cities and those villages in the most remote regions.


  • 恶人翻腾大海不能平息,浪潮卷起黄土淤泥

    But the wicked are like the raging sea, which cannot rest, and the waves thereof cast up dirt and mire.


  • 中国大型手机生产商合作华为中兴有助于谷歌遏制非谷歌原生安卓系统的浪潮——不仅是中国其他地方亦是如此。

    Teaming up with a big Chinese handset-maker, such as Huawei or ZTE, could help Google to stem the non-Google Android tide-not just in China, but everywhere else.


  • 甘肃作为西北第二人口大省,人口年龄结构变化导致银色浪潮黄金时代”同时到来

    Gansu, as the second largest population province in Northwest region, the change of population age structure causes "silver wave" and "golden era" coming together.


  • 首先西方舞蹈艺术家掀起舞蹈自我社会不断提问的浪潮

    The first Western dance artist raises one to dance to the tide which inquires unceasingly with the society.


  • 凭借不断增长最多新兴人才名册,冷淡媒体关注乘坐游戏开发商这个令人兴奋不断扩充产业下一代浪潮

    With its ever-growing roster of up-and-coming talent, Lukewarm Media will look to ride the wave with the next generation of game developers in this exciting and always expanding industry.


  • 描述全球化背景城市化浪潮中的中国生态环境恶化,提出了应对方略。

    It describes the deteriorating ecology and environment in China with the background of globalization and the wave of urbanization.


  • 我们愿您一起商业浪潮携手成长共创辉煌!

    Let's grow up and create brilliance hand in hand in the commercial tide!


  • 大城市规模巨大国外住宅粗劣复制品似乎一轮租界殖民建设浪潮奢华作为美观标志

    The major cities the size of foreign domestic crude copies, seems to be another round of the colonial settlements and the building of the tide and the other is the appearance of luxury as a symbol.


  • 尤其是世界知识经济浪潮澎湃今天任何一种国际贸易很难说知识产权无关。

    Especially today when the world knowledge economy is at its best, any international trade has something to do with intellectual property right.


  • 下一次社会浪潮汹涌到来之前表现再现设计手法虽然此此起彼伏,但某种范围内趋向平衡

    Before arrival of the next social tide, to some extent, design methods of expression and reproduction will tend to be balanceable.


  • 全球化浪潮中国传统文化不仅张扬民族文化个性而且西方文化交流对话中,追求民族特质文化的魅力。

    In the tide of globalization, the Chinese culture should not only maintain its special characteristics but also try to obtain new forces in its contact with the Western cultures.


  • 伴随着全球化浪潮文化交流融合问题日益成为了学界关注的焦点。

    Cultural exchange and merging have gradually been becoming a focus in academic circle with the trend of globalization.


  • 全球化浪潮种不同态度:认同抗拒

    There are two kinds of attitudes toward the wave of globalization: agreement and resistance.


  • 知识经济浪潮滚滚而来作为经济领域传统会计理论、会计方法、会计实践会计教学模式受到强烈的冲击挑战

    As the tide of the knowledge economy rolls in, traditional accounting theory, method, practise and teaching mode in the economy field are strongly assaulted and challenged.


  • 历史长河不分昼夜流淌随着全球化浪潮的来袭,现在东方,历史现代共立,机遇挑战并存

    History flows day and night, and with the impact of globalization, the East, nowadays, coexists both history and modern , opportunities and challenges.


  • 金融全球化浪潮我国金融市场分业经营、分业管理很大程度上造成市场分割资源浪费

    In the tide of globalization of finance, the unity operation and unity management in our country's financial market results in the market segregation and resources waste to a great extent.


  • 金融全球化浪潮我国金融市场分业经营、分业管理很大程度上造成市场分割资源浪费

    In the tide of globalization of finance, the unity operation and unity management in our country's financial market results in the market segregation and resources waste to a great extent.


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