• 船速测量

    A ship's speed is measured in knots.


  • 我们测量厨房大小

    We measured the dimensions of the kitchen.


  • 测量包裹尺寸减少浪费

    The packets are measured to reduce waste.


  • 我们得到了许多测量结果。

    We took lots of measurements.


  • 美国测量距离英里作单位。

    In the US, distance is measured in miles.


  • 里氏震级测量地动单位。

    The Richter Scale is a measure of ground motion.


  • 我们无法直接测量疼痛的程度,只能估计

    We cannot measure pain directly. It can only be estimated.


  • 科学领域精确测量非常重要

    Accurate measurement is very important in science.


  • 检查包括身高体重血压测量

    Tests include measurement of height, weight, and blood pressure.


  • 次马马虎虎测量

    Here is a rough-and-ready measurement.


  • 这次风暴按蒲福风级测量10级。

    The storm measured 10 on the Beaufort scale.


  • 通过钻孔地质学家可以不同深度测量

    By drilling, geologists can take measurements at various depths.


  • 测量体表湿度变化两个电极连接双掌上

    Two electrodes that measure changes in the body's surface moisture are attached to the palms of your hands.


  • 他们通常会派推销员测量浴室

    They will usually send a salesperson out to measure your bathroom.


  • 盖伊当选领导后来一次基数测量中发现情商是最高的。

    Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure.


  • 岁时进行的测试孩子学校中的学习发展提供了一个测量基准

    Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured.


  • 标准血压测量评估心脏病中风风险一种重要粗略方法

    Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.


  • 我们随后将进行一项客观测量看色彩辨别力视觉敏锐度如何大脑层面形成。

    We will then have an objective measure of how colour discrimination and visual acuity develop at the level of the brain.


  • 我们测量温度变化

    We measured the difference in temperature.


  • 日晷对应物用来测量夜间时间

    The sundial's counterpart, the water clock, was designed to measure temporal hours at night.


  • 43号元素放射性使易于分离测量

    Element 43's radioactivity makes it easy to isolate and measure.


  • 然而这些测量婴儿感知能力间接指标

    However, these measures are only "indirect" indicators of the infant's perceptual abilities.


  • 判断方法测量它们前肢骨头

    One way to tell is by measuring the bones of their forelimbs.


  • 这个测试认为是一种同理心测量

    The test is considered a measure of empathy.


  • 视差原理可以扩展测量地球到恒星距离

    The parallax principle can be extended to measure the distances to the stars.


  • 梅森通过从侧面观察来测量每次划水之间距离

    Looking side-on, Mason measures the distance between strokes.


  • 我们应该为了统计以投资精确测量器具

    For statistics, we should invest in more accurate measurement options.


  • 天文单位宇宙标尺,是我们今天测量宇宙基础

    The AU is a cosmic measuring rod, and the basis of how we scale the Universe today.


  • 测量误差幅度为2.5%。

    The survey has a margin of error of 2.5%.


  • 测量风速30节以上

    He gauged the wind at over thirty knots.


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