• 就是今天急于参加意大利Tony卡丁车车队测试原因

    That is why today I just jumped into a testing day of the Tony Kart Team in Lonato (Italy).


  • 读者呈现AssetRegistry(资产注册)创建TestLogs(测试值)的回顾的一个完整测试周期

    It brings the reader through a full test cycle from creation of the Asset Registry to reviewing test Logs.


  • 过7年的测试,2019年10月2,一台名为“ 001/B 系统”的机器问世了。

    After seven years of tests, on October 2nd, 2019, a machine called System 001/B came out.


  • 德国纪录片中Peek测试记忆力美国学生一同出现,他们老师告诉自己出生于1947年85

    In a German documentary, Peek is shown with a group of American students who test his memory. Their teacher tells him she was born on Aug. 5, 1947.


  • 2010年9月27,查斯汀斯塔朋友他自家的前院测试一个激光指向器

    On the night of April 27, 2010, Stouder and his friend were in his front yard testing a laser pointer.


  • 架采用全集成数据FIDL)的B-1轰炸机于1016结束第一阶段测试其中包括美国空军爱德华兹空军基地进行9架次飞行

    The B-1 Fully Integrated Data Link (FIDL) flight test plan for Phase 1 concluded Oct. 16; it included nine sorties performed by the U.S. Air Force at Edwards Air Force Base.


  • 瑞典王子卡尔·菲利普19首次参加"卡斯堪的纳维亚"赛车测试赛时,座驾保时捷911GT3型跑车冲出赛道

    Swedish Prince Carl Philip skidded off the track in a test run ahead of his debut in the Carrera Cup Scandinavia Saturday.


  • 大巴运营商Stagecoach公司进行为期两天测试计划于8清晨在蓝夫鲁郡约克郡之间的河道上进行公开表演

    Operators Stagecoach were carrying out a two-day test and demonstration of the bus between Renfrew and Yoker this morning.


  • [据防务系统网站2011年3月28报道]美国陆军今年春天MQ-1C格雷伊格尔无人机测试一种新型传感器系统Triclops,其中包括双向数据软件

    The Army will test a new multisensor system, containing bidirectional data link software, on the MQ-1C Gray Eagle unmanned aerial vehicle this spring.


  • 9月2阿帕网(Arpanet)首次测试中,加州大学洛杉矶分校的台计算机交换无意义的数据,阿帕网是一个实验性军用网络

    On Sept. 2, two computers at University of California, Los Angeles, exchange meaningless data in first test of Arpanet, an experimental military network.


  • 如果每个用户将花费小时,意味着每个用户测试需要两个工作

    If each user works with you for an hour, that means one or two days of testing, peruser group.


  • 2月26我们实现新的数据库切换一轮基本测试完成之后,我们感到所有的事情似乎都比较正常

    We performed the switchover to the new master database on February 26th, and things seemed to be working normally after a basic round of testing.


  • 承包洛克希德·马丁公司发言人约翰·史密斯,洛克希德·马丁公司正在准备F - 35 B演示样机BF - 1飞行测试,该测试有可能6月6前进行。

    Prime Contractor Lockheed Martin is gearing up for a flight test of the F-35B demonstrator aircraft, known as BF-1, possibly before 6 June, according to Lockheed Martin spokesman John Smith.


  • 2月25,美国航天局航天飞机组犹他州海角可回收的液态火箭引擎进行最后测试

    NASA's Space Shuttle Program conducted the final test firing of a reusable solid rocket motor Feb. 25 in Promontory, Utah.


  • 2005年2月8莫斯科间实验室内俄罗斯科学家亚历山大将一只克隆兔子展开准备进行测试

    A Russian scientist Alexander Sotnikov stretches a cloned rabbit for tests at the laboratory outside Moscow, February 8, 2005.


  • 世界IPv6已经达到了目的引起人们对IPv6需求的重视,尤其是现在IPv4地址已经分配殆尽,IPv6的测试工作已经提升到了互联网级别。

    World IPv6 Day has achieved its purpose: drawing attention to the need of IPv6, especially now that IPv4 addresses have run out, and testing IPv6 at the Internet level.


  • 实际上糟糕的事情无法预料IPv6只是网络条件进行测试看看它们工作的情况有多乐观

    Really, the worst thing that could happen is the unforeseen: IPv6 day is all about testing networking conditions to see just how well they work.


  • 这部耗3时间开发测试游戏最终版本6月20已经发布。

    The final version of the game, which took nearly three years to develop and test, was launched on June 20.


  • 这家原油服务公司当时4月1920水泥注入之前进行测试认为稳定可靠

    The oil services company said it had tested the cement before pumping it on April 19 and 20 and found it to be stable.


  • 测试将于61开始要求核电站操作者填写有关各项细节问卷,也得到了工程研究者支持

    The tests, to begin on 1 June, require plant operators to answer a questionnaire on the various scenarios, supported by engineering studies.


  • 6月17欧盟首脑们同意压力测试的结果应该7月下旬公布。

    On June 17th the European Union's leaders agreed that stress tests should be made public in late July.


  • 现在不论测试用例什么时候运行today都会美国土拔鼠

    Now, whenever the test case is run, today will be the American holiday Groundhog day.


  • 拟于723进行地区银行系统压力测试实施之前欧元对美元已经连续回升。

    The euro rallied for a third straight week against the dollar before partial results of stress tests on the region's banking system due on July 23.


  • 更新于2010年714我们测试另一种应对iPhone天线问题补救方法

    UPDATE July 14, 2010: We've also tested another remedy to the iPhone's antenna issue.


  • 周三这个全球IPv 6几百企业机构大学启用新的协议进行测试

    On Wednesday, World IPv6 day will turn the new protocol on at hundreds of companies, agencies and universities for testing.


  • 这项测试进行时基本没有遇到较多困难,就像新闻标题描述的那样:世界IPv6没有新闻就是好消息,Facebook互联网没有中断, IPv6被誉为一场合格胜利

    The test ran without major difficulties, as news titles suggest: No news is good news on World IPv6 Day, Facebook: The Internet did not break, IPv6 Day Is Hailed As A Qualified Success.


  • 5月25尝试会是本财政年内唯一极超音速飞行测试,按照计划,2010年将有三测试,但计划有所改变

    The May 25 attempt will be the only hypersonic flight attempt this fiscal year, a change from the original test plan, which was to fly once in December 2009 and three more times in 2010.


  • 5月25尝试会是本财政年内唯一极超音速飞行测试,按照计划,2010年将有三测试,但计划有所改变

    The May 25 attempt will be the only hypersonic flight attempt this fiscal year, a change from the original test plan, which was to fly once in December 2009 and three more times in 2010.


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