• 定量测算研究生人均培养成本高校固定资产总值教育经济学研究两大难点

    In research fields on the economics of education, it is very difficult for the researchers to measure quantitatively the individual cultivation cost and the total value of college permanent assets.


  • 流动性风险测算研究影响流动性的因素研究投资者和市场监管者意义重大,本文选题的依据和出发点。

    How to measure and calculate the risk of liquidity and which main determinants influence the liquidity of market need deep study, which is very important for investors and market supervisor.


  • 为了测算远古时候二氧化碳温度降雨量其他一些参数,研究人员正在分析早期晚期煤炭矿床中的化学成分。

    The researchers are analyzing the chemical makeup of earlier and later coal deposits for measures of ancient carbon dioxide, temperature, rainfall and other variables.


  • 首先研究人员测算33只雄性白领姬鹟笼子里雌性白领姬鹟的求偶行为密度

    First, the team measured the varying intensity of the courtship behaviours displayed by the 33 males that responded to the caged female.


  • 科学研究静态储量测算系统动态流动分析转变

    The science will move from static estimates of stocks to a sense of the system's dynamic flows.


  • 根据印度一项研究所作出测算每位癫痫病例每年所花费费用为344美元(或者人均收入的88%)。

    An Indian study calculated that the total cost per epilepsy case was US$ 344 per year (or 88% of the average income per capita).


  • 经过测算研究者所能提供唯一的好消息该地如此强力的地震平均4000发生一次

    The only good news was that according to the researchers’ calculations this type of barrier-busting quake should occur in this zone on average only once every 4,000 years.


  • 6个连续实验5个实验中,研究人员通过观察饥饿时这些鸡选择正确路线所耗费的时间,从而测算它们学习速度

    The researchers measured how quickly the animals learned by seeing how long it took hungry birds to choose the correct route on five of six consecutive tests.


  • 认知心理学研究一现象方法是:人们列出他们关于某个物体产生的语义联想然后将这些联想分类,测算它们出现的频率

    Cognitive psychologists have explored this phenomenon by asking by asking people to list semantic associations with an object, and mapping the type and frequency of associations.


  • 新的研究结果表明除掉撞击所产生尘埃物质外,估计的含水量增加40加仑首次测算密度。

    The new results increase the water estimate to about 40 gallons, and by estimating by amount of dirt excavated by the impact, calculated the concentration of water for the first time.


  • 研究人员测算出了一个名为横断面的暗物质特性,横断面剖析描述了粒子之间相互作用的可能性的大小。

    Researchers also calculated a property known as the cross-section, which describes how likely the particle is to interact with others.


  • 加州大学圣迭戈分校研究人员测算美国家庭数据

    Researchers at the University of California in San Diego (UCSD) examined the flow of data to American households.


  • 显微镜下研究CR - 39计算痕迹数量测算穿过中子数量标准方法

    Studying CR-39 under a microscope and counting the number of tracks is a standard way to assess how many neutrons bowled past.


  • 据剑桥能源研究联合会测算开发新油田成本增加更快,增幅达到了110%。

    CERA reckons that the cost of developing them has risen even faster-by 110%.


  • 这份名单来自难开普敦研究学者们利用一项名为NEOimpactor软体测算出来的,NEO是美国宇航局地面项目的英文缩写

    The list has been compiled by researchers from the University of Southampton using software called called NEOimpactor, short for NASA'sNEO’ or Near Earth Object programme.


  • 在看视频之后,研究人员会测算参与者情绪状态笑声等级

    Thee levels of laughter and the participants' emotional state after watching the video was then measured.


  • 视频之后研究人员会测算参与者的情绪状态笑声等级

    The levels of laughter and the participants' emotional state after watching the video was then measured.


  • 2009年Marco TerronesThomas Helbling完成一个IF m研究认为全球赤字全球盈余最大原因服务的错误测算

    An IMF study in 2009, by Marco Terrones and Thomas Helbling, concluded that the biggest cause of the switch from a global current-account deficit to a surplus was mismeasurement of services.


  • 镜头研究视频分析检索较为活跃研究领域之一

    The study on shot transition detection is an active research field in video analysis and retrieval.


  • 研究频率选择性瑞利衰落信道中的同步MC-CDMA系统上行链路空时信道估计多用户

    The space-time channel estimation and multiuser detection algorithm for the uplink of multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) system in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel were investigated.


  • 有些研究人员提出假设这些分为组并以相同速度,覆盖面积相反方向移动从而得出一种

    Some researchers proposed partition prediction algorithms by assuming that a group is partitioned into two clusters and they move to opposite Angle with the same speed and the same coverage.


  • 其次研究统计模型得到结论指导下,系统研究恒虚率(CFAR)目标

    Secondly, we systematically study the CFAR target detection algorithm with the guide of the conclusion gained from the research of the clutter statistical models.


  • 本文着重对天空背景复杂海天、海面背景弱小目标进行了深入研究

    This thesis researches the detection algorithm of small target under sky background and sea-sky background.


  • 工作于海洋环境下雷达面临较严重波的影响,海杂波统计模型研究最优设计雷达性能预估有重要作用。

    Sea clutter impacts seriously on the effect and efficiency of maritime surveillance radars. The research on sea model will benefit optimum detection algorithm design and performance prediction.


  • 目前信用风险测算模型研究成为商业银行管理中最具挑战性工作

    At present, credit risks measure model is become commercial bank management most challenging work already to study.


  • 研究了常见的基于肤色人脸分析比较其优缺点,给出本文利用肤色特征进行肤色检测时所采用的肤色模型——高斯分布模型。

    After comparing and analyzing existing face detection methods based on complexion, a skin model used to detect human faces in this thesis, Gaussian distribution model is proposed.


  • 本文简述了跨膜蛋白研究进展,给出了基于欧洲生物信息中心测试集的各种算法的预测结果。

    In this paper, we reviewed the development on the prediction algorithms and gave their prediction accuracy based on the datasets created by European Bioinfomatics Institute.


  • 同时研究一些边缘车牌定位中的应用。

    At the meantime it also do car plate locating by several edge detection methods.


  • 网络入侵方面本文异常误用测算法进行了研究

    On the aspect of network intrusion detection algorithm, the thesis studies the misuse detection algorithm and anomaly detection algorithm.


  • 网络入侵方面本文异常误用测算法进行了研究

    On the aspect of network intrusion detection algorithm, the thesis studies the misuse detection algorithm and anomaly detection algorithm.


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