• 阐述声波密度时对其进行线性刻度记录时差曲线必要性

    It is necessary to record the linear scale before and after log and the time difference curve in the acoustic variable density log.


  • 摘要阐述声波密度时对进行线性刻度记录时差曲线必要性

    It is necessary to record the linear scale before and after log and the time difference curve in the acoustic variable density log.


  • 故障字典通常需要仿真各种故障状态提取故障状态对应电路特征将两者一一对应关系列成一个表,即为字典。

    The approach of fault dictionary often needs to simulate all fault states and extracts corresponding character of circuit , then setup the dictionary by corresponding relation.


  • 经常修改时候,提交开发期间

    Run the tests often. When you update, before you commit, during development.


  • 每个进行三项——以及后紧接一周试。

    Each group was given three tests - a pretest, a posttest, and a test a week after the first two tests.


  • 考古学份声明中,经放射性碳鉴定,环形巨石阵应该建造公元2400年至公元2200年之间的推几百年。

    The archaeologists said in the statement that radio-carbon dating put the construction of the circle of bluestones at between 2,400 B.C. and 2,200 B.C., a few centuries later than originally thought.


  • 几十考古学就已经开始用一项叫做14的方法他们发掘的东西悠久

    For decades, archaeologists have used a technique called carbon dating to work out how old their finds are.


  • 代理商冷漠反应使教练决定先做一个这样可以确定是不是大部分的需要培训的代理商已经掌握好了,从而确定销售优先权

    Puzzled by the cool reaction of the agents, the trainer decided to give a pretest, which revealed that a majority of the trainees already know perfectly well how to set sales priorities.


  • 实验部分组成:两英文写作写作。

    The experiment is composed of two pieces of writing for pretest and four passages writing.


  • 用放射性碳年法地震中丧生三名儿童遗骸进行检后,研究者确定洪水大约发生公元1920年。

    Radiocarbon dating of the bones of three children killed by the earthquake establish that the event took place around 1920 B. C.


  • 经常修改时候提交开发期间运行套件(至少也是其中的相当的一部分)应该成为开发周期的一部分

    Run the tests often. When you update, before you commit, during development. Running the test suite (or at least a relevant portion of it) should be part of your development cycle.


  • 探索一种新型样品处理装置,首次运用载体、携带体综合蒸馏技术完成样品中微量成分提取分离和富集。

    Support, delivery and compositive distillation technique was first used to complete the extraction, separation and concentration of trace components.


  • BI SRA变刚度厚度控制系统计型厚控系统监控馈厚度控制系统也是相容它们之间相互影响

    BISRA gauge control method and measure thick system and monitor, monitor and feed forward system are also compatible one another, but there are some influences of one on the other.


  • 视图视图可能完美的对应起来所以尽力它们一些元素上保持一致例如眼睛鼻子嘴唇耳朵

    Also, the front and side images can never align perfectly so I did my best to set them up correctly based on elements like the eyes, nose, lips, and ears.


  • 方法20GHD患者治疗治疗3月后分别水平并观察他们身高变化,20例nghdss患者20例正常儿童进行对照

    Methods the serum levels of ca, Zn were measured in 20 GHD children before and after 3 months of r-hGH therapy, and compared with that of 20 cases of NGHDSS and 20 normal children.


  • 本文利用有限元计算结果进行模态激励优化研究

    Using the results of FE modal calculation, optimization of exciting and measuring positions have been carried out before the modal test.


  • 针对非最小相位系统,将系统耦合作用视为干扰采用馈方法予以消除。

    For a non_minimum phase system, the interaction of the system is viewed as measurable disturbance and decoupled using feedforward strategy.


  • 我国体质,现行坐位体方法成绩者下肢长度影响较大,量的有效性

    The testing result of present test method of body bending on seat is influenced largely by leg length of testee's and the efficiency is comparatively low.


  • 应用主动性压法比较了运动粘膜减充血剂鼻气道阻力(NAR影响

    The effect of both physical exercise and nasal decongestant on NAR was compared using active anterior rhinomanometry.


  • 实验实验3大鼠空腹血糖。

    The fasting blood glucose was detected before experiment and 3 weeks after experiment.


  • 文中首先分析时序元件不可因素提出了扫描设计增加逻辑设计方法

    In This paper, based on analysis of the untested factors of the sequence cell, presents a design method, which the test logic inserted, before the scan design.


  • 方法42例颅内感染患者128穿45脑出血患者138次穿均行t CD检查记录血压。

    Methods TCD examination was carried out before lumbar puncture for pressure testing in 42 intracranial infection patients (128 times) and 45 ICH patients (138 times).


  • 文中通过对于黑龙江省呼玛河北部地区寒武系砂金资源总量予逻辑信息计算结果研究了方法地质效果

    Geological effects of the method have been also studied by these calculating results through the method for prospecting gold-placer in the north of Huma county in Heilnogjiang province.


  • 试验分析方法系统1模态参数由于噪声多种因素的影响,具有一定误差

    There must be errors for the measuring values of the first 1 order data of a system due to the noise and other factors in the Testing Model Analysis.


  • 逐点接近路基施工桩最普遍使用方法

    The approaching method spot by spot is the way generally used in measuring the side pile before the road bed construction.


  • 文章针对被动式伺服加载系统研究存在问题,提出了“馈可扰动项的广义最小方差自校正控制”(FD-GMV)。

    To deal with the problems in the study of passive electrohydraulic servo loading system, a self-tuning control algorithm(FD-GMV) is proposed in this paper.


  • 对照组、后分值差异统计学显著性。

    Results: There were significant differences between the pretest and posttest scales of experimental group.


  • 对照组、后分值差异统计学显著性。

    Results: There were significant differences between the pretest and posttest scales of experimental group.


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