• 偏头痛由于异常流量进入大脑引起的。

    Migraine headaches are caused by abnormal blood flow to the brain.


  • 可以定制自己规则满足特定需求从而允许您想要网络流量进入系统

    You can make your own rules that suit your specific needs to allow only the network traffic you want into your system.


  • 所有流量属于怀疑对象允许进入局域网

    All traffic is suspected and is not allowed to enter the LAN.


  • 单击任意警报了解关于警报情况更多细节进入相关诊断指示板,这些指示板包含关于排序、事务流量等的更多细节。

    Click on any alert to get more details about the alert condition and to go into relevant diagnostic dashboards that contain more details about sorting, transaction throughput, and much more.


  • 先于竞争对手进入一个新的渠道获得意识占有率获得渠道流量重要

    Getting to a new channel before a competitor can be key to owning mindshare and traffic from that source.


  • 盘表控制进入真空管空气流量

    The driver used the dial mounted on the dash to control the flow of air into the vacuum chamber.


  • 统计局数据显示去年进入澳洲移民的净流量303,630人,这个数字是GeelongBallarat地区人口综合

    The bureau's statistics imply that net immigration into Australia last year swelled the population by 303, 630 - that's Geelong and Ballarat combined.


  • 这些黑客们的最新技术病毒潜藏流量网站,这些病毒会进入访问者的电脑中,使得黑客们能窥视到所有网上交易。

    Their latest innovation is to hide viruses on high-traffic Web sites.


  • 他们可能限制进出系统网络流量以便只有来自可信流量可以进入其系统,以及只有授权流量才可以出去

    They might also want to restrict the network traffic in and out of their system, so that only the traffic from trusted sources can enter their system and only authorized traffic can go out.


  • 这些黑客最新技术病毒潜藏流量网站这些病毒会进入访问者的电脑中,使得黑客们能窥视到所有网上交易。

    Their latest innovation is to hide viruses on high-traffic Web sites. These viruses latch on to unsuspecting users, and allow their nefarious creators to see everything victims are doing online.


  • 就意味着手机需要定期切换活跃”状态,接收需要数据然后进入空闲”状态,随着时间的推移,这些细微的操作总共将消耗大量电池网络流量

    So that means the phone has to regularly go active, get the data it needs, then go idle again, and over time all those little transitions add up to a lot of battery life and network traffic.


  • 过去商家通过监测流量来获取进入店面顾客人数顾客人数无法表明人们哪些区域以及这些区域停留时间长短。

    Traditionally retailers measure “footfall”, as the number of people entering a store is known, but those numbers say nothing about where people go and how long they spend there.


  • 倘若进入干燥压缩空气流量压力超出设计范围分离效果下降液态水通过分离器使干燥器出来的压缩空气压力凝露点升高

    If into the dryer compressed air flow and pressure beyond design range, separation effect will decline, liquid water would be through the separator make dryer out of compressed air pressure rise.


  • 这样情况下乙酰胆碱酯酶简单扩散的方式进入唾液因此它的活性必将唾液流量速率相关

    However, under these circumstances cholinesterase would enter the saliva by simple diffusion and therefore activity should be correlated with salivary flow rate.


  • 这次交通堵塞8月13号开始,是由于道路施工减少高速公路流量引起的。条高速公路是一条运输主干线中国西北的运煤其他货物的货车从这里进入北京

    The mess began August 13th when road works cut capacity on the main artery for coal and other freight traffic from north-western China into the capital.


  • 平衡特性设备进入流量相关IntelligentLoadDistribution特性用于从设备到后台服务器流量输出

    Whereas the self-balancing feature is related to ingress traffic to the device, the Intelligent Load Distribution feature is used for the egress traffic from the device to back-end servers.


  • 流量指示器安装一个盖子固定螺丝,便以打开进入

    Single cover retaining screw mounted on top of the indicator for easy access.


  • 这个例子交换机2进入流量重定向到交换机1中活动服务模块作为交换机1的进入流量也将被送到这个活动模块。

    In this example, switch 2 ingress traffic will be redirected to the active service module in switch 1, as switch 1 ingress traffic will be sent to that active service module too.


  • 进入移动互联网百度掌握PC流量入口地位被削弱依托PC搜索广告获得的其他入口分流,触摸到了增长的天花板

    After entering the mobile Internet, baidu master PC flow inlet position weakened, relying on the PC search advertising revenue received by other entrance, touch the ceiling.


  • 具有控制进入流量之功能。

    Control the entered air flow.


  • 流量开关安装一个盖子固定螺丝,便打开进入

    Single cover retaining screw mounted on top of the flow switch for easy access.


  • 进入全新晚期,由于气候相对于全新中期变得较为干燥,也较为温流域来水减少,故流量减小,河床宽度变小。

    In late Holocene, climate is dryer and cooler than that in middle Holocene, the precipitation of drainage area decreases. So runoff deceases, the width of riverbed becomes narrow.


  • 制冷剂流量控制阀限制进入蒸发器制冷剂量。

    The refrigerant flow-control valve limits the amount of refrigerant that can enter the evaporator.


  • 同时经常速行驶,进入发动机空气流量这样冲刷作用变得很弱,促进积碳的沉积

    At the same time often idle speed, the air flow into the engine is small, so that the carbon flushing action becomes also is very weak, will promote carbon deposition.


  • 本文对影响TRT功率主要煤气参数进入透平机的煤气流量、煤气压力、煤气温度、煤气含尘量进行工业实验

    This paper describes the industrial tests on the main gas parameters having impact on TRT power, the flow rate, pressure, temperature and dust content of the gas into turbine.


  • 另外三分之一进入阿富汗流量通过分布哈萨克斯坦乌兹别克斯坦北部网络敏感设备弹药武器装备和关键设备是从这里流入的。

    Another third flows into Afghanistan through the northern distribution network across Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Sensitive gear like ammunition, weapons and critical equipment is flown in.


  • 事务所重组建筑以便丰富参观者体验通过所有进入公共楼层增加流量

    Wilkinson Eyre's intervention has reorganised the building in order to enrich the visitor experience and improve footfall through all publicly accessible floors.


  • 原水提升备有流量控制保证进入高密水量是尽量平稳连续变化避免在满负荷时水泵开启造成水量的突然增加

    Raw water lifting shall be provided with flow control to ensure smooth and continuous variations of the flow entering Densadeg, avoiding sudden increase due to start of the pump at full capacity.


  • 原水提升备有流量控制保证进入高密水量是尽量平稳连续变化避免在满负荷时水泵开启造成水量的突然增加

    Raw water lifting shall be provided with flow control to ensure smooth and continuous variations of the flow entering Densadeg, avoiding sudden increase due to start of the pump at full capacity.


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