• 最近问题好像出自需要完善生产流程

    But the latest problems seem to have arisen because of the manufacturing process, which demands perfection.


  • 问题在于这种乙烷制作乙烯生产流程几乎不会伴有丙烯产生。

    The trouble is that the ethane route to making ethylene produces virtually no propylene.


  • 我们训练学生具有发现解决复杂问题最佳能力特别是分子级信息发现引入生产制造流程方面

    We train students to be the best in shaping and solving complex problems, particularly the translation of molecular information and discovery into products and processes.


  • 检查生产流程迁移规范问题

    Inspect the generated process migration specification for problems.


  • 调度系统可以较好地解决两流薄板坯连铸连轧流程动态调度问题进一步优化生产组织

    This system can solve the dynamic schedule problem of two-strand thin slab casting and rolling and optimize production management.


  • 绩效工作系统的提出解决质量管理精益生产企业流程变革没有解决问题

    High performance work system solves the problem which does not be solved by quality management, lean production, business process change.


  • 项目管理工作中,不断接触公司各个流程环节,解决项目问题过程中使精益生产知识得到了进一步的强化

    He went through every routine in the plant during his life as project manager. Then he strengthen his knowledge in lean production by solving problems during every project.


  • 针对传统汽提生产流程存在问题论述双塔并联工艺及其特点操作控制优化过程

    According to the existing problem in production of stripping, the double-tower and parallel connection process and its characteristics, and optimization of operation control were discussed.


  • 针对混合流程作业计划编制困难、效率低生成计划可执行性差等问题提出基于生产流程网络图的时间并行推算法。

    To make easy and efficient production planning for mixed-mode process and improve performance of the planning, a parallel backward inferring algorithm based on flow networks was proposed.


  • 首先基于生产工艺流程分析焦化过程需要解决问题以及实现控制功能

    Some problems based on the working flows of the coking process are analyzed and the control functions are put forward.


  • 为了解决虚拟制造企业业务流程重组问题提出了一种基于工作流技术的虚拟制造企业生产管理系统设计方法

    A design method of production management system for virtual manufacturing enterprise based on workflow technology is provided in order to solve business process reorganization.


  • 钢铁生产热轧流程中提炼出了同构并行机上在线调度问题流程工业MES重要环节

    The batch on-line scheduling problem is presented from the production of iron and steel plant, which is a main part of MES in process industry.


  • 指出生产存在问题通过设备改进工艺流程改进,使氯甲醚生产实现了连续化

    Problems in chloromethyl ether production are pointed out in the paper. Through improvements of equipment and process, continuous production of chloromethyl ether is realized.


  • 介绍石灰生产线工艺流程技术要点压球系统实际运行过程中出现问题进行分析和改进

    The paper introduces the process flow and key points of lime extruding ball production line. The problems in operation are analyzed and its improvement has been made.


  • 结合汽车齿轮制造企业生产过程中物流的“均衡性问题研究产品制造流程分层次规划方法

    Regarding the "balancing" problem which arose in the automobile gear manufacturing enterprise, some research on the multi-layer planning method in the manufacturing process is done.


  • 针对高炉-转炉流程生产过程产生SO2烟气造成环境污染的问题,以工业代谢理论基础,应用物质分析方法建立了工序的素流分析模型

    Aiming at SO2 gas pollution from BF-BOF process, an analytic model of sulphur flow was established based on the theory of industrial metabolism and the method of material flow analysis.


  • 计算机仿真结果表明对于一类复杂的柔性流程工业生产调度优化问题本文提出方法具有好的实际应用前景。

    Simulation results show that the algorithm illustrated in this paper has a prospective future in the applications to such complex optimization problems in process scheduling.


  • 负责培训缝制工厂管理流程生产工艺力求生产环节解决产品质量问题

    Organizing trainings to manufacturing factories to improve their management procedure and manufacturing technique, make sure all the quality problems could be properly solved in the production.


  • 介绍了装机基本组成结构工作流程特点,并论述了实际生产应用可能遇到问题解决措施。

    The basic composition, construction, working procedure and characteristics of the machine are introduced. Some problems that may be encountered in the application of the machine are also discussed.


  • 介绍了中国石油吉林石化公司化肥厂合成氨装置生产工艺锅炉给水系统流程分析了锅炉给水系统存在的问题提出了改造方案技术要求

    Presented the process flow and BFW system of ammonia plant in Jilin Chemical Fertilizer Factory, analyzed the problem of the BFW system, proposed revamp plan and technical requirement.


  • 以“生产流程问题”为经济学基本问题发现了社会生产流程的“货币流量机制”,诞生凯恩斯主义经济学;

    The study on the condition of reproduction process issues finds a money-flow mechanism, and gives birth to Keynesian economics.


  • 文中分析了混合型生产方式特点目前存在问题,并就生产调度系统工作流程研究

    This paper analyzes the attributes of Hybrid Production Style and with its problems nowadays, at the same time, has a research on the working flow of the scheduling system.


  • 介绍重型卡车涂装生产线阴极电泳工艺流程设备安装调试过程,并指出了电泳生产过程中出现的问题解决方案。

    The technology and procedure, installation of equipment, and shakedown test of cathode electrophoresis used on the production lines of coating for heavy-duty trucks were introduced.


  • 提出以硫酸铵和氯化钾为原料,复分解制取农用硫酸钾工艺条件及工艺流程探讨生产设备选择腐蚀问题

    The process technologies, selection of equipment and its corrosion in the production of potassium sulphate from potassium chloride and ammonium sulphate are discussed.


  • 根据流量计工作原理生产工艺流程,提出了其在生产过程中的关键工艺问题应用定位夹具满足相应技术要求以保证质量提高效率

    Based on vortex shedding flowmeter work theory and manufacturing technique, we used positioning fixture to fill with the technique requirement, guarantee the quality and raise efficiency.


  • 文章介绍了兑生产氯化钾工艺原理和工艺流程并且讨论了实际生产出现的一些问题

    The technological process and principles of potassium chloride production method by mixing brine are introduced in the paper.


  • 原材料配方主要生产设备生产工艺流程原材料处理生产过程中的操作要点,质量标准问题进行了详细论述。

    The formula, the important producing equipment, the producing process, the predisposition of raw and processed materials and the quality standard are discussed.


  • 细节决定成败背景下生产计划流程改进工作也就成为各企业努力探索的重要问题

    The research of flow improvement of production plan becomes an important job of the manufacture corporations in the background of detail.


  • 介绍中低低变换工艺应用情况,给出了工艺流程主要设备阐述了催化剂升温还原过程和生产运行及存在的问题

    Application of "mid low low temperature" shift process is introduced. The flowsheet, main equipment, catalyst reduction and operation are described.


  • 介绍中低低变换工艺应用情况,给出了工艺流程主要设备阐述了催化剂升温还原过程和生产运行及存在的问题

    Application of "mid low low temperature" shift process is introduced. The flowsheet, main equipment, catalyst reduction and operation are described.


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