• 我们已经试过所有A流感亚型它们能够跟这个抗体起作用,”这个研究机构史凯贺爵士特别提到

    "We've tried every subtype of influenza a and it interacts with them all," noted Sir John Skehel from the research institute.


  • 因此制定大流行计划时必须考虑多种来源、多种流感病毒亚型出现风险

    Therefore, pandemic planning should consider risks of emergence of a variety of influenza subtypes from a variety of sources.


  • 三种类型季节性流感——甲型、乙型丙型。根据病毒表面蛋白不同种类和结合情况,甲型流感病毒进一步分类亚型

    There are three types of seasonal influenza – A, B and C. Type A influenza viruses are further typed into subtypes according to different kinds and combinations of virus surface proteins.


  • 实验室结果确认越南北部兄弟流感感染(H5病毒亚型)。

    Laboratory results have confirmed avian influenza infection (H5 virus subtype) in two brothers in the northern part of Viet Nam.


  • 土耳其实验室进行检测确认另外名患者标本发现H5亚型流感病毒

    Laboratory tests conducted in Turkey have confirmed detection of the H5 subtype of avian influenza virus in samples from an additional two patients.


  • 罗马尼亚近期家禽死亡调查迄今确认流感H5病毒亚型

    In Romania, investigations of recent poultry deaths have, to date, identified the H5 subtype of avian influenza virus.


  • 土耳其进行实验室检测确认另外10名患者样本发现H5亚型流感病毒

    Laboratory tests conducted in Turkey have confirmed detection of the H5 subtype of avian influenza virus in samples from an additional 10 patients.


  • h5n1之外其他已报告能够感染人类动物流感病毒亚型包括H 7、H9流感病毒H 1、H 3流感病毒

    In addition to H5N1, other animal influenza virus subtypes reported to have infected people include avian H7 and H9, and swine H1 and H3 viruses.


  • 阿塞拜疆卫生部报告了最初人间感染H5亚型流感病毒病例。

    The Ministry of Health in Azerbaijan has reported its first three cases of human infection with the H5 subtype of avian influenza virus.


  • 9月27日获得初步检测结果H5病毒亚型阴性H1亚型阳性,表明感染正常季节性流感

    Initial test results received on 27 September were negative for the H5 virus subtype and positive for the H1 subtype, indicating an infection with normal seasonal influenza.


  • 研究人员甚至开始这样推测今年流感疫苗本来是设计为可以预防HIN1流感一种的,也许也可以部分预防亚型h1n 1流感了。

    Researchers have even begun to speculate whether this year's flu vaccine, which protected against a form of H1N1 flu, may have offered partial protection against the swine version.


  • 针对致病性流感病毒A亚型H5N1可能导致流感大流行准备已经成为全球优先考虑的事情。

    Preparedness for a possible influenza pandemic caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza a subtype H5N1 has become a global priority.


  • 目前H5N1亚型可能具备了禽鸟直接人类传播的能力,流感大流行向我们走来。

    Recently, the subtype H5N1 likely transmit from birds to humans. An influenza pandemic is coming soon.


  • 通过流感类型亚型数据估计全球发病率不够的,虽然有人认为甲型流感的发病率一般乙型流感

    Data to provide global incidence estimates by influenza type or subtype was insufficient, although it was observed that the incidence rate of influenza a was generally higher than that of influenza b.


  • 国家计委表示,此次人感染H7N9流感病毒全球首次发现的亚型流感病毒

    The National Health and Family Planning Commission indicated that these H7N9 Avian Influenza viruses are a newly-discovered subtype of the influenza virus.


  • 美国内务部农业部今天发表声明蒙大拿野生长尾样本发现H5N1流感病毒亚型

    The U. S. Departments of Agriculture and Interior today announced a detection of the H5 and N1 avian influenza subtypes in samples from wild Northern pintail ducks in Montana.


  • 目的制备流感H5N1亚型病毒单克隆抗体相关研究提供工具

    Objective to prepare the monoclonal antibodies specific to subtype of H5N1 avian influenza virus and offer tool for correlative researches.


  • 葛兰素史克(GSK)补充说,所有的受流感病毒亚型扎那米韦没有耐药性并且他们可以2008- 2009年感冒流行季节保证充足供应

    GSK have added that all tested influenza virus subtypes have shown no resistance to zanamivir and that they have sufficient supplies for the 2008-2009 flu season.


  • 目的不能用当年标准血清进行鉴定甲3 (H3N2)亚型流感病毒进行抗原性分析分子生物学研究

    Objective Antigenic analysis and molecular biology studies on those strains of influenza a (H3N2) virus which could not be identified by standard serum of the current year.


  • 目的制备甲型流感病毒的抗血清作为流感病毒亚型鉴定之用。

    Objective: To make antiserum against influenza a virus for influenza virus subtype identification.


  • 尽管H5N1型最有可能发生大流行,但是近年人群中感染其他甲型流感病毒亚型的报道。

    Although H5N1 probably poses the greatest current pandemic threat, other avian influenza a subtypes also have infected people in recent years.


  • 为了建立配套诊断方法通过杆状病毒表达系统表达N3亚型流感病毒NA蛋白

    To set up companion diagnosis method for it, the NA protein of N3 subtype AIV was expressed in baculovirus expression systems.


  • 目的了解甲型流感病毒H9N2亚型毒株深圳地区鸡群人群中的分布

    Objective To understand the distribution of influenza a H9N2 virus in chickens and men in Shenzhen area.


  • 流感亚型出现,则可能造成流感大爆发,后果严重

    And new subtype of influenza may cause pandemic influenza, and lead to more serious consequence.


  • 相当多旁证表明能够传播致病性流感的H5H7亚型病毒家禽然后变异致病性类型。

    Considerable circumstantial evidence suggests that migratory birds can introduce low pathogenic H5 and H7 viruses to poultry flocks, which then mutate to the highly pathogenic form.


  • 流感病毒H5N1血清亚型特异性转移因子对禽流感病毒活疫苗具有明显增效作用,且口服途径给药的疫苗免疫增效作用优于注射途径给药。

    Specific transfer factor of subtype H5N1 avian influenza virus which has significant synergistic effect to avian viral inactivation vaccine and the effect is better by mouth than by injection.


  • 目的筛选影响H5N1亚型甲型流感病毒哺乳动物力变异HA序列主要氨基酸位点

    Purpose To explore key amino acids sites on HA sequence which may determine the virulence of influenza a H5N1 for mammalian species.


  • 西班牙流感(H1N1)流感(H5N1)均是甲型流感病毒亚型

    Spanish flu (H1N1) and bird flu (H5N1) are subtypes of influenza a virus.


  • 西班牙流感(H1N1)流感(H5N1)均是甲型流感病毒亚型

    Spanish flu (H1N1) and bird flu (H5N1) are subtypes of influenza a virus.


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