• 结合重力资料分析认为江苏地磁异常下扬子地幔应力活动相关

    Combining geomagnetic and gravity data to analyse anomaly, it is concluded that the geomagnetic anomaly of Jiangsu region is related to the stress field caused by mantle flow in lower Yangtze area.


  • 课题ANSYS软件对某大型氧化反应器固耦合进行了有限元应力分析计算

    In this thesis, stress analysis and calculation for a large oxidized reactor considering are made by using ANSYS FEM code.


  • 应力作为可以提供能量的外场,可以诱发出类胞区。

    The stress as an external field which can provide energy, can induce the oscillation of the 'quasi-fluid state'cell.


  • 我们分析物体温度应力速度分布程序

    We have programs for analysing temperature and stress profiles in objects, and fluid velocity profiles in flow channels.


  • 提出了围岩应力耦合作用相似理论,研制部分典型材料耦合相似配比

    The resemble theory on coupling of solid and liquid was put forward, a part of type material coupling prepare proportion was made.


  • 主要涉及内容包含每个设备部件的应力疲劳棘轮断裂力学分析内部构件振动分析以及试验验证等

    The design mainly involves the analysis of the stress, fatigue, thermal ratchet and fracture mechanics, the analysis of flow-induced vibration of the internals and the test verification.


  • 空气实验回路上水平管内气液泡状壁面应力进口段进行了实验研究

    Experiments were carried out to investigate the developing length due to the wall shear stress in horizontal air water two phase bubbly flows.


  • 研究结果表明不同起始应力比条件下试件可以表现为水力劈裂破坏,也可以为剪切破坏

    The experimental results show that the failure of specimens will be either hydraulic fracturing or shearing plastic flow, it depends on the initial principal stress ratio.


  • 本文匹配方法讨论定常细长立管所产生应力边界层现象。

    The present paper discuses, with the method of matched asymptotic expansions, the stress boundary layer of the slender riser in a steady flow.


  • 利用颗粒间应力空隙率之间定量关系,推导火工药剂压药压力与装药密度之间的定量关系。

    Based on stress and cavity relationship of particles in gas-solid two phase flow field, quantitative correlation of pressure and density of pyrotechnic charges was deduced.


  • 雷诺应力模型模拟含有过滤器过滤整个过程

    The Reynolds stress model was used to simulate the flow field during the filtration and back pulse process in the ceramic filter vessel containing three filters.


  • 损伤主要形式弯曲应力引起变形强烈的热作用引起蚀。

    The principal forms of the damages in the pouring spout are the deform caused by the bending forces and thermal stress as well as the fusion aroused by the intensive thermal effect.


  • 揭示了液体媒质中的雷诺切应力电机声驱动力

    It is revealed that the shearing Reynolds' stress in the fluid is the driving force of the fluid flow.


  • 因此碰撞应力快速颗粒研究主要内容。

    Therefore, attention is paid to the collisional stresses in the study of rapid granular flows.


  • 上部区的雷诺应力沿垂线基本为线性分布

    The Reynold stress in the outer current field distributes linearly as in the steady flow.


  • 团聚体结构外界团聚体应力作用两个方面综述因素对团聚体分散过程影响

    The influence of affecting factors on the dispersion process was reviewed from the aspects of agglomerate structure and the flow field stress on agglomerate.


  • 因此,在承台设计时考虑承台内部完整应力不是某一截面应力分布

    Therefore, it is not stress distribution in certain even section but integrate stress flow inside the cap that should be considered.


  • 动量的选择导致麦克斯韦应力张量的表示

    The momentum current picture leads to a representation oe Max well's stress which is easy to . visualiye and to shctch quantitatively.


  • 通过计算得到粘度,由物料的方程推出中的剪切速率场剪切应力

    Through deduction to the constitutional equation of viscosity, field and shear stress field of the runner were achieved.


  • 通过气泡中的运动和受力分析,给出了用以封闭模型粘性应力脉动应力、相间动量交换表达式。

    Analysis of bubble motion in the flow field was used to develop relations for the viscous stresses, turbulent stresses, and interfacial momentum exchange to close the model.


  • 本文应力组织观点,分析了泥石暴发特性

    This paper analyzes occurrence property of debris flow from viewpoint of stress self organization criticality.


  • 而且波浪是海岸地区一个非常重要海洋水动力因素,波浪作用下底部边界层、底阻系数、应力泥沙起动理论成熟

    But the theory about the flow regime of the wave boundary layer, the wave friction factor, the bed shear stress and the initiation of sediment motion has not developed very well.


  • 广能量耗散角度看泥石暴发的应力演化过程一种组织临界过程。

    According to energy consumption in broad sense, evolution process of stress in debris flow occurrence is a process of self organization criticality.


  • 对此进一步分析通过增大圆弧半径以及采取应力办法,最终解决这些应力集中问题

    By means of further analysis, solves the problem of the concentrated stress with magnifying arc radius and dividing the stress flow.


  • 由此提示,心瓣膜下游均匀性应力瓣膜损害之间可能存在某种互为因果的关系,值得进一步研究

    This suggests that there might be a reciprocity between valvular lesion and flow field uniformity as well as turbulent shear stress, which should be further studied.


  • 计算中的底部剪切应力边界层模型给出波—共同作用形式。

    In calculation, the bottom shear stress under the effect of waves and currents is supplied by the wave-current bottom boundary layer model.


  • 壁面应力设计方法,从理论上顶替低速顶替及顶替技术统一起来。

    Wall shear stress method integrates the plug flow displacing, the low speed displacing and the turbulent flow displacing methods in theory.


  • 结构力学角度来研究变形应力分布情况,进行耦合分析,研究失效的可能原因

    This paper investigate the distributing complexion of distortion and-stress of valve core, make the analysis of coupling of fluid and solid, investigate the reason of invalidation.


  • 通过分析选取雷诺应力模型

    After the analysis of gas flow chacterristic, the RSM model is selected.


  • 本文采用有限元法,碾压混凝土底孔缺口坝段情况,顶部未到设计龄期碾压混凝土大型底孔周边的应力分布进行了分析

    In this article three dimension FEM is adopted in the stress analysis of bottom diversion outlet and notch segment of a RCC gravity dam when flowing design flood.


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