• 虹吸流程实验装置测量了流动沸腾传热系数

    The heat transfer coefficient was measured in the experimental equipment.


  • 狭缝通道内流动沸腾传热汽液两相研究的一个重要方面。

    Flow boiling heat transfer in narrow channels is an important researching project of gas-liquid two-phase flow.


  • 沸腾工质对竖直矩形窄缝内饱和流动沸腾传热做了实验

    Saturated flow boiling heat transfer of water in a vertical narrow rectangular channel has been investigated experimentally.


  • 针对缸盖水腔内冷却水流动沸腾传热计算本文介绍了两种单相流沸腾模型

    Two boiling flow models are introduced for the calculation of boiling heat transfer in cylinder head cooling gallery.


  • 关联能够很好的预测R410A-油混合物强化管内流动沸腾特性

    The new correlation can provide satisfied predictions to the pressure drop characteristics of R410A-oil mixture flow boiling inside enhanced tubes.


  • 本文氟利昂22水平光滑螺纹管内流动沸腾特性进行了实验研究

    Flow boiling heat transfer characteristics in horizontal smooth tubes and internal grooved tubes of R22 are experimentally investigated.


  • 本文利用红外热成像仪不锈钢管内流动沸腾的壁面瞬态温度进行了测量。

    The transient temperature field at surface of a stainless steel micro-tube, in which flow boiling of water occurs, is measured by the Infrared Radiometer.


  • 这些应用中准确预测液氮流动沸腾特性对于系统设计安全运行十分重要

    In these applications, it is very crucial to predict the flow boiling heat transfer coefficient of liquid nitrogen for the system design and safe operation.


  • 试验结果表明整体型螺旋翅片用于氟利昂式蒸发器流动沸腾传热非常有效的。

    The experimental results show that integral internal spiral fin tube is very effective for flow boiling heat transfer of freon dry evaporator.


  • 本文采用CCD测量图像处理技术汽液固三相自然循环流动沸腾系统进行可视化研究

    In this paper, a CCD measuring system and techniques of image dealing are used to carry out a visual investigation on a vapor-liquid-solid three-phase natural circulating flow boiling system.


  • 本文首次竖直矩形窄缝饱和流动沸腾汽液流动建立了两相同向分相流动沸腾传热模型

    A model of vapor-liquid two-phase cocurrent separated flow, for the first time, is established for saturated flow boiling heat transfer in a vertical narrow rectangular channel in this paper.


  • 引 言流动沸腾传热广泛存在于石油、化工、轻工、动力能源等各个领域 ,但三相流动沸腾传热研究极少

    An experimental study on the flow boiling heat transfer and its visualization of water in a rectangular micro-groove horizontally laid;


  • 在过冷流动沸腾条件下,对硫酸钙沉积过程进行了研究,考查了不同流速不同加热器表面条件下硫酸钙的结状况。

    The formation process of calcium sulphate deposition during subcooled flow boiling heat transfer was reported. Fouling runs were carried out at different flow velocities and heat transfer surfaces.


  • 使型砂获得预期冷却增湿效果要求型砂在沸腾床上均匀流动

    In order to obtain the expected sand cooling and humidifying effect, requiring sand in the boiling bed to flow in uniform.


  • 增加沸腾入口流动阻力抑制沸腾管内流动不稳定性主要措施之一

    One of the major measures to suppress flow instability in a boiling tube consists in increasing the flow resistance at the boiling tube inlet section.


  • 流动基本参数之一,而已有过冷沸腾空泡率计算方法研究以高质量流速为主,且大量文献报道现有空泡率模型难以适用于低流速过冷沸腾工况。

    Void fraction is one of the basic parameters in steam liquid two phase flows. To date, the study of methods for calculating subcooled boiling void fraction mainly focused on high mass flow rates.


  • 讨论分析了流道间隙加热功率入口沸腾起始点、沸腾、换系数流动不稳定性临界负荷影响

    The effects of gap size, heat flux and inlet subcooling on the boiling incipience, flow pattern, heat transfer coefficient, flow instability and critical heat flux were analyzed and discussed.


  • 垂直管内汽水下降流动上升流动沸腾传热特性进行了理论试验研究

    The characteristics of boiling heat transfer of steam - water two - phase downflow and up-flow in vertical tube are theoretically and experimentally studies in this paper.


  • 探索沸腾喷雾形成机理,氟里昂R12试验掖体,采用激光多普勒测速仪(LDA)测量了稳定流动条件粒子速度分布

    In order to understand flash boiling injection, the drop velocity distribution in steady spray of freon R12 as test liquid was investigated by using LDA technique.


  • 活佛脉管在手指感觉起来有一点血液流动节律正常力量稍微过大,那种感觉就像沸腾

    The living Buddha's vein felt slightly hard under my fingers and the blood pulsed through it with a rhythm, which was steady but a bit too forceful, like a pot of soup that is about to boil over.


  • 介绍了国外几个典型计算流动欠热沸腾起始模型

    Several models for calculating the initial points of subcooled boiling were introduced.


  • 根据放电产生加工沸腾、气化膨胀引起放电通道周围加工液快速流动的原理 ,提出了一种新的排屑方法 ,系统地研究了使用方法的放电加工特性

    A new excluding method of debris using the rapid flow due to evaporation of dielectric fluid when discharging was proposed and the EDM characteristics of the method were experimentally discussed.


  • 矩形通道内水两相沸腾流动特性进行实验研究。

    The characteristics of two-phase flow pressure drop were experimentally investigated in narrow rectangular channels with large width-height ratio 1.


  • 程序采用了流体、六方程模型来描述沸腾两相流动应用子通道方法来对基本方程进行离散化,数值方法进行了求解

    In the calculation model, the two-fluid conservation equations are discretized by subchannel approach and solved by semi-implicit numerical method.


  • 程序采用了流体、六方程模型来描述沸腾两相流动应用子通道方法来对基本方程进行离散化,数值方法进行了求解

    In the calculation model, the two-fluid conservation equations are discretized by subchannel approach and solved by semi-implicit numerical method.


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