• 一些过去可以贷款债券到期债务滚动起来的企业如今面对一场或许导致他们进入昂贵债务重组流动性危机

    Firms that in the past would have been able to roll over their loans, bonds and debts coming to maturity now face a liquidity crisis that may lead them into costly debt restructuring.


  • 许多人认为商业银行流动性不再充裕欧洲央行像美联储英格兰银行一样使用中央银行资金购买包括公共债务在内的资产

    Many believe that ferrying liquidity to commercial Banks is no longer enough: the ECB should follow the Fed and the bank of England in using central-bank money to buy assets, including public debt.


  • 欧洲央行还可以决定是否允许希腊银行靠近流动性界限,因此希腊债务重组未来如何主要取决于欧洲央行。

    And by deciding whether or not it will allow Greek Banks access to its liquidity lines, the ECB is the main arbiter of what any Greek debt restructuring will look like.


  • 与此同时公众资产流动性看法以前的立足于(变卖的)资产转变现在的专注于(借贷的)债务了。

    Along the way the public perception of liquidity changed, from one based on assets (what you could sell) to one centered on liabilities (ease of borrowing).


  • 有时作者还会混淆资金流动性股票债务

    At times the author confuses liquidity with capital and debt with equity.


  • 并不已经卖掉所有债务而感到惊讶毕竟一个具有流动性高效性市场

    He is "not surprised at all the debt has been sold: it is a very liquid and efficient market".


  • 美国上调债务上限许多业内人士推测新一轮量化宽松政策即将出现,意味着新兴国家货币流动性过剩

    After the US lifted its debt ceiling, many speculated that another round of quantitative easing is around the corner, which could mean excess liquidity in emerging countries.


  • 目前一个广泛共识,太多的“流动性”造成贷款泛滥,贷款泛滥导致恶劣楼宇抵押债务并且流动性突然短缺促使危机的突然加剧。那么流动性”是什么?

    One broad area of agreement is that ample “liquidityencouraged the lax lending that led to bad mortgage debts, and a sudden dearth of it helped to precipitate the crisis.


  • 一旦国际流动性枯竭它们无法续期他们短期债务

    Once international liquidity evaporated, they could not roll over their short-term liabilities.


  • 同时指出虽然有一些投资者对生力公司的债务表示出一些忧虑,但公司目前的现金流动性

    She said investors might be concerned about San Miguel's debt, although cash flow from its Philippine businesses is strong.


  • 这些手段可以保持债务流动性即便现在许多传统银行不愿根本不能家庭发放贷款从而他们帐户上。

    Those actions can keep loans flowing even when, as now, many traditional banks are reluctant or unable to make home loans and hold them on their own books.


  • GGP发现由于缺乏流动性不能周转债务

    GGP found that it simply could not roll over its debts because of a lack of liquidity.


  • 例如,53%流动资产表明了流动资产资产之间的比例关系,能够反映公司流动性债务支付能力

    For example, 53% of current assets indicates the proportion of current assets to the total assets, and reflects the corporation's liquidity and debt-paying ability.


  • 投资者规避风险意味着债务市场流动性将会因为利率上升而大受影响。这样为时尚早

    Investor flight from risk means that debt market liquidity could dry up as interest rates rise. But it is too early to tell.


  • 全球的范围内,每间可用客房收入(RevPAR)都在下降---大部分是下降位数---目前债务市场流动性仍然酒店投资者的重大挑战

    Sustained revenue per available room (RevPAR) declines globally - mostly in the double digits - and ongoing debt market illiquidity continued to be significant challenges for hotel investors.


  • 如果所有成员国家公众债务规模微乎其微,那么发行最高GDP40 %或者60%的欧洲债券应该可以覆盖它们所有的资金需求而且它们还能够收获到适量流动性溢价

    If all member countries had little public debt, issuing European bonds up to 40% or 60% of GDP would cover all their funding needs, and they could reap a modest liquidity premium.


  • 事实上希腊债务问题无偿还能力问题,而不是一个没有流动性的问题——而无偿还能力的问题不是通过增加更多债务可以解决的,无论债务数量多么惊人多么令人敬畏也无济于事。

    In truth, Greece's debt problem is one of insolvency, not illiquidity-and insolvency cannot be rectified by piling on more debt, however shocking and awesome the amount.


  • 最后由于这场危机实际上既是偿付能力危机,也是流动性危机,各国必须启动有序债务重组

    Finally, since this is a crisis of solvency as well as liquidity, orderly debt restructuring must begin.


  • 尽管金融专业人士经常谈论流动性一样自由资金实际上短期债务

    Even though financial professionals often talk about liquidity like free money, it is actually short-term debt.


  • 欧洲央行上周末表示购买意大利国债避免欧元区债务危机蔓延此外还有其他一些流动性措施(详情参见下文)。

    The ECB at the end of the week indicated it would buy Italian bonds to stem contagion in Eurozone debt markets, among other liquidity measures (see below).


  • 一公式说明流动比率流动资产流动负债多少,它意味着短期债务偿还保障反映公司流动性

    This ratio means how many times the current assets are compared to the current liabilities, indicating the short-term debt-paying guarantee, and reflecting the corporation 's liquidity.


  • 一个时期生长债务货币下来随后导致流动性枯竭经济

    It is a period where growth in debt money slows down, which subsequently leads to a drying up of liquidity in an economy.


  • 一个时期生长债务货币下来随后导致流动性枯竭经济

    It is a period where growth in debt money slows down, which subsequently leads to a drying up of liquidity in an economy.


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