• 今年庆祝活动包括

    This year's celebrations have included the handing out of free rice.


  • 在鸡肉快餐店工作的人们则鸡汤

    Workers from a local chicken fast food firm are distributing free rice and chicken soup to hundreds.


  • 虽然一个现实主义画家梵高是后印象画家,但幅画仍然很多共同特点

    Although Millet was a realist painter, and Van Gogh a post-impressionist, the two paintings still share lots of features.


  • 这个直径达52的陨石坑得名于印象画家中的插图1970年代水手10太空船执行任务时拍摄

    Named for the impressionist painter, the 52 kilometer diameter crater is also shown in an inset context image from the Mariner 10 flyby mission in the mid 1970s.


  • 按达尔文观点这些男性不是为了直接竞争妇女(“女友主意吗,?”),就是为了竞争地位(“你看不起吗,?”)

    In the view of Darwinists, these men are either competing for women directly (" You looking at my girl, Jimmy? ") or competing for status (" You dissing me, man? ").


  • 1958年伙同朋友雷姆-克兰西(先于雷里来到美国)以及雷姆的兄弟汤姆一起成立了乐队,随后财源就滚滚而

    By 1958 he had teamed up with his friend Liam Clancy and Liam's brothers Paddy and Tom, who had come from Tipperary to America before him, and the gold continued to accrue.


  • 最近一次西方关系稍微缓和阶段,对于内贾德前任自由领导人卡塔来说,简直就是噩梦

    The last period of relative detente with the West, under Mr Ahmadinejad's liberal-minded predecessor, Muhammad Khatami, was a nightmare for the supreme leader.


  • 父亲生前最后几个星期,因为事情太多当地医院护士照料父亲,麦克癌症慈善机构提供了夜间看护。

    When things got too much in those final weeks, the local hospice sent nurses to care for my dad and the cancer charity, Macmillan, provided night staff, too.


  • 指责个只知道增加税收开支自由,是第二个·卡特墙头草,一个举棋不定的

    He accused me of being a tax-and-spend liberal, a Jimmy Carter clone, and a waffler who couldn't make up his mind.


  • 但是利比亚反对领导人利比亚反叛分子电视台说,认为苏拉塔周边部落会同他们城里的同胞作战

    A Libyan opposition leader told Libyan rebel TV, however, that he did not think that tribes around Misrata would fight their countrymen inside the city.


  • 兹利坦已经进行了一激烈巷战苏拉塔前来的反对武装攻击卡扎菲儿子指挥装备了坦克第32

    It was a day of heavy street fighting in Zlitan, where rebels from Misrata came up against tanks and troops from the 32nd brigade commanded by Gaddafi's son Khamis.


  • 第一未经证实报道之死几天之后反对表示他们现在可以证实斯·卡扎菲杀害。

    Days after the first unconfirmed report of his death, the opposition say they can now confirm that Khamis Gaddafi was killed.


  • 东部苏拉塔也落入了反对之手,除了海路,卡扎菲忠实的仆从们

    With Misrata to the east in the rebels' hands, Colonel Qaddafi and his loyalists had no way to flee Tripoli but into the sea.


  • 作为莱斯朋友拉斐尔的翘楚罗金丝于1848年与当时处于青少年时期的艾菲•格蕾结婚

    Ruskin, a friend of Millais and a champion of pre-Raphaelite painting, married Effie Gray when she was a teenager in 1848.


  • 乐观信任达吉斯坦首脑,改革罗诺夫可能给她帮助

    She is cautiously optimistic that Dagestan's new, apparently reformist president, Magomedsalam Magomedov, may be able to help.


  • 包围反对控制的城市苏拉塔的居民陷于绝境表达他们悲愤此同时,城内的冲突毫无减弱的趋势。

    Desperate residents of the besieged rebel-held city of Misrata express their grief and anguish as the battle for the city continues unabated.


  • 这天早些时候,他们一家收看了一则反对电视报导,报导介绍的最近苏拉塔炮击当中的受害者

    Earlier in the day the family was watching an opposition television report on the victims of recent shelling in Misrata.


  • ,王沙得拉,伯尼歌管理巴比伦事务,只是但以理常在朝中侍立。

    Then Daniel requested of the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, over the affairs of the province of Babylon: but Daniel sat in the gate of the king.


  • 然而共和党人劲敌特·图的较量中,谢斯·塔克先生一直都处于极度落败的状况。

    But in the fight against Pat Toomey, his Republican rival, Mr Sestak has been trailing badly.


  • 但以太监长所管理但以理,哈拿尼雅沙利撒利雅委办

    Then said Daniel to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and azariah.


  • 到了20世纪50年代温杜老爹的名声开始下滑,因为音乐界出现一些节奏更快声音更醇厚的新生,他们是夏威夷的吉当时两个音乐巨人——非洲爵士乐队与爵士OK乐队。

    By the early 1950s Papa Wendo had been eclipsed by newcomers with faster, fuller sounds: Jhimmy the Hawaiian and then two giants, African Jazz and OK Jazz.


  • 卡扎菲的尸体星期五以来一直放在港口城市苏塔拉一个商用冷藏室内示众居民们长队观尸

    Gadhafi's body had been on public display since Friday in a commercial refrigerator in the port city of Misrata, where residents lined up to see it.


  • 1872年在旅舍现址的特人典礼

    Paiute ceremony in 1872 at current site of Yosemite Lodge.


  • 杂志评选出了“12年度男人”,有皮特·福克斯?克·丹姆西,麦特·达盟,贾斯汀丹尼尔·莱格。

    The magazine also names 12 "men of the year," including Pitt, Jamie Foxx, Patrick Dempsey, Matt Damon, Justin Timberlake and Daniel Craig.


  • 娜塔莉·波特曼穿着一身些许点缀芥末长裙遮腹,由法国丈夫芭蕾舞编导杰明陪同走上红毯。

    Natalie Portman covered her bump in mustard yellow with just a tasteful section of embellishment on the skirt. Natalie's French husband, ballet choreographer Benjamin Millepied, accompanied her.


  • 德国浪漫诗人索著一首改编中文叙事诗《尼怨》,长期以来学者们未能获知确切出处

    German Romantic poet Chamisso has a narrative poem "Klage der Nonne" adapted from Chinese, but the scholars didn't know the exact source of the poem for a long time.


  • 空山相对高度200山体松林茂密墨绿生机。

    Black empty mountain in the north, the relative height of about 200 meters, the mountain pine forest dense, faction dark green life.


  • 空山相对高度200山体松林茂密墨绿生机。

    Black empty mountain in the north, the relative height of about 200 meters, the mountain pine forest dense, faction dark green life.


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