• 保守投票反对在市中心附近修筑机场

    The conservatives voted against building the airport near the center of the city.


  • 这种说法的确准确捕捉到了保守投票心态

    That pretty much captures the mood among socially conservative voters.


  • 处于领先地位共和党人鲁迪·朱利安尼不敢怠慢保守投票,走的“重选择”的温和路线

    Rudy Giuliani, the Republican front-runner, is struggling to avoid alienating conservative voters with his mildly "pro-choice" line.


  • 内尔警告反对投票意味着工作岗位减少贫穷将会归来、令人恐惧的过去也将再次降临。”

    Mr Kirchner gives warning that a vote for the opposition would mean thatjobs will vanish, the poor will fall back, a frightening past will return.”


  • 反对领导者号召联合抵制投票

    Opposition leaders had called for a boycott of the vote.


  • 自由担心伊斯兰教徒他们名妻子投票,从而扩大保守地位

    Liberals fret, too, that Islamists will let their multiple wives vote, swelling conservative ranks.


  • 复一年,逐渐了上来:去年他们第一说服微弱多数成员投票赞成重新开始捕鲸活动。

    But with every passing year, pro-whaling nations have been gaining ground: last year, for the first time, they persuaded a narrow majority to vote for a resumption of whaling.


  • 反对两院投票反对这项一揽子法案,同意既不会改动它也不会阻挠

    The opposition voted against the package in both houses, but agreed neither to amend nor obstruct it.


  • 共和党有力另一个因素成百万保守选民今年似乎积极投票

    Another factor that bodes well for Republicans is that millions of conservatives appear energized to vote this year.


  • 协商反对同意第二投票支持提案代价将选举提前至2012年三月份

    After talks the opposition agreed to back the bill in a second vote, in exchange for early elections in March 2012.


  • 他们大多一直共和党,并无意创建第三来将保守投票一分为二

    Most are or have been Republicans and have no desire to split the conservative vote by creating a third party.


  • 支持阵营则在过去多数时间内处于防御自卫地位艰难批驳针对投票制度开销复杂度全球罕见度的言论。

    The Yes campaign has spent most of the past few weeks in a defensive position, struggling to refute claims about the cost, complexity and international rarity of their voting model.


  • 然而社会保守全国投票一小部分,因此他们不得不挑选一个获得其他人支持的候选人。

    Yet social conservatives are only a small minority of the national electorate, so they have to pick a candidate who also appeals to others.


  • 最近几个月来,调查显示共和党选民特别是保守今年选举中跃跃欲试,打算成群结队地去投票

    For months now, surveys have shown that Republican voters, especially conservatives, are energized about this year's election and intend to turn out in droves.


  • 1992年1994年,激进的反对试图国王请愿恢复国会给予妇女投票

    In 1992 and 1994, opposition activists tried to petition the king to restore the parliament and give women the vote.


  • 卡索先生•富兰克林直系后裔,美国保守联盟给了一个56的等级意味着他根据保守原则投票的几率是56%。

    The American Conservative Union gave Mr Castle, a direct descendent of Ben Franklin, a rating of 56, which means he voted along conservative lines 56% of the time.


  • 各个社区单独投票可能给两面带来难处。

    Separate votes for each community might have produced blockage on the Unionist side.


  • 与之形成对比最后一个现存什叶选举团体,伊拉克国家联盟投票站的表现上佳,仅仅因为60%以上的投票什叶的。

    By comparison, the last remaining Shia block, the Iraqi National Alliance, is likely to do quite well at the polls for the simple reason that more than 60% of the voters are Shias.


  • 该举动限制参议院少数能够要求注定无法通过的修正案进行象征性投票能力

    Set tongues wagging with an unexpected manoeuvre that limited the minority's ability to demand symbolic votes on doomed amendments.


  • 有些人想让陆军总司令陆军总司令巴育(Prayuth Chan-ocha)离开,坚定保皇,在投票当日的前一天他力劝选民不要投票同一个人”,即Thaksinites

    Some want her to show the door to General Prayuth Chan-ocha, the army chief, a staunch royalist who urged voters before polling day not to electthe same people”, ie, Thaksinites.


  • 6月9日ComRes投票显示内务大臣布朗可能继任者艾伦·约翰逊(Alan Johnson)可能拒绝承认保守党议会多数

    A ComRes poll on June 9th suggested that Labour under Alan Johnson, the new home secretary and possible successor to Mr Brown, would deny the Tories an overall parliamentary majority.


  • 根据thePewResearchCentreAndrewKohut 统计,超过65岁的人士不断的认为自己保守并且倾向于选择共和党,与此同时年轻投票与其观点相反

    People over 65 increasingly identify themselves as conservative and vote Republican, while young voters do the opposite, according to Andrew Kohut of the Pew Research Centre.


  • 去年一些最高法院未能达成一致意见案件中,苏特法官投票支持最高法院自由女首领鲁思•贝德•金茨伯格(她是现任的九位最高法院法官中唯一的女性,但她现在受到直肠癌胰腺癌的双重折磨——译者注)意见的概率高达86%。

    In the past year, in cases that were not decided unanimously, Mr Souter has voted 86% of the time with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court’s liberal lioness.


  • 凯哈利亚如果投票推迟,就应该投票前夕才推迟,因为这会反对看作故意操纵选举过程

    If the poll is delayed, Kehailia says it should not be delayed on the eve of the vote because that would be seen by the opposition as an intentional manipulation of the process.


  • 凯哈利亚如果投票推迟,就应该投票前夕才推迟,因为这会反对看作故意操纵选举过程

    If the poll is delayed, Kehailia says it should not be delayed on the eve of the vote because that would be seen by the opposition as an intentional manipulation of the process.


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