• 一个良好ClearQuest计划设计包括缺陷或者变更请求,它提供所有必要数据了解正在进行中的活跃项目状况

    A good ClearQuest schema design involving defects or change requests will provide all of the data necessary to know the status of an active project on an ongoing basis.


  • 对于任何开源项目来说,活跃社区总是剂催化剂几年下来我们不断成长并且社区中学到了很多

    An active community is always a plus for any open source project, and over years we have grown and learned a lot from our community.


  • 最后广阔视野来看gtk +——作为一个活跃社区项目有助于构建出更好用户服务的应用程序

    Finally, you will see GTK + in a broader viewas a project with a lively community that can help you build applications that will better serve your users.


  • 除了上面列出的这些项目以外,还有一些其他GWT提供源代码,它们活跃程度社区采用程度各不相同。

    Along with the projects listed above, there are several other open source libraries available for GWT with varying degrees of activity and community adoption.


  • 人们习惯于活跃数据说话来说这是一个扫盲项目

    Getting people used to talking with animated data is, to my mind, a literacy project.


  • 如果项目其他项目关联,必须这些项目社区保持活跃并且只有这些社区集成起来,您才能更容易地保持活跃

    If your project is tied to other projects, you must be active in the communities surrounding those projects, and it is often easier to stay active by integrating your community with theirs.


  • 成功开源项目活跃个人公司贡献代码编写文档测试功能

    Successful projects have a healthy group of individuals and companies submitting code, writing documentation, and testing new features.


  • 我们当然继续投入项目, 每个项目都已有一个活跃提交基础

    We'll continue to invest in these projects, certainly. Both projects have an active committer base already.


  • TJ一定关注开源esb社区这里许多活动项目以及活跃社区可供选择

    TJ: be sure to watch the open source ESB space, because there's a lot of activity and a lot of projects and active communities available to choose from!


  • 领导这个项目的帕特里克·吉尔一直以来希望制造一种无透镜可植入式装置用来检测这些动物的大脑神经元因为进化的原因,这些神经元活跃时会发光

    Patrick Gill, who headed the project, had been trying to create a lens-less implantable device to detect brain neurons that, due to modifications, glow when they’re active.


  • DHS主办国内注册旅客项目对合同商来说已经一个活跃领域

    The DHS-sponsored domestic Registered Traveler has been an active field for contractors.


  • TCPDF托管Sourceforge.net上活跃项目之一,其完全php实现强大的PD f生成引擎

    TCPDF, one of the most active projects hosted on Sourceforge.net, implements a powerful PDF-generation engine, entirely in PHP.


  • 最后Ubuntu女士活跃,我已经知道项目又运行起来完成了所有他们事情

    Finally, I'm active in Ubuntu Women where I have been helping to get the mentoring program running again, and have been doing anything else they ask me to do.


  • jUSB项目在 2000年6月 2001年2月期间非常活跃

    The jUSB project was very active from June 2000 to February 2001.


  • 康菲石油公司发言人Charlie Rowton则表示支持美国批准条约;康菲公司俄罗斯外海非常活跃,同时正在竞标加拿大北部的石油钻探项目

    ConocoPhillips, which is active in the Russian Arctic and is bidding to drill for oil in the Canadian North, supports ratification of the treaty, said spokesman Charlie Rowton.


  • Ubuntu用户宣传者活跃社区成员,UbuntuUser杂志博主之一贡献者以及项目计划同样也是妻子、一个母亲

    I am an Ubuntu user advocate, active Ubuntu community member, Ubuntu user Magazine Blogger and Contributor, and event planner as well as a wife and mom.


  • 如同其他开源项目一样成功取决于能否建立一个健康活跃社区

    As with other open source projects, its success depends on building a healthy and vibrant community around it.


  • 迪斯尼现在正忙于一处占地14项目开发项目2014年开业,公园实际上已经活跃起来了。

    Disney is now in the middle of a 14-acre expansion there that will open in 2014, and the park has perked up substantially.


  • JSR- 80项目一开始非常活跃

    The JSR-80 project has been very active from its very beginning.


  • 正如一节提到ODFDOM-OpenDocumentAPI社区主要项目也是最活跃项目

    As stated in the last section, the ODFDOM - OpenDocument API is both the primary project of the community and its most active.


  • 活跃慈善工作参加一个项目的一部分,帮助儿童三月斯威士兰去年

    Choi is active in charity work and took part in a project to help children in Swaziland in March last year.


  • 他们在家观看录制课程当做作业,来到教室,他们会进行活跃讨论或者教师互动项目

    They are watching the lectures at home as homework, recorded lectures, and when they get to class, they are having more active discussions, or interactions with the teachers or working on projects.


  • 作者25岁是一家国际市场调查公司项目经理也是马来团体活跃分子

    The writer is a 25-year-old project manager with an international market research company. He is an active member in Malay organisations.


  • 对于项目成功关键就是开始完成当地居民活跃地参与整个过程

    For this project to be successful it was important to involve the inhabitants actively throughout the whole process, from inception to completion.


  • 项目创造特殊环境用于不同工作情况——集中交流活跃到放松。

    Special environments were created for different work situations - from concentration to communication, activation to relaxation.


  • 随着北京市房地产市场迅速回升,北京市别墅市场日趋活跃,别墅开发项目逐渐增多

    With the boom of real estate market in Beijing, villa market is getting more and more active, and villa developing project increasing fast.


  • 随着北京市房地产市场迅速回升,北京市别墅市场日趋活跃,别墅开发项目逐渐增多

    With the boom of real estate market in Beijing, villa market is getting more and more active, and villa developing project increasing fast.


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