• 研究了赤潮异弯藻、亚历山大中肋骨条氧化酶活性UV-B辐射增强响应变化

    The change of antioxidant enzyme activity in Skeletonema costatum, Heterosigma akashiwo and Alexandrium tamarense under UV-B radiation enhancement were studied.


  • 这些损害可能是由于活性嵌入辐射脱嘌呤脱氨作用引起的。

    These damages may arise from reactive oxygen species, intercalating agents, radiation, depurination, and deamination.


  • 二月份国家卫生研究所(NIH)研究者们做研究发现50分钟持续的手机辐射增加脑细胞活性

    In February, a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, revealed radiation emitted after just 50 minutes on a mobile phone increases the activity in brain cells.


  • 汉森研究小组发现皮肤处在紫外线辐射之下,三种广泛用于防晒产品中的紫外线过滤成分也会生成活性氧簇ros

    Hanson's research team found that three UV filters widely used in sunscreens generate ROS when skin is exposed to UV radiation.


  • 暴露在紫外线辐射无保护皮肤会产生活性簇(ROS)的有害化合物

    Unprotected skin exposed(12) to UV radiation generates(13) harmful compounds(14) called reactive oxygen species(15) or ROS.


  • 这些现象表明,虽然南极地区紫外线辐射很强,但南极蓝藻可以产生多种紫外辐射活性物质适应这种极端环境。

    These changes suggest the possible prescence of active substances in the cells of Antarctic Cyanophyceae-B able to resist UV-B radiation.


  • 利用生物化学方法研究了赤潮异弯、亚历山大中肋骨条氧化酶活性UV-B辐射增强的响应变化

    The Change of antioxidant enzyme activity in Skeletonema costatum, Heterosigma akashiwo and Alexandrium tamarense under UV-B radiation enhancement was studied using biochemical methods.


  • 说明UV-C辐射增强引起氧化酶活性降低使脂过氧化导致光合作用减弱

    The results suggest that enhanced UV-C radiation decreased activities of the antioxidant enzymes and made membrane peroxidated, thus leading to weakened photosynthesis.


  • 目的观察辐射血管活性物质影响及其机制、意义以探讨辐射防治再狭窄的机制。

    Objective: To study the effects and mechanism of radiation on various kinds of vasoactive substances.


  • 已经证实PARP具有多种生理生化功能细胞死亡相关,电离辐射各种细胞损伤因素可以影响parp活性

    It has been proved that PARP has lots of physiological and biochemistry functions and correlates with cell death. Many kinds of damage factors such as radiation may influence the activity of PARP.


  • 暴露紫外线辐射无保护皮肤会产生活性氧簇(ROS)的有害化合物

    Unprotected skin exposed to UV radiation generates harmful compounds called reactive oxygen species or ROS.


  • 活性存在条件下,采用微波辐射焦化废水生化处理系统外排水进行深度处理。

    Coking wastewater, which has been treated by biochemical system, is deeply treated by microwave irradiation in the presence of granular activated carbon (GAC).


  • CAT活性辐射剂量显著相关可溶性辐射剂量呈显著相关。

    CAT activity and irradiation dosage had significant positive correlation, dissoluble sugar and irradiation dosage had significant negative correlation.


  • 增加微波辐射电压、处理时间活性用量(固液)均提高微波—吸附催化法处理结晶溶液脱色

    The removal rate of crystal violet was directly proportion to the power of microwave, radiation time, amount of activated carbon and initial concentration of crystal violet.


  • 结论:(1)剂量照射til具有辐射刺激作用,表现细胞增殖细胞活性增强

    Conclusions: (1) Low dose irradiation may enhance the anti tumor activity and the number of TILs derived from malignant thoracic fluid.


  • 微波辐射所得催化剂-水液相交换反应更高催化活性

    The catalysts obtained from microwave heating method had higher catalytic activity for hydrogen-water liquid exchange reaction than those for the impregnation-reduction method.


  • 微波辐射技术活性活化、表面改性再生过程中的研究进展进行了概述

    Development in the research on microwave irradiation technology in the process of carbonization-activation, modification and regeneration of activated carbons is emphatically reviewed.


  • 原料,KOH为活化剂,采用微波辐射加热法电阻加热法制备电容器用活性

    Activated carbon for electric double layer capacitors was prepared from coal by activation with KOH through heating by microwave radiation and resistance furnace heating.


  • 结果表明三种活性糖均具有抗紫外线辐射作用,其效果与寡糖浓度呈正相关。

    The results showed that Marine derived oligosaccharides had anti-ultraviolet radiation abilities in varying degrees, having a positive correlation with the concentration of oligosaccharides.


  • 高温和紫外辐射引起灌浆后期SOD活性降低高温条件GABA处理提高了旗叶中SOD活性上升,与MDA含量降低一致

    The both stresses decreased the SOD activity of flag leaf in the late stage of filling, GABA increased the activity under high temperature, which showed same effect of reduction in MDA content.


  • 考察微波辐射时间起电弧时间,以及KOH与炭化配比活性电容量影响

    The influence of microwave radiation time, arc time and the mass ratio of KOH and coconut shell chars on the specific capacitance of the activated carbon were studied.


  • 辐射增强作物叶片类黄含量增加叶绿素含量降低光合作用减弱,同时UV - B辐射诱致基因活性变化导致DNA损伤蛋白质含量改变

    Enhanced UV-B radiation could increase crops' flavonoid content but decrease their chlorophyll content and photosynthesis, induce gene change, and result in DNA damage and change of protein content.


  • 同步辐射X射线吸收精细结构光谱技术(XAFS)当前表征固体催化剂活性中心结构的有力工具

    Synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS) technique is currently a powerful tool to characterize geometrical structure of active sites of solid-state catalysts.


  • 研究KOH比例、微波功率辐射时间活性比电容量影响,并考察了煤基活性炭双电层电容器的充放电特性

    The influence of the KOH to coal in yield, power and radiation time of microwave were studied. Its charge-discharge performance of the coal based AC EDLC was studied.


  • 本文介绍一种以偏心辐射测设公路曲线方法该法使公路曲线测设更具活性

    This paper introduces an eccentric radial method to layout highway curves. This method gives the laying out of highway curve more flexibility.


  • 紫外辐射后第315位丝氨酸发生磷酸化观察到,而且Ser315Ala突变p53能够减少作为转录因子活性17)。

    In vivo phosphorylation at Ser315 has been observed following UV-irradiation, and a Ser315Ala mutant p53 has reduced activity as a transcription factor (17).


  • 这些不同功能不同的应用需求,对存储器容量辐射性能也有不同的要求,于是有必要对星载ram活性加以改善

    These different functions have different requirements to the capacity and anti-radiation performance of memory. Therefore, it's essential to improve the flexibility of the on-board RAM.


  • 这些不同功能不同的应用需求,对存储器容量辐射性能也有不同的要求,于是有必要对星载ram活性加以改善

    These different functions have different requirements to the capacity and anti-radiation performance of memory. Therefore, it's essential to improve the flexibility of the on-board RAM.


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