• 含有纤维分子发生反应活性基因

    It contains can react with fiber molecules the activity of genes.


  • RG一种阳荷性的化合物。它至少含有两个活泼发生作用的活性基因

    Dyeing assistant RG, a cationic compound, has at least two reactive groups which are sensitive to active hydrogen.


  • 染色印花过程中染料活性基因纤维分子形成结合使得染料和纤维形成一个整体

    In dyeing and printing process, dye activity genes and fiber molecules combine, make dyes and fiber to form a whole.


  • 真核细胞尽管一些转录活性基因转录沉默基因调控序列位置常常非常接近,它们表达并不互相影响

    In the eukaryotic cells, despite how close the regulation elements of active and inactive genes are frequently, they dot not affect each other expression level.


  • 通过双荧光素酶报告基因测定法测定了IGFBP-3由三甲状腺素刺激生长激素启动子活性影响

    The effect of IGFBP-3 on the growth hormone promoter activity stimulated by triiodothyronine was determined by dual-luciferase reporter assay.


  • 他们这些研究者分析大脑内主要区域检测个动物每个区域基因活性

    The researchers also dissected out major regions of the brain and measured gene activity in each region in both types of animals.


  • 这种酶的其中一种功效艾滋病病毒处于关闭状态,因此一旦抑制了酶的活性,就反而激活那些病毒基因

    One of their effects is to keep HIV genes switched off. So inhibiting their activity should switch those genes back on.


  • 最近几年里,科学家们发现特定基因会在形成特定结构会有活性

    In the last few years, scientists noticed that certain genes only seem to be activated when arranged in a certain configuration.


  • 每个阻遏物相对一个失去活性然而两个基因永远可能同时得到完全表达

    The repressors were designed to inactivate each other, however, such that the two genes would never be fully expressed at the same time.


  • 现在我们可以考虑开发减弱fto基因活性药物用作抗肥胖

    We can now think about developing drugs that turn down the activity of the FTO gene as potential anti-obesity pills.


  • 然后分析他们基因活性——测量信使RNA的多少。

    He then analysed the activity of their genes, as measured by the production of a substance called messenger RNA.


  • 3个月后这些男子大约500个基因活性发生变化-其中48基因打开,453被关闭。

    After the three months, the men had changes in activity in about 500 genesincluding 48 that were turned on and 453 genes that were turned off.


  • 片树叶衰老时,ELN2这个基因活性增加,它表达出MIR164

    As a leaf aged, activity of a gene called EIN2 increased and suppressed miR164.


  • 他们果蝇身上验证这个想法通过基因工程方法,在过硬大脑内短期记忆有关部位加强压抑Rac蛋白活性

    They tested this idea in fruit flies by using genetic engineering to enhance or repress the activity of Rac in the parts of the flies' brains associated with short-term memory.


  • 这种结合活性使得miRNA得以定向沉默目标基因

    This binding activity allows microRNAs to silence the expression of select genes in a targeted manner.


  • 现在这种已有针对性疗法Gleevec大体过去十年中效果显著药物,它能使另一融合基因BCR-ABL的编码蛋白失去活性

    There is already a targeted treatment for this disease. Gleevec, probably the most remarkable anti-cancer drug of the past decade, disables the protein encoded by another fused gene, BCR-ABL.


  • 这一过程粘附基因改变基因活性的“化学开关”所控制的。

    The process is controlled by chemical switches that stick on to genes and alter how active they are.


  • 第二段基因编码产生蛋白质自身无害特殊药物作用下,会变的很致命只要P 16ink4a分子有活性它就能激活。

    This second gene, activated whenever the gene for P16INK4A was active, produced a protein that was harmless in itself, but which could be made deadly by the presence of a particular drug.


  • 控制基因保护细胞不受活性自由基这种被认为通过DNA造成累积损害导致衰老的分子的侵害。

    It also controls genes that protect cells from highly reactive oxygen radicals - molecules often thought to drive human ageing through the cumulative damage they wreak on DNA.


  • 有些猜想如其染色体使基因活性失活的蛋白质做上特定基因标记,倒不如说染色体调整形状使基因与蛋白质靠近

    Some suspect that, rather than sending gene-activating and gene-stifling proteins to particular gene targets, chromosomes adjust their shape in order to bring genes closer to the proteins.


  • NDM - 1的活性至关重要高温拥挤人群大规模的抗生素过度使用,不足量使用误用以及落后的感染控制手段都加剧了该基因的传播。

    High temperatures, which are important for NDM-1 mobility, a crowded population, massive antibiotic over-use, under-use and misuse and poor infection control also contribute.


  • 了解基因活性遗传基础有助于医学研究从而个体提供有关他们自身疾病易感性信息

    The understanding of the genetic basis of gene activity will help medical research to provide individuals with information about their personal predisposition to disease.


  • 这种关闭基因技术称为rna干扰(RNAi),目前成为控制物种基因活性一个标准方法,并2006年获得了诺贝尔奖。

    Called RNA interference (RNAi), the technique has become a standard way to control gene activity in a variety of species, earning a Nobel Prize in 2006.


  • 自然界中有一类名为转录因子蛋白调节(升高或者降低)基因活性技术正是基于该机理。

    The technique relies on a natural process by which the activity of genes is raised or lowered by proteins called transcription factors.


  • 这项新的研究整体上提出了一个基因活性不同而致结果各异的观点

    The new study gives a global view of the consequences of those differences for gene activity.


  • 但是因为这种药物会改变多个基因活性阿兰西欧告诫为了确定记忆辅助药物不会引起严重副作用还有更多工作有待完成

    However, because the drugs alter the activity of multiple genes, Arancio cautions that more work is needed to determine whether they can aid memory without causing serious side effects.


  • KG博士同事发现合成卡路里过程会影响BRCA1基因活性基因一种著名的抗肿瘤蛋白质编码。

    Dr Gardner and his colleagues have found that processing calories affects the activity of BRCA1, a gene that encodes a well-known tumour-suppression protein.


  • Astrogenetix利用快速繁殖和超活性状态遥控沙门氏负责感染的基因然后去除这强毒基因建立疫苗毒株

    Astrogenetix took advantage of that fast-growing, super-active state to home in on the salmonella genes responsible for infectiousness, and then removed said genes to create a weak vaccine strain.


  • Astrogenetix利用快速繁殖和超活性状态遥控沙门氏负责感染的基因然后去除这强毒基因建立疫苗毒株

    Astrogenetix took advantage of that fast-growing, super-active state to home in on the salmonella genes responsible for infectiousness, and then removed said genes to create a weak vaccine strain.


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