• 太阳活动剧烈时期会释放出带电粒子,形成快速移动称为太阳风

    During the sun's violent periods, it throws off charged particles in fast moving strings called solar winds.


  • 太阳活动剧烈时期会释放出带电粒子形成快速移动被称为太阳风

    During the sun's violent periods, it throws off charged particles in fast-moving strings called solar winds.


  • 一方面,西非内陆降雨量增加,采采蝇活动区域北部边界向南移动——一种致命昆虫

    On the other hand, rainfall increased in the interior of western Africa, and the northern limit of the tsetse fly, an insect fatal to cattle, moved south.


  • 研究人员通过脑电图测量人体头皮上的电荷活动,通过这些电信号可以移动鼠标光标,视频游戏以及完成其他二维操作

    Researchers use EEG to measure electrical activity along a person's scalp. These electrical signals can move a computer cursor, play video games and perform other two-dimensional tasks.


  • 专业队员大脑活动增强对手移动做出更快速反应。

    Expert players showed enhanced brain activity in these regions and responded quicker to the movements of their opponents.


  • 通过移动应用程序变得具有社交性,可以兴趣相投好友分享Facebook网站之外的活动

    By socializing mobile applications, you'll be able to share more about your off-site activity with your friends in much of the same way.


  • 它们提供文件共享其他在线协作活动以及安全的服务因为数据多个移动Internet一个或多个目标。

    They provide file sharing and other online collaboration activities with secured services as the data is moved from one or more sources to one or more destinations on the Internet.


  • 一项昂贵的操作因为可能移动每个活动对象,每个经过移动的对象的指针都必须更新位置

    This is an expensive operation because every live object might be moved, and every pointer to a moved object must be updated to the new location.


  • 不是利用复杂状态转换图表单一记录通过多个用户设置移动利用这种方法可以简单地创建一个活动设置。

    Instead of using complex state transition diagrams to move a single record through multiple sets of users, with this approach you can simply create a set of Activities.


  • 分析计划活动总是步伐移动团队应该项目开始时逐步的将他们建立起来。

    Analysis and planning activities always move at a slower pace, and the team should build gradually at the start of a project.


  • 其它健康影响科学家报告了使用移动电话其它健康影响,包括活动反应时间睡眠模式改变

    Other health effects: Scientists have reported other health effects of using mobile phones including changes in brain activity, reaction times, and sleep patterns.


  • 随着某些变得活跃进行“发言”(类型),那么他们的小点将中心移动他们的活动停止时,他们的小点将会逐渐向边缘移动

    As a person becomes active and "speaks" (types), their dot moves closer to the center; when their activity ceases, their dot moves closer to the outside over time.


  • 报告指出,这种努力应该包括不同媒体上投放的,可以让人们直接回应通过移动设备参与促销活动广告

    That effort should include tagging ads in various media with a way for people to respond to offers or participate in promotions via mobile device.


  • 然而两极移动冕流却慢腾腾的,意味着我们可能在2013年经历一个非常太阳活动峰值——也许会延迟甚至阻止下个太阳活动周期开始

    This time, however, the rush to the poles is more of acrawl, which means we could be headed toward a very weak solar maximum in2013—and it may delay or even prevent the start of the next solar cycle.


  • 社会性媒体活动持续增长部分感谢移动互联网访问增长因为当今活跃互联网用户将近五分之一的人是通过是手机访问的。

    These continued increases in social media activity may partially be thanks to a coinciding increase in mobile Internet access since nearly a fifth of active Internet users have mobile access today.


  • 舞蹈可以用于庆祝活动或者表达赞美,或者仅仅为了观众-抑或只是一种身体随着节奏韵律移动简单行为

    Dances can be celebrations, or for praise, or for an audience - or just a simple act of letting the rhythm move your body.


  • 来自法国研究者们先是扫描了实验志愿者移动眼球时的脑神经活动然后又扫描了他们心算时的脑神经活动

    Researchers in France scanned the neural activity in the brains of people who were moving their eyes right or left. Then study participants were asked to do arithmetic in their heads.


  • 侏儒控制个盒子活动允许快速移动()的分子同一方向通过活动门,慢移动(冷)的分子朝相反方向通过一扇活动门。

    It controlled a trap door between the boxes and allowed only fast-moving (ie, hot) molecules through in one direction and only slow-moving (ie, cold) ones through in the other.


  • 可以运行单用户模式系统或者活动运行的系统(需要确保文件移动过程中仍然可用)中完成这项任务。

    You can do this on a system that is running in single-user mode, or on a live and running system where you need to ensure that the files are available during the move.


  • 人们的身体活动生成能量技术能将我们个动作都用来为移动设备甚至座建筑充电

    Technologies that harvest energy from movement could see your every move charge a mobile device, or even a building.


  • 如果来自获得焦点应用程序的通道数据(按键鼠标移动),则为相应的应用程序设置相应的活动二进制状态

    If there is pipe data (a key press or mouse movement) from the focused application, the appropriate activity binary state is set for the appropriate application.


  • 随着活动周期进展,高速气流随着太阳黑子太阳的赤道方向移动

    As the cycle progresses, it follows the spots towards the equator.


  • 美国的地区的销售活动将从八月开始,三星移动数字图像业务总裁Shin Jong-Kyun称。

    The phone’s U.S. release is slated for some time in August, according to Samsung president of mobile business and digital imaging Shin Jong-kyun.


  • Source - to - make、Quote - to - cash……这样过程沿着工作流活动移动东西”,这些活动最终(有望)给转换消费中的资源增加价值

    Processes such as Source-to-make, Quote-to-cash... all move "things" along a work flow of activities that ultimately (and hopefully) add value to the resources being transformed and consumed.


  • 目前iPhone已经成为了美国银行(Bank of America)热门的移动设备——20%线上理财活动通过的Web App进行的。

    Already the iPhone is the most popular mobile device with bank of Americait accounts for 20% of ALL mobile banking with them.


  • 移动设备后台运行一个软件,将与企业相关活动信息记录下来,然后将这些获取数据发送给MobileIron虚拟智能手机平台

    A small piece of software runs in the background of a mobile device, logging information on enterprise-related activity, all of which gets sent back to the Virtual Smartphone Platform at MobileIron.


  • 相对新兴社会网络Fours quare,都吹捧是非常关注网络活动本地化更多使用移动通讯工具

    Relatively new networks such as Foursquare are touted for the focus on making networked activity local and mobile.


  • 联合惟一被支持活动WorkplaceWebContentManagement节点存储之间移动内容方法

    Syndication is the only supported method for moving content between the repositories of active Workplace Web content Management nodes.


  • 联合惟一被支持活动WorkplaceWebContentManagement节点存储之间移动内容方法

    Syndication is the only supported method for moving content between the repositories of active Workplace Web content Management nodes.


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