• 佩斯轻松进入那次锦标赛之一决赛

    Lopez breezed into the quarter-finals of the tournament.


  • 尽管当时他们成为美国一部普韦布人的土地从未正式成为联邦公共土地的一部

    Although they at that time became part of the United States, the pueblo lands never formally constituted a part of federal public lands.


  • 我们预计将离开福克斯通,前往大约需要两个小时

    We are due to leave Folkestone in about five minutes and a journey to Boulogne will take approximately two hours.


  • 即使是那些居住独立性这个地区的独户住宅中的人们来说,合作早期韦布生活中几乎必需一部

    Sharing and cooperation were almost certainly part of early Puebloan life, even for people living in largely independent single-household residences scattered across the landscape.


  • 不过,也有制药公司对于新兴市场的发展前景持怀疑态度,例如默克公司的首次财务官彼得·凯格(PeterKellogg)本周二就一场析师会议上表示:“处方药销售总金额这个角度来看,目前新兴市场所占比例仍有限

    "Emerging markets are very small today from a pharmaceutical sales standpoint, " Kellogg said, according to a transcript.


  • 认为乡村音乐帮助听众表达了一种“摆脱一切”,“重返过去时光”的强烈愿望。

    This country element, Horowitz feels, helped its audience express an urge to “get away from it all, ” to “go back to the old day.


  • 只是登山探险英雄时代一部那个时代里,喜马拉雅山脉的最高峰尚未有人征服过。

    Mallory's death was part of a heroic age of mountaineering and exploration when the tallest peaks of the Himalayas were yet to be vanquished.


  • 维斯博士同事注意到,“行星形成物理本质多种多样复杂我们无法预期它们能遵从某个使行星“存活”的统一定律。”

    And Dr Lovis and his colleagues note that "the physics of planet formation is so diverse and complex that we do not expect any universal rule on planet ordering to exist."


  • 尽管渴望远走他乡,但是到最近那个山丘拐弯地方,她又回过头去,满腹惆怅地望了望马父亲房屋

    On the curve of the nearest hill she looked back regretfully at Marlott and her father's house, although she had been so anxious to get away.


  • 虽然安娜对于拜尔·马的众王族感到有些害怕,可明智没有前往城堡

    Although she was intimidated by the crowd at Balmoral, Diana was wise enough not to stay in the castle itself.


  • 这些仅仅夏威夷()可以参加众多活动中的一部

    These are just a few of the myriad of activities you can do while in Hawaii — The Islands of Aloha.


  • 班纳吉观察了对13个国家非常贫穷人进行经济调查,他们的结论是大约之一家庭收入花在了食物以外东西上。

    Banerjee and Duflo, looking at economic surveys of the very poor in 13 countries, conclude that about a third of household income is spent on stuff other than food.


  • 默里大学海豚专家里·马里诺说,如果人类智力水平评判标准应用动物身上,则海豚大脑资质水平和人类的相近

    If human standards for intelligence are applied to non-human animals, however, dolphins come very close to our own brain aptitude levels, suggests Emory University dolphin expert Lori Marino.


  • 徐媛(封面)开场4就为中国队取得梦幻开局,塔·谢琳在第38钟为瑞典队扳平

    Striker Xu Yuan (see cover) put China ahead in the 4th minute before Sweden equalized in the 38th minute with a goal from striker Lotta Schelin.


  • 比利亚雷亚尔钟就解决了比赛,卡普德维拉作为后卫率先攻入不久伦特攻入锦上添花一球。

    The damage was done in four minutes with Joan Capdevila, who gets his fair share of goals for a fullback, opening the scoring and Jose Llorente adding another shortly after.


  • 法国门将雨果·里斯完全邓卓翔在第68钟踢出下落弧线球所愚弄。

    France goalkeeper Hugo Lloris was completely bamboozled by the dipping trajectory of Deng's 68th-minute strike.


  • 压力之下切尔西第55追回。弗朗·马卢达得以突入禁区,斜射传球给丹尼尔·斯图里奇其破门。

    Chelsea's pressure told in the 55th minute as Florent Malouda was allowed to advance into the box and his cross-cum-shot was tapped home by Daniel Sturridge.


  • 那晚发现自己电话只能再打时,瞬间绝望当时的心境有的拼。

    Later that night, despair escalated into a tantrum to rival Crowe's when I discovered I had only one minute's worth of prepaid cell-phone time left.


  • 但是巴塞只要想到阿罗伊修斯的阅读速度只不过害怕的速度之一,就可以心安理得了。

    But Bartholomew can comfort himself by remembering that Aloysius is just one-fifth the speed reader he once feared.


  • 对于颗来说,我们大概之一的误报率,”维斯博士

    "For this one, we have about 1 percent false alarm possibility," Dr.Lovis said.


  • 乔斯帕·科萨调查研究表明,虽然超过之一学生每周单独学习时间少于5小时,但是他们顺利毕业能够取得好成绩

    In my research with Josipa Roksa, more than a third of students reported studying alone less than five hours per week, but these students were able to graduate on-time and with high grades.


  • 曼奇尼表示巴近期膝伤之百痊愈,尽管迹象表面他有些好转并且在花了整个下半场努力意大利人确实还击中了门柱。

    Mancini claimed Balotelli is still not firing at 100% after a recent knee injury, although there were signs of improvement and the Italian did hit the post with one second-half effort.


  • 加州的那块场地,素以球远名——2006年,纳芙拉蒂娃就曾叫苦不迭“再怎么大力截击跑完钟之后回来,还能将球到。”

    The California courts have a reputation for playing quite slow—in 2006, Martina Navratilova griped, “you hit a great volley, and the person’s got five minutes to run it down and hit it by you.”


  • 航空公司两名飞行员执飞檀香山夏威夷上午航班,飞行至少睡着18

    Airlines pilots fell asleep for at least 18 minutes during a midmorning flight from Honolulu to Hilo, Hawaii.


  • 航空公司两名飞行员执飞檀香山夏威夷上午航班,飞行至少睡着18

    Airlines pilots fell asleep for at least 18 minutes during a midmorning flight from Honolulu to Hilo, Hawaii.


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