• 享受传统墨西哥风味美食与敬畏的太平海洋全景

    Enjoy traditional Mexican-inspired cuisine alongside awe-inspired panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean.


  • 厄尔尼诺-热带太平海洋定期自然-这种异常变暖部分诱因。

    El Ninoa periodic natural warming of the tropical Pacific Oceanis partly to blame for the unusual warmth.


  • 分析结果表明太平海洋夏季净得,冬季热,且黑潮及其延伸失热最大

    The result shows that in North Pacific, ocean surface gains heat in summer and loses heat in winter, the net heat loss reaches its maximum, especially in Kuroshio Extension.


  • 太平海洋15个小岛总面积240平方米。分为库克库克岛。

    The 15 small islands in this South Pacific Ocean have a total land area of 240 km?. It can be divided into Northern Cook islands and Southern Cook islands.


  • 虽然坐落太平海洋公路上,这个位于拉海滩公园还是充满各种活动食物就坐地方

    Though located along a stretch of the Pacific Coast Highway, this park at Laguna Beach (near top) has loads of activities, food, and places to sit.


  • 一个是历史记录的第二大地震,即2004年12月正好发生印尼苏门答腊岛以西海底断裂并且引发海啸整个印度海洋深处造成巨大破坏

    One, the second-biggest ever recorded, ripped the seafloor just west of Sumatra, Indonesia, in December 2004 and unleashed a tsunami that caused destruction across the entire Indian Ocean basin.


  • 来自西雅图太平海洋环境实验室(Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory)的研究者理查德·菲利(RichardFeely)为媒体界提供了一个礼物海洋酸化现象戏称为“全球变暖罪恶孪生兄弟”。

    Richard Feely, a researcher at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle, provided a gift to headline writers when he dubbed acidificationglobal warming’s evil twin”.


  • 新的海洋保护区目前太平最大的保护区,这里允许进行捕鱼采矿

    The new marine reserve, now the largest in the Pacific, will permit no fishing or mining.


  • 太平岛国成为世界第六海洋保护区所在地。

    The Pacific island nation of Palau has become home to the sixth largest marine sanctuary in the world.


  • 去年英国政府印度建立了世界现存最大海洋保护区跨越55.4万平方公里,整个保护区均禁渔区。

    The world's largest existing marine reserve, established last year by the British government in the Indian Ocean, spans 554,000 km2 and is a no take zone throughout.


  • 形成主要是由于澳大利亚板块顶端海洋沉积物巽他板块前端表面堆积起来了

    The ridge is formed primarily from marine sediments scraped off the top of the Australia plate and piled up on top of the leading edge of the Sunda Plate.


  • 迈克尔·科林斯阿姆斯特朗奥尔德林一起乘返回舱坠入太平时曾说:“地球,海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins’s thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin “Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth.


  • 迈克尔·科林斯阿姆斯特朗奥尔德林一起乘返回舱坠入太平时曾说:“地球海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins's thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin "Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth."


  • 尽管厄尔尼诺现象通常会被太平海面温度增高联系一起,但同时会引起气象模式海洋流动方式发生变化

    Although El Nino is normally associated with warming of surface waters in the eastern Pacific ocean, it also causes changes in weather patterns and the way the ocean circulates.


  • 最新发现印度部分地区海平面上升水平使印度科学家得出印度上升速度其它海洋要快的结论。

    Newly detected rising sea levels in parts of the Indian ocean have led Indian scientists to conclude that the Indian ocean is rising faster than other oceans.


  • 海洋生态学家恩里克·萨拉第一次看见太平遥远金曼就像打鼓一样开始怦怦直跳。

    WHEN Marine ecologist Enric Sala first set eyes on Kingman Reef, a remote spot in the Pacific, his heart started to beat like a drum.


  • 尽管加勒比海太平阿拉斯加沿岸,相关海洋生态系统重要性已经显现出来,但是还没有任何相关的保护措施。

    None has been designated in the Caribbean or the northern Pacific or off Alaska, despite the presence of important Marine ecosystems in these About sponsorship areas.


  • 海洋温度变化的影响而产生的厄尔尼诺现象,最初迹象太平异常变暖

    It is caused by changes in ocean temperatures, with the first sign being abnormal warming in the Pacific .


  • 这种下降存在大部分海洋,但印度是个明显例外。

    The decline is seen in most parts of the world, one marked exception being the Indian Ocean.


  • 海洋生物普查发现众多海洋细菌中的这种细菌发现于东南太平

    One of many Marine bacteria uncovered by the Census of Marine Life, this species was found in the eastern South Pacific Ocean.


  • 飓风区的高层大气气流遥远海洋特别是北大西太平的影响。

    And upper-atmosphere winds in the hurricane region are affected by conditions in distant oceans, especially in the north Atlantic and the tropical Pacific.


  • 格雷表示目前海洋热容量很高海面温度也在不断上升;而且更为重要的,在拉尼娜现象的作用之下,冰冷海水被带到太平赤道处

    Gray says the ocean's thermal heat capacity is high and sea-surface temperatures are increasing; what's more, a La Nina effect, bringing cold water to the eastern equatorial Pacific, has taken hold.


  • 印度太平围绕,并被阿拉弗拉帝汶岛海洋划分开。

    Surrounded by the Indian, Southern and Pacific oceans, Australia is separated from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas.


  • 太平西北岸海洋气候

    The Pacific northwest is favored with a maritime climate.


  • 为了揭示谜底,卡迪加希望能够研究所有的海洋生物,不管是穿过太平岛屿咸水湖的水母还是洄游时云集在加拿大湾中的磷虾。

    To discover the answers, Katija hopes to study everything from jellyfish traversing a Pacific island's saltwater lake, to migrating krill swarming a Canadian inlet.


  • 染色标本克里普斯海洋脊椎动物藏品中只占据了一小部分这些藏品大多是从太平海域中收集而来的(下图中的绿即为收集地)。

    The stained specimens are a small part of ScrippsMarine Vertebrate Collection, which originates mostly from eastern Pacific Ocean collection events (green dots, image below).


  • 染色标本克里普斯海洋脊椎动物藏品中只占据了一小部分这些藏品大多是从太平海域中收集而来的(下图中的绿即为收集地)。

    The stained specimens are a small part of Scripps' Marine Vertebrate collection, which originates mostly from eastern Pacific Ocean collection events (green dots, image below).


  • 染色标本克里普斯海洋脊椎动物藏品中只占据了一小部分这些藏品大多是从太平海域中收集而来的(下图中的绿即为收集地)。

    The stained specimens are a small part of Scripps' Marine Vertebrate collection, which originates mostly from eastern Pacific Ocean collection events (green dots, image below).


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