• 是王

    Hi! I'm Wang Zeze.


  • 这次活动之前,一次帮助自闭症儿童经历,通过这次小朋友近距离接触,让我自闭症儿童了更新的认识。

    Before this activity, I had experienced to help children with autism once, but through this close contact with Zeze, the child I looked after, my understanding of children with autism have updated.


  • 件事联系一起所隐含社会价值观转变,正是薇薇安娜·优秀作品PricingthePricelessChild》的主题

    The transformation in social values implicit in juxtaposing these two incidents is the subject of Viviana Zelizer's excellent book, Pricing the Priceless Child.


  • 9岁的双胞胎哈里·德夫里和汉娜·德夫里已经和父母一起绘制了数百块石头。

    Nine-year-old twins Harry and Hannah DeVrieze have painted hundreds of rocks with their parents.


  • 伊丽莎白·格拉一个美丽聪明女子是保罗·迈克尔·格拉妻子,她丈夫大获成功电视连续剧《警界双雄》中出任主角。

    Elizabeth Glaser was a beautiful, intelligent woman, the wife of Paul Michael Glaser, who had starred in the successful TV series Starsky and Hutch.


  • 于是这些原始网罟座人,不再生活网罟恒星系统

    These people, the original Zeta Reticulans, no longer live in the Zeta Reticuli star system.


  • 发现有些寿险公司通过改变营销思路克服了这个难题,他们告诉自己推销员不要试图你的客户讲概率论。

    What Zelizer reported was that some life insurance companies surmounted this problem by changing the pitch, by telling their salespeople, don't try to explain probability theory to these people.


  • 接着,名年仅19岁的凶手罗伯特·施泰因豪毕恭毕敬地回答说:"今天已经够了,海先生。"然后放下了手中原本指向老师手枪

    "Herr Heise, that's enough for today," replied 19-year-old Robert Steinhaeuser respectfully, putting down the pistol with which he had been about to shoot his former teacher.


  • 就是激发哈尔伍德兴趣挑战本质。作为一计算机科学的助理教授,哈尔伍德创造出工具,可计算机执行软件时就能对软件进行重写

    That's the nature of the challenge that motivates Kim Hazelwood, an assistant professor of computer science, who has created tools to rewrite software as a computer is executing it.


  • 原产地西岛,一个距离法国西海岸大约14英里(22公里)岩石岛屿现在西牛已经遍布全世界100多个国家南非拉丁美洲都能看到它们的踪迹。

    From its origins in Jersey, a rocky island 14 miles (22km) off of the western coast of France, it now wanders fields in over 100 countries from South Africa to Latin America.


  • 嗡嗡拉发出噪声忧虑并不是空穴来风充斥着嗡嗡球场里的噪音水平高达130分贝,而电锯发出的噪声也只不过是100分贝而已。

    The worries about the vuvuzela's noise seem to be well justified. A stadium full of vuvuzelas can hit up to 130 decibels - a chainsaw can only reach a meagre 100.


  • MEL当时西岛律师董事告诉西岛金融监管局(JFSC),他们蒙在鼓里。

    Two members of MEL's board at the time, who are Jersey lawyers, told the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) that they had been kept in the dark about the buyback.


  • 讲的第三件事社会学家维维安娜·一部关于19世纪寿险销售情况的著作

    The third thing I was going to report was that sociologist Viviana Zelizer wrote a book about life insurance sales in the nineteenth century.


  • Sal和长哈故事,哈认识一个流浪汉

    This is Sal's story about Big Slim Hazard, a hobo that he once knew.


  • 所有这些因素使得格利 581 g(译注:原文为格利应是格利 581 g之误)最有希望成为地球行星并不稀有明证

    All of these factors add up to make Gliese the most promising evidence yet that Earth-like planets may not be such a rarity after all.


  • 格利581恒星系统叫做格利581d行星,可能已知最适于居住的行星

    One of the several planets within the Gliese 581 star system, called Gliese 581 d, may be one of the most potentially habitable alien worlds known.


  • 颗名为格利581d的外部星提供了可供生命存在所需的条件,在格利可能存在有类似于谁的海洋降雨

    The 'exoplanet' Gliese 581d has conditions that could support Earth-like life, including possible watery oceans and rainfall.


  • 谈到明星人们总会他们贵重礼品奢侈品代言联系一起,也不是放之四海而皆准,比如电视真人秀《西海滩》的演员们就遭遇了这样一场尴尬。 美国知名服饰品牌A&F请求几乎可以说是恳请)《》剧演员不要再穿他们品牌的衣服。

    With celebrity often come expensive gifts and swanky brand endorsements, but in the case of the cast of Jersey Shore, Abercrombie &Fitch is beggingnearly pleading—that they stop wearing its line.


  • “波8揭晓解决所有基本技能需要创建渲染使用简单复杂的工具集8提供动画场景

    "Poser 8 Revealed" helps you tackle all the essential skills you need to create, render, and animate scenes using the simple yet sophisticated toolset offered by Poser 8.


  • (不是苍,可爱的环球报的文王们)的想法许多日本铁路专家共有的,他们极少公开表露

    Kurasawa's thoughts might be shared by many Japanese rail experts and executives, but they are seldom expressed so starkly on the record.


  • 希望世人更多信息快乐特别需要家庭祈祷

    Louis wants to write more messages to the world. Happy Louis will pray for the families of special needs.


  • 卡佩罗比纳尤文和罗马时的教练,希望比纳带到西班牙,同时想卖掉伍德盖特埃尔·戈拉。

    Capello, who worked with Zebina at both Juve and Roma, wants to bring Zebina to Spain as he tries to offload Jonathan Woodgate and Ivan Helguera this week.


  • 人们都期待德尚派上最佳十一人,在没有比纳的情况下,球队将由皮耶罗特雷领衔首发。

    Didier Deschamps is expected to field his best eleven, bar Zebina and Camoranesi, with Del Piero and Trezeguet leading the frontline.


  • 人们都期待德尚派上最佳十一人,在没有比纳的情况下,球队将由皮耶罗特雷领衔首发。

    Didier Deschamps is expected to field his best eleven, bar Zebina and Camoranesi, with Del Piero and Trezeguet leading the frontline.


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