• 第二泳池设计公园中央

    The second pool was created in the middle of the Park.


  • 同时泳池设计中循环周期、充放水时间设定、池水的消毒、进出水口、水沟设计提出建议。

    And also given some suggestion on swimming pool design about circulating period, setting time of water supply and discharge, disinfection of water in pool, design of inlet outlet and overflow slot.


  • 女性赢得公共泳池游泳权利学会了正确地游泳,设计合适泳衣,最终甚至男性竞争

    Women won the right to swim in public pools, learned to swim properly, created appropriate swimwear and, in time, even competed against men.


  • 中国媒体报道,纪录诞生源于水立方泳池精妙设计

    The new records are due to the elaborate pool design, Chinese media said.


  • 公共空间则位于底层,内部设有个25米长的室内泳池电影院音乐厅餐厅以及设计称叹的“一个30米长的完美沙滩”。

    The common space, at the bottom of the ship, has a 25-metre swimming pool, cinema, music room, dining room, and what the designers call "a perfect 30m beach".


  • 泳池的特殊设计水体看起来如同延伸视野边际,但实际上,泳池边缘设计成在水平面之下的几厘米处,溢出的会流到下方的一个集水池中,再被泵回泳池内。

    Infinity pools are designed to make it seem as though the water extends to the horizon. In reality, the edge of the pool is usually about an inch below the water level.


  • 尽管施耐德确信这种设计相当合理,但还是建造了艘空间站原型命名为TransHab,他泳池真空中分别试验了TransHab的弹性。

    Even though he was sure the design was sound, he built two prototypes of the TransHab module and demonstrated their resilience in a swimming pool and a vacuum chamber.


  • Roomba其他机器人(例如清理泳池另一个清理排水沟),设计主机控制单功能清洁机器人。

    The Roomba was followed by a host of other home cleaning robots designed for -single functions, such as one that cleans pools and another that cleans gutters.


  • 建筑师AndresRemy设计这个位于阿根廷Devoto“跃地”室外泳池见过中最美个!

    Designed by Andres Remy Architects, this modern above-ground outdoor pool in Devoto, Argentina is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen!


  • 泳池住宅一个配套的车库建筑之间工作室设计

    A pool sits between the house and a matching garage building, also designed by the studio.


  • 利摩,我们喜欢打破所有设计方面界限空中泳池透明结构过去十年科技巨大进步结果

    At Ballymore we like to push the boundaries on all aspects of design, the Sky Pool's transparent structure is the result of significant advancements in technologies over the last decade.


  • 群趣味相投时髦建筑师设计塔楼最小的一座37层,楼里有一个幽深如洞的赌场楼顶是n个泳池

    A posse of fashionable architects has created six towers, the smallest of which will be 37-storeys high, complete with rooftop swimming pools and a cavernous casino.


  • 项目没有景观设计住宅坐落自然地带泳池露台能最好地欣赏开阔的远景

    There is no landscape design: the house sits on natural terrain, whose immensity and vistas are best seen from the pool terrace.


  • 我们决定孩子间游憩室以及泳池服务浴室全家人都非常喜欢这个想法,”设计说道

    "We decided to propose a playhouse for the children and a balneary to serve the pool. The whole family loved the idea," said the designers.


  • 我们设计走廊,还室内设置一个沙坑一个泳池,孩子们可以在其中尽情跑动、玩耍不用担心室外辐射

    We designed a long and wide corridor that they can run at full power, and installed Sand and the pool in indoors where they can play without worrying about radiation dose.


  • 设计包括了健身设施餐厅酒吧50泳池更衣室瑜伽自旋

    The design incorporates gym facilities, restaurants, bars, a 50m pool and change rooms, yoga and spin rooms.


  • 建筑师说:“实际洗浴设计泳池一个充满光亭子,现在标志着校园城市的交接处。”

    "The actual bathing hall was designed as a light-filled pavilion over the new pool and now marks the urban end of the school grounds," said the architects.


  • 泻湖式风格泳池更衬托了的美感,设计目的使建筑物像漂浮水上一样

    This is enhanced by the beautiful lagoon style swimming pool, which is designed to make the buildings appear to be floating on water.


  • 尽管设计彩色转换结构成为一个泳池,大量设备及其原始特征还是基本完好无损

    Even as the colourful wall tiles unmistakably transform the structure into a swimming pool, the massive and raw character of the old facility remains largely intact.


  • 一楼设计一个宽敞社交平台包括泳池书房卧室

    The ground floor is designed as a generous social platform, including the swimming pool, study and the bedroom.


  • 公司拥有一支长期从事园林景观喷泉灌溉工程泳池项目设计施工专业技术人员

    The company has long been engaged in professional and technical personnel of the landscape fountains, irrigation works, swimming pool project design and construction.


  • 其他泳池房屋包括阿肯色州建筑,其悬臂一个广阔玻璃入口上,并且弯曲设计整块铸造混凝土形成

    Other pool houses include a wood-clad structure in Arkansas that cantilevers above an expansively glazed entrance and a curved design made of monolithic cast concrete.


  • 步道通向入口设计一面玻璃墙,创造了起居空间向外延伸遮蔽泳池区域感觉

    The walkway leads towards the entrance, set in a glazed wall that creates a sense of the living space extending outwards into the sheltered pool area.


  • 基本设计规范要求泳池面向住宅东面

    Basic Vaastu guidelines dictated the pool to be located towards the East of the bungalow.


  • 前院包括泳池用于招待客人的设备良好开放式厨房。后院设计儿童游乐场

    The front yard, comprising a swimming pool and open, well equipped kitchenette is used for hospitality and the back yard is designed as children playground.


  • 二楼设计老式泳池衰败美国公路汽车旅馆

    The first one has a kidney shaped swimming pool made as they were made before, like the decadent American road motels.


  • 透明延展区长14空间设计内部通风避免加热泳池热气玻璃上冷凝,影响窗外视野

    The transparent stretch is fourteen meters longand the internal ventilation was spatially designed to avoid condensation onthe glass by the heated pool, which would harm the relation with the view.


  • 有些泳池矩形,有些设计贴合山势的有机布局; 有些游泳池遮蔽屋盖另一些天空敞开

    Some of the pools are rectangular, some are designed with an organic layout, some have a sheltering roof, others are open to the sky.


  • 为了减少无人看守的水池泳池小孩溺死事件,提出一种基于脉宽反窄水池警报传感器设计方法

    In order to reduce child drowning in the unattended ponds or swimming pools, a design method of a pool alarm sensor based on pulse-width anti-narrow is proposed.


  • 设计金炫石拥有机械工程学游艇设计学的双硕士学位。目前已经着手自己下一个项目艘125长,包含直升机起降平台和室内泳池的超级游艇。

    Kim, who has a Master's in mechanical engineering and a degree in yacht design, is already at work on his next project, a 125-meter superyacht complete with helipad and indoor pool.


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