• 那些术语必定是从那教的吧!没有论坛朋友!借有,特地,借是闭注下足艺参数细节吧,没有要光消息头条!

    That must be where you got your terminology. Wrong forum buddy! And by the way, do read the techno specifications rather than just the headlines.


  • 听听桑德拉布兰妮的,自己一个人”(全天候有人帮助的情况孩子非常容易

    To hear Sandra and Britney tell it, raising a kid on their "own" (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece of cake.


  • 所以不要咖啡会了,尝试一银杏提取物(译者:银杏树叶中的萃取物质可以增加脑的供血量)积雪草草药茶

    So instead of coffee breaks try gingko biloba and gotu kola herbal teas.


  • 圣洛朗年轻模特设计的时装的映衬显得光彩夺目,无论身着任何时装,他们的形象看上去应该很棒的;身着相同套装的老年妇女常常看起来像是一块披着羊皮的风尘女子( 译者: 这里其实是圣洛朗设计的服装往往带有两性化的特点。 这里的ram是指公羊毛,而mutton则指绵羊,在俚语中指娼妓)。

    Mr Saint Laurent's young models looked pretty good in his designs, but they would have looked good in anything; older women in the same outfits sometimes seemed more like mutton dressed as ram.


  • 脚踝天空一样,还有一个个完美的地球(这里指蚊子叮咬的包——译者)。骨头右边绝对没有的,只有许多皮肤的血管。

    My ankle was as red as the sky with a perfect globe, right on the bone where there is absolutely no flesh but just a huge vein under the skin.


  • 上周全球灾难里【译者:指本月初蔓延全球的黑网络故障】,的黑莓并没有崩溃——只是趔趄

    My BlackBerry never actually collapsed in The Great Global Catastrophe last weekit just staggered a bit. But I was, nevertheless, absolutely furious.


  • 不考虑用户构建索引权限默认情况搜索结果显示用户有权执行搜索内容

    Note: Regardless of the user permissions that built the index, by default search results will only show content that the user performing the search has access to.


  • 瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉滑雪场起飞奶牛造型热气球。 (小编地方太美了!)

    The Cow hot air balloon takes off in the skiing resort of Chateau d’Oex, in the Swiss Alps.


  • 上个月炙热上午位于阿富汗南方的旁遮普省(译者:巴基斯坦省)一个市场里,人们在遮荫凉棚吸着水烟,议论着一些糟糕消息

    UNDER a shady awning in the bazaar of Punjwai, in southern Afghanistan, one searing morning last month, the men were smoking a hookah and chewing over some bad news.


  • ,带着痛苦表情,将那软弱无力的身子扑在地上仿佛由于一种剧烈的恐怖而惊恐万状。

    With streaming face and an expression of agony, Linton had thrown his nerveless frame along the ground: he seemed convulsed with exquisite terror.


  • 编者没有外界压力,芬克尔·斯坦已经出版了本书

    Editors' Note: Finkelstein has since published several books with independent presses.


  • 洛西正在努力争取众院218过半多数1),此情况,尚难判断本周可能争取15是否更多反对票抵消

    As Mrs Pelosi scrambles to put together a majority of 218 votes in the House, it is too early to say whether the 15 votes she supposedly picked up this week were offset by many more refuseniks.


  • 如果一个人偶尔观四月16日油市的话,就发现石油每桶115.07美元价格历史新高,但仔细想想却是可以理解的。

    A CASUAL observer might be forgiven for thinking that the oil price reached a new record, of $115.07 a barrel, on April 16th.


  • 译者——例如公共场所演讲口算——观察他们血压应激反应

    Then the researchers subjected them to stressful situations — such as speaking in public and doing verbal arithmeticand noted their blood pressure response to stress.


  • 总所周知很多人喜欢谈论法佛尔。已经超过40了,仍然全美橄榄球联盟效力。(译者:不知道的同学可以百科一)。

    You know, a lot has been made about Brett Favre, who is over 40 years old, playing in the NFL.


  • 杰克逊的执教职业生涯记录1 098- 460(输比译者),19个赛季15个赛季中,每赛季至少赢55场比赛

    Jackson's career record is 1, 098-460, winning at least 55 games in 15 of his 19 seasons.


  • 一个朋友十九时在医生建议环切手术,告诉我在未做手术之前经常血流常常会变得尴尬。

    One friend who had a circumcision when he was 19, on medical advice, says that before the cut he used to "explode in a geyser of blood", often at the most embarrassing moments.


  • 艰难题材因为山脉的海拔险峻,”这位美国摄影师告诉国家地理,“夜里温度30度(华氏温标)(摄氏温度约为零34度,译者)。”

    "This is the hardest story I have ever done because of the altitude and the steepness of the mountains," the U.S. photographer told National Geographic. "At night it was 30 below zero [Fahrenheit]."


  • 想象份私有生活黑客(life hacking1)终极指南

    Imagine that I had in my possession the ultimate guide to life hacking.


  • 一首歌可能400种属性以上这些仅仅只是p(译者:应该是属性的简写)归档属性中的一小部分。

    A song can have as many as 400 attributes - those are just a few of the ones filed under p.


  • 北爱尔兰统一党UUP)(1),北爱尔兰曾经最大党,如今自己过去政策阴影影响坚持反对警务司法权的移交

    The Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), once Northern Ireland's largest but today a shadow of its former self, insisted on voting against devolution of policing and justice powers.


  • 玩家们可以期待更多社交联谊元素黑手党战和Farm Ville (facebook上的农场游戏——译者)一样如同有机会可以免费尝试那些高价的条目。

    Gamers can expect more social-networking elements similar to the Mafia Wars and FarmVille titles on Facebook, as well as the chance to sample many more premium titles free.


  • 在2008年月,波兰兹罗提(:波兰货币)相对欧元稳步,在7月半月,兹罗提欧元汇率为3.2.

    The zloty strengthened steadily against the euro during the first seven months of 2008, hitting a record high of Zl 3.2:euro 1 in the second half of July.


  • 妻子昨天OsakaStarbucks商业区手机了张快照顺便说一,手机功能复杂知道怎么使用它)。

    Note: My wife took this snap of me in a downtown Osaka Starbucks yesterday with her mobile phone (which, by the way, is so complicated I have no idea how to use).


  • 妻子昨天OsakaStarbucks商业区手机了张快照顺便说一,手机功能复杂知道怎么使用它)。

    Note: My wife took this snap of me in a downtown Osaka Starbucks yesterday with her mobile phone (which, by the way, is so complicated I have no idea how to use).


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