• 波波波速极为接近

    The Rayleigh wave speed is very close to the shear wave speed.


  • 杨氏模量弹性波波载荷振幅的增大而降低。

    The Young's modulus and wave velocity decrease when the dynamic load increases.


  • 杨氏模量弹性波波载荷振幅的增大而降低。

    Young's modulus and wave velocity decrease when the dynamic load increases.


  • 详细分析了血管顺应性脉搏波波这些参量影响

    The effect of vascular compliance and pulse wave velocity and reflection on these parameters were analysed in detail.


  • 瑞雷波速主要与其穿透深度范围内介质物理性质有关

    R wave velocity is mostly relative to the nature of media in which wave can penetrate.


  • 证明了激波是一依靠激波速输运热流热波

    It is demonstrated that negative entropy flow exists in shock wave and shock wave is a kind of heat wave which transfers heat with traveling wave velocity.


  • 通过试验得出不同级混凝土试样波速与其单抗压强度关系

    The relationship between uniaxial compressive strength and the velocity of longitudinal wave of concrete material with different grading is found through laboratory testing.


  • 考虑自由气体存在影响下,推导出浆体水击压力波波的计算公式。

    Taking account of the effects of free gaseous phase, the mathematical formulations are presented to describe the pressure wave speeds of transient flow in slurry pipelines.


  • 混凝土双轴疲劳荷载作用下超声波速变化规律进行了试验研究

    This paper presents a study on the histories of ultrasonic velocity variations of concrete specimen during biaxial cyclic compressive loading tests.


  • 结果表明,洞窟岩壁波速波速动弹模随着增加而增加

    It is indicated that the longitudinal wave speed, shear wave speed, as well as the dynamic Young's modulus of the Mogao grottoes increase with the increasing depth of grottoes.


  • 模型压力波波表达式阻力处理方法体现了伪均质固液特点

    In this model, the characteristics of pseudo-homogeneous solid-liquid two-phase flows have been considered in the expression of wave propagation speed and also during treating with flow resistance.


  • 故障测距系统中的波波测量准确性一定程度上影响了行波测距精度。

    In fault location system based on traveling wave, the measurement accuracy of traveling wave velocity influenced the fault location accuracy to a certain extent.


  • 工程场地波速测试近年工程勘察取得一定效果原位测试方法之一

    The wave velocity test of longitudinal and transverse waves in the construction site was one of the in-situ testing methods that was effective in engineering investigation in recent years.


  • 基于松动现场测试结果研究波速沿深的变化规律以及爆破施工对于松动影响

    The variation in acoustic velocity along the borehole and the influence of blasting on excavation damaged zone (EDZ) are studied based on the in-situ testing results.


  • 数值结果表明波速极值方向岩石远场应力方向相一致,指出简化模型的适用条件

    The numerical results show that the extremum direction of shear waves coincides with the direction of far-field principal stress. Furthermore, we verify the validity condition of the simplified model.


  • 此外峰值应力波速、峰值应变与纵波波速关系依赖于不同岩石而表现出不同规律

    Furthermore, the relationship among longitudinal wave velocity, peak stress and peak strain present different laws according to the types of rocks.


  • 声波层介质中传播时加权平均值作为构筑物的平均波波速计算出结构频率

    It treats the weighted average sound velocity in different mediums as the average sound velocity in the structure, thus the natural frequency of the structure is calculated.


  • 隧洞开挖以后围岩出现损伤在洞周形成开挖损伤损伤区范围内波速出现衰减。

    When the tunnel is excavated, the surrounding rock will be damaged and the damage zone will be formed around the profile where the acoustic velocity will weaken.


  • 第五建立了交感神经细胞内模型得到一维孤立脉冲波波波形解析关系式。

    The intracellular calcium wave model in frog sympathetic neurons is established. Then the analytical expressions of velocity and waveform of calcium solitary pulse wave are derived.


  • 计算结果表明影响爆破效果主要因素依次岩石波波速平均节理间距、最大节理间距。

    The calculation result shows that the factors that influence the blasting effect are as follows: the speed of lengthwise rock, average space of joint and the maximal


  • 同时运用波速比值——“龟裂系数方法余油层储层的裂缝发育频率进行了分析、计算

    In the meantime, fracture developing frequency of Fuyu oil pay zone is analyzed and calculated by using ratio of vertical wave velocity - "crocodile factor" method.


  • 通过回归分析,获得坝区试验点岩体波速变形量的回归经验方程高度显著的回归拟合曲线

    The empirical regression equations and high significance fitting curves of sound wave velocity and deformation modulus for test rock mass are got by regression analysis method.


  • 分析了用纵波速波速反推强度及灰土比可靠性大小,并提出了水泥土波和强度及灰土比的关系式

    The reliability of strength according to the wave velocity is analyzed, a formula about wave velocity and strength of soil-cement is given.


  • 针对小变换故障检测测距应用实际问题小波函数、小波变换初始数据波波选取等进行了研究。

    The practical problems in the fault detection and fault location using the wavelet transform, such as the wavelet basis function, the initial data, the velocity of traveling wave are studied.


  • 刚性圆形承压板进行岩体变形试验,建立了岩体波速变形拟合关系,用最小二乘回归法处理变形数据。

    Then the fitting relationships between the longitudinal wave velocity of rock masses and deformation moduli are established. Method of least square regression is used for deformation data processing.


  • 显示锚杆中锚固段应力波波固结锚固介质强度直接相关,固结波和锚固介质强度之间成抛物线关系。

    Numerical simulation results agree with experimental results, both of which show that velocity of consolidation wave in grouted rock bolt are related to the anchoring strength of fresh concrete.


  • 研究燃烧波波火焰传播率、最高燃烧温度燃烧特性参数,将计算结果实验结果以及前人的理论结果进行对比

    Some characteristic parameters, such as the combustion wave velocity, the flame speed and the peak flame temperature, are predicted. Analytical results have been compared with the related e...


  • 地幔显著现象就是带,就这个表达的那样,上地幔存在这么一个区域,在那里地震波波速会发生减慢

    The most remarkable feature of the upper mantle is the low-velocity zone. as suggested by its name, this is a region in the upper mantle in which there is a decrease in the speed of seismic wave.


  • 地幔显著现象就是带,就这个表达的那样,上地幔存在这么一个区域,在那里地震波波速会发生减慢

    The most remarkable feature of the upper mantle is the low-velocity zone. as suggested by its name, this is a region in the upper mantle in which there is a decrease in the speed of seismic wave.


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