• 虔诚波拉诺追随者希望最近出版波拉诺文集改变一状况。

    Devout followers might hope that a newly published collection of essays will change that.


  • 因此虽然波拉诺小说反映自己生活,但身上仍然笼罩着神秘传奇面纱。

    So while his fiction has taken on a life of its own, Bolaño remains shrouded in myth and mystery.


  • 1977年,波拉诺来到欧洲在那里自由旅行者身份虚度了十年光阴,成为被现代社会摒弃的诗人,染上了毒瘾

    In 1977 Bolaño moved to Europe and misspent an entire decade there as an itinerant laborer, living the life of a poète maudit and striking up an acquaintance with heroin.


  • 如果那三个去寻找Archimboldi宾馆里度过一个晚上很难指望波拉诺能够10纸内结束那段旅程,细细描述他们每个人梦境并且让人眼花缭乱。

    If three people spend the night at a hotel, you can count on Bolaño to stop the story cold for 10 pages while he describes each of their dreams. He'll do it gorgeously, but still.


  • ·斯马特·多德来自可爱女儿,她想到一个主意社会必须设立一个庆祝日子来向父亲表示敬意,因为父亲在养育孩子方面做出了重要的贡献

    Sonora Smart Dodd, a loving daughter from Spokane, had the good idea that society must celebrate a day to honor the father, because he made an important contribution to the raising of children.


  • 含碱玻璃不同西米亚英国的玻璃制品冷却可以进行雕刻切割,由此,风靡欧洲大陆

    Unlike Venice’s soda glass, potassium and lead glass lent themselves well to engraving and cutting when cold, and became fashionable throughout Europe.


  • 好莱坞领军人物马丁·斯科塞斯斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格佛朗西斯·波拉朱丽叶·比什都谴责被捕

    Leading Hollywood figures including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Juliette Binoche condemned his arrest.


  • 此前,美国国土安全部部长纳5月前往印度印度内政部长奇丹巴推出印国土安全对话HSD)”。

    Previously, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano traveled to India in May to launch the U.S.-India Homeland Security Dialogue (HSD) with Indian Minister of Home Affairs P. Chidambaram.


  • 芝加哥WGN(注:全称为World ' s GreastestNewspaper,即“世界伟大报纸”)新闻两位早间主播罗宾·鲍姆·加滕-塔什就伊利塞内卡即将的消息播报分钟

    Morning hosts Robin Baumgarten and Larry Potash from WGN (World's Greatest Newspaper) news spoke for three minutes about the impending explosion of the Seneca bridge over the IIllinois River.


  • 他们·斯的女儿提斯,得墨忒耳以及儿子普路托

    They were his daughters Hestia, Demeter and Hera, and sons Pluto and Poseidon.


  • 瑞亚:克洛妹妹妻子,是收获女神得墨耳、冥神哈德斯、女主神、女灶神赫斯提、海神塞冬和宙斯母亲

    Titan, the sister and wife of Cronus and the mother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon and Zeus.


  • 经典电影制作人波拉塔伦蒂李安提尔放映节日,但几乎没有人预测动画电影开场。

    With classic filmmakers such as Coppola, Tarantino, Ang Lee and Von Trier showing films, few expected the festival to kick off with an animated movie.


  • 命名来自华盛顿智能多德女人想到父亲想法1909年到母亲节布道

    A woman named Sonora Smart Dodd from Spokane, Washington, thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909.


  • 过去几周时间里,尤文同斯坦科维奇卡萨多尔斯基联系在一起,阿奎也早已成为斑马军团关注人选。

    Over the past week, Juve have been heavily linked with moves for Stankovic, Cassano and Podolski, while Aquilani has been on the radar for quite sometime.


  • 有一天,华盛顿州年轻人。斯马特。多德正在教堂倾听母亲节的布道

    Sonora Smart Dodd, a young person in Spokane, Washington, was listening to a Mother's Day sermon in church.


  • 我们不会引进多尔斯基卡萨,同样也不认为我们能下阿奎因为罗马希望留住

    We won't be moving for Podolski or Cassano and I don't think there is any chance of signing Aquilani because Roma have shown that they seriously want to keep him.


  • 瞬间过去,光芒暗淡下来抬起看见卡琳天空中裂成随片,一道冲击夹杂着大块残骸急速的飞来。

    After a moment the light dimmed, and he looked up to see Luclin broken apart in the sky, a wave of energy carrying chunks of debris rapidly toward Norrath.


  • 瞬间过去,光芒暗淡下来抬起看见卡琳天空中裂成随片,一道冲击夹杂着大块残骸急速的飞来。

    After a moment the light dimmed, and he looked up to see Luclin broken apart in the sky, a wave of energy carrying chunks of debris rapidly toward Norrath.


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