• 压力大小不能表征内发射破碎程度不能准确完全地反映发射药破碎所处力学环境

    The degree of pressure wave cannot describe the degree of fracture of propellant charge in the chamber, and cannot depict the environment of the fracturing propellant charge exactly and wholly.


  • 两家研究机构组成研究小组使用流运算技术分析高频电磁传感器记录数据按照研究小组的说法:“明年,这项计划中每秒需要处理的数据量高达6GB,而每小时的数据量则多达21600GB,后者几乎是互联网上所有网页大小的总和。”

    The organizations will use stream-computing technology to analyze data from sensors that track high-frequency radio waves, the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) said in a statement.


  • 字体大小对应一个那契

    The font size also corresponds to a Fibonacci number.


  • 专家由于海浪接一冲击时与海岸之间产生复杂相互作用,海啸影响大小存在很大变数

    Because of the complicated interactions with the coast as wave after wave strikes, experts said the impact of a tsunami can be highly variable.


  • 市场冠军很少震惊传入的业务相关小牛队大小冲击的影响。

    Market champions are rarely stunned by incoming business-related, Mavericks-size shock waves.


  • 使发电装置容量大小相匹配,就必须具备比较准确参数资料,并据此对安装力发电装置海区的浪能量进行估算。

    In order to match the capacity of wave power generation equipment with the magnitude of wave force it is necessary to urderstand the more accurate data of wave parameters.


  • 文章阐述调速原理指出峰值电流大小影响元器件寿命所以必要瞬时电流的大小进行控制

    It is pointed out, while expounding the principle of chopper speed variation, that the value of peak current can affect the service life of components and so it is necessary to control.


  • 不仅冲击作用情况有关而且通风构筑物形状大小、自周期等因素有关。

    It is a very complicated problem that is not only related to the shock wave interaction, but also to the shape, size and natural frequency of the ventilation structure.


  • 目的研究豚鼠胆囊切除术胃肠移行性复合(MMC)是否大小有关

    AIM: to investigate whether the bile acid pool size after cholecystectomy is correlated to the gastrointestinal migrating myoelectric complex (MMC) in guinea pigs.


  • 地震本身大小震级表示,根据地震时释放弹性能量大小确定震级,我国一般采用里氏震级

    The size of the earthquake itself, with that magnitude, according to the release of the earthquake wave energy flexibility to determine the size of magnitude, China's general use of the Richter scale.


  • 提出一种基于小变换大小可变多分辨率运动估计方法(VBMRME),减少图象时间冗余

    A scheme of variable block size Multiresolution Motion Estimation (VBMRME) is presented in this paper, which reduces temporal redundancy between pictures of the image sequence.


  • 航迹相关算法中的两主要方面确定正确的相关门形状大小航迹观测配对算法。

    In tracks correlation, it is most important that design a correct correlation gate size and pairing algorithm for observation and tracks.


  • 通过实例计算定量分析了结构内部损伤度、损伤位置损伤区域大小接收值和到达时间影响

    By the examples computation, the effects of the damage degree, damage location and zone on the amplitude and the arrival time of the received wave were quantitatively analyzed.


  • 借助经典爆炸力学理论回归拟合曲线方法验证爆炸大小应力的应力峰值、应力作用时间

    The radium of blasting cavity, stress peak value and action time of stress waves are validated by the theory of classical explosion mechanics and the way of curve regression.


  • 利用物理模型试验测量土海床海底管道所受大小方向

    The magnitude and the direction of wave pressure on submarine pipeline in silty bed are measured in physical model experiment.


  • 适应跟踪关键准确预测位置自动调整门的大小

    The key to adaptive window tracing method is to predict the window's position exactly and to adjust the window's size automatically.


  • 真人大小的卡纸板先生到了。知道喜欢常人情感的瞬间流露,可是,好,好棒哦,好棒哦。

    Ooohhh, my life-size cardboard Mr. Spock is here. I know he wouldn't care for an outburst of human emotions, but, oh goody, oh goody, oh goody!


  • 冲击破坏伤害作用主要取决于峰值压的大小,立方根比例定律定量估算冲击超压常用方法

    The damage of shock wave mainly depends on peak overpressure and scaled cube root distance is the most common method to estimate the shock wave overpressure.


  • 脉冲大小取决于冲击的延续时间及其压力

    The impulse is dependent upon the duration of the shock wave as well as its pressure.


  • 强迫重力形成机制为海浪波-非线性相互作用,它依赖于海浪水深大小

    Bound infragravity waves are forced by wave-wave nonlinear interaction of two wind waves, depended only on the swell energy and water depth.


  • 效应导致脉冲相位调制对称性大小初始脉冲形状脉宽有关。

    The effect of wakefield, which depends on the initial pulse shape and width, leads to the asymmetry of pulse self phase modulation.


  • 文中以小分析信息理论为基础,提出了能够反映局部数据信息有序大小的小多尺度熵信息提取方法。

    Based on the theory of wavelet analysis and information entropy, the wavelet multi-scale entropy that describes the ordering degree in local data has been proposed in this paper.


  • 计算表明填充表面辐射散热量的大小阴燃结构影响很大

    The calculating results show that the radiation heat loss at the bed surface may greatly influence the smoldering wave structure.


  • 分析线性插值高频阈值门限重建图像峰值变化关系,提出了峰值信噪比最大小双线性插值迭代算法。

    The variable relationship between the threshold of the extrapolation and its correspondent Peak of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) in the Wavelet Bi-linear Interpolation Algorithm is deeply analyzed.


  • 本文运用约化摄动法分别研究尘埃等离子体、尘埃等离子体、磁化尘埃等离子体尘埃等离子体晶体中的尘埃现象,着重考虑尘埃颗粒大小分布尘埃声影响

    In this paper, the effect of dust size distribution for the dust acoustic solitary wave (DASW) in the cold dusty plasma, the hot dusty plasma, the magnetized dusty plasmas and the dusty pl.


  • 实验结果表明这种方法T终点误识现有方法

    Experimental results showed that error ratio of recognizing t wave end using this method was much lower than that of currently available methods.


  • 阿布古庙图片画廊幅油画阿布辛古庙显示拉美西斯二世打败仗被俘这里拉美西斯言过其辞的大小――也许他的英雄壮举

    Photo Gallery: Abu Simbel A painting at Abu Simbel shows Ramses II beating war captives. Here Ramses exaggerated his sizeand possibly his heroic feats.


  • 为了充分描述冲击载荷强度大小,文中应用了冲击载荷的冲量概念

    An impulse concept is adopted to fully describe the intensity of blast loading.


  • 为了充分描述冲击载荷强度大小,文中应用了冲击载荷的冲量概念

    An impulse concept is adopted to fully describe the intensity of blast loading.


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