• 波士顿环球报》报道,2012年获得学士学位的学生平均每月还贷款312美元,2004年毕业的学生出三分之一

    According to The Boston Globe, students who earned their bachelor's in 2012 have an average monthly loan payment of $312, which is one-third more than those who graduated in 2004.


  • 波士顿失去波士顿环球报》将不可想象的。

    Boston without the Boston Globe is unthinkable.


  • (波士顿环球报)报道他们火星上找到

    It says (in Boston Globe) that they have found water in Mars.


  • 相信真地发生了,”《波士顿环球》报纸专栏作家写道

    'They never thought it would happen,' wrote one Boston Globe columnist.


  • 今天的《波士顿环球报》有一篇文章表示用户数据不仅可以用于广告目的

    However, today's article in the Boston Globe suggests that user information can be mined for more than just advertising purposes.


  • 波士顿环球报》(TheBoston Globe)最佳虚构类图书。

    The Boston Globe's Simply the Best nonfiction.


  • 福尔曼经常波士顿环球报”其他报纸健康专栏写稿,所以是个消息特别灵通的病人

    Foreman writes a health column for the Boston Globe and other newspapers, so she's an unusually well-informed patient.


  • 终止出售波士顿环球之后,时报自称出售波士顿棒球队相关媒体少量股权进程正在推进中。

    TheTimes said it was moving ahead with the sale process for its minoritystake in the Boston Red Sox baseball team and related media properties, after halting the sale of the Boston Globe.


  • 经常开发者那儿拿到非法现金报酬,作为对他…虚报建筑修复工程价格回报(波士顿环球)。

    He often took illegal cash payments from developers in return for. low - balling the cost of construction AND renovation work (Boston Globe).


  • 网站列举了许多支持她的言论,包括波士顿环球》上的一句评论:“美国著名最直率招生办主任。”

    Her Web site lists numerous endorsements22, including a quote from the Boston Globe: "the most celebrated and outspoken admissions dean in America."


  • 波士顿环球报》马特·菲瑟尔虽面临截稿压力,但仍凭借对白宫出色报道获得“梅丽曼·史密斯”。

    Matt Viser of the Boston Globe, winner of the Merriman Smith Award for outstanding White House coverage under deadline pressure.


  • 波士顿环球报告龙虾技委会英格兰州南部水域的龙虾10年来急剧下降,3500万至1500万。

    The Lobster Technical Committee said Numbers in southern New England waters have dropped sharply in 10 years, from 35 million to 15 million, the Boston Globe reports.


  • 句总觉得有些问题)波士顿环球询问竞选是否被动,她急躁地回答:“就站在公园外面反对一样?

    When the Boston Globe asked whether her campaign had been too passive, her irritable response was: “As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park?


  • 杰夫·雅各比是市场万能论者,波士顿环球撰稿人。出于同样理由,他反对价格欺诈:“并非市场狮子大开口。”

    Jeff Jacoby, a pro-market commentator writing in the Boston Globe, argued against price-gouging laws on similar grounds: "it isn't going to charge what the market will bear."


  • 巫楠,2003至2006年担任《北京经济观察报》国际新闻记者以及波士顿环球报》北京办事处的新闻助理

    Wu Nan worked as an international news reporter for the Economic Observer in Beijing and as news assistant for the Beijing bureau of the Boston Globe from 2003-2006.


  • 该片汤姆·麦卡锡执导,故事改编自真实事件:《波士顿环球决定揭露全市势力最大组织之一——天主教会的丑闻。

    Directed by Tom McCarthy, the movie dramatizes what happened when the Boston Globe newspaper decided to take on one of the city's most powerful institutions: the Catholic Church.


  • 波士顿环球邮报》报道,美国波斯正在筹建全球最大面部移植项目伊拉克阿富汗战争中面部严重毁容老兵治疗。

    The world's biggest face transplant program is being set up in Boston for veterans left severely deformed after surviving horrific war injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Boston Globe reported.


  • 波士顿环球刊登了特里·维西克母亲波士顿洛根机场照片星期日晚间,特里·维西克飞机土耳其飞抵波士顿

    The Boston Globe published a picture of Matthew Trevithick and his mother at Boston's Logan Airport where he arrived late Sunday on a flight from Turkey.


  • 回到办公室,在办公桌旁坐下,一边喝着不凉可乐一边重新阅读周前波士顿环球报上刊登篇报道:“执刀女人”。

    Back at his desk, he sippedlukewarm Coke and re-read the article printed a few weeks before in the BostonGlobe: "Women Holding the Knife."


  • 恭喜以赛亚贡献场伟大表演,”沃克在给波士顿环球报》的短信说道,“从未另外一名凯尔特人追平记录。”

    "Congrats Isaiah on a great performance, " Walker said in a text message to the Globe. "Never thought it would be another Celtic to get my record. "


  • 家住列星顿市、19艾迪·马修丝只名叫“史帕基”的7个月逃跑当时正在波士顿拜访朋友,《波士顿环球周二报导说。

    Addie Mathews, 19, of Lexington, said Sparky the cat ran away at the age of 7 months while she was visiting friends in Boston, the Boston Globe reported Tuesday.


  • 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)食品添加剂安全办公室奇斯曼(MitchellCheeseman)波士顿环球报》表示,食品安全性测量药品不同

    Mitchell Cheeseman of the FDA's Office of Food Additive Safety told the Globe that safety is measured differently for food than for medicines.


  • 今年2月份面世以来款应用已经获得了《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe)食品华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的正面报道。

    Since its February release the app has gotten positive ink in the Boston Globe's food section, as well as the Wall Street Journal.


  • 普纳Pune印度第八城市YOO环球设计品牌莫斯科迈阿密波士顿首尔悉尼普吉岛之后的又一住宅项目所在地,邀请了菲利普斯达克设计他们这个位于印度西部项目,受菲利普斯塔克的启发,YOO希望住宅项目中体现奢华的品味。

    Located in the West, Pune is the eighth largest metropolis in India. There are yoo residences around the world, including Moscow, Miami, Boston, New York, Seoul, Sydney and Phuket.


  • 普纳Pune印度第八城市YOO环球设计品牌莫斯科迈阿密波士顿首尔悉尼普吉岛之后的又一住宅项目所在地,邀请了菲利普斯达克设计他们这个位于印度西部项目,受菲利普斯塔克的启发,YOO希望住宅项目中体现奢华的品味。

    Located in the West, Pune is the eighth largest metropolis in India. There are yoo residences around the world, including Moscow, Miami, Boston, New York, Seoul, Sydney and Phuket.


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