• 波兰地下组织信使被空降到了华沙

    He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw.


  • 2007年,谢赫卢布林市认识波兰海洛因贩子似乎得到他们帮助,当时发给华沙英国大使馆电子邮件暴露脆弱心理状态

    Emails sent by Shaikh to the British embassy in Warsaw in 2007, when he appears to have been befriended by Polish heroin traffickers he met in the city of Lublin, expose his vulnerable state of mind.


  • 判决是以2007年指控波兰华沙类似禁令的结果参照的。

    That judgment relied on a 2007 finding against Poland for a similar ban in Warsaw.


  • 德国朋友维利·勃兰特1970年华沙犹太人区纪念碑前的一国家波兰重归于好。

    My German counterpart Willy Brandt launched his country's reconciliation with Poland by bending his knee at the Warsaw ghetto memorial in 1970.


  • 例如波兰花旗拥有200个分支机构遍布全国各地,但银行家表示这个网络的重点逐渐转移到华沙可能还有另外一两个城市

    In Poland, for example, where citi has 200 branches spread across the country, bankers said the network would be refocused over time on Warsaw and possibly one or two other cities.


  • 波兰几乎没有劳动力跨国迁徙传统华沙这方面更是不足蓬勃发展西部失业率东部和平共处

    Poland has little tradition of internal Labour mobility, so shortages in Warsaw and the country's booming western crescent can coexist with deep joblessness in the east.


  • 波兰举办著名音乐节日有瓦特拉国际艺术节华沙秋天

    The renowned music festivals hosted by Poland include the Wratislavia Cantans and the Warsaw Autumn.


  • 筋疲力竭妈妈她的宝宝们“霸占”了位于波兰华沙主人家整个一楼

    Their exhausted mother and the brood take up the entire ground floor of their owner's house which is located in Warsaw, Poland.


  • 楼层纵深40英尺层楼一个房间。该建筑被安插位于波兰华沙两幢建筑之间

    Each of the four storeys goes back nearly 40ft with a room on each floor of the apartment, crammed into an alley between an old tenement block and a tower block in Warsaw, Poland.


  • 华沙希望苏维埃俄国可以毕苏茨基进行谈判防止可能出现的波兰--白卫军联盟

    Warsaw hoped that Soviet Russia would be more than willing to negotiate with Pilsudski, in order to prevent a possible Polish-White Army alliance.


  • 我们觉得他们落后荷兰20,”AdBakker,他是华沙波兰朋友表示声援的39岁荷兰

    "We feel like they are 20 years behind the Netherlands," said Ad Bakker, a 39-year-old from Holland who traveled to Warsaw to show solidarity with Polish friends.


  • 华沙大型塞奇尔齐发电站每个冬天都有波兰首都三分之二提供暖气

    The giant Siekierki power station in Warsaw provides electricity and heating to two-thirds of the Polish capital each winter.


  • 华沙大学种族隔离的演讲大厅里曾在这里学习波兰语),她和志同道合朋友们经常有意坐在犹太人”的座位上

    In the segregated lecture halls at Warsaw University, where she studied Polish literature, she and likeminded friends deliberately sat on the “Jewishbenches.


  • 最后华沙巴马如期地波兰人说是的波兰能够经受得起打击

    Finally, in Warsaw, Mr Obama was due to tell Poland that, yes, it can punch above its weight.


  • 曾经住瑞典大学城学生宿舍里,马德里一间殖民时期房子里的一张,以及波兰罗茨瓦夫郊外的一幢公共高层住宅。

    I stayed in student dorms in Swedish university towns and plush colonial-era houses in Madrid via communist-built tower blocks on the outskirts of Wroclaw in Poland.


  • 还是一个大学生时就已经成了波兰优秀历史学家。1920年直到1944年葬身于华沙的犹太人区的废墟中,他始终坚持进行这方面的研究。

    Starting as a student in 1920, he was to become one of his country’s best historians, up to his death in the ruins of the Warsaw ghetto in 1944.


  • 华沙莱吉亚队堪称波兰成功足球俱乐部之一,曾夺得9个国内联赛冠军创纪录13个波兰杯桂冠

    Legia is one of the most successful Polish football clubs in history, winning a total of 9 league championships and a record 13 Polish Cups.


  • 米利班德波兰犹太祖父母来自华沙波兰犹太籍母亲来自于琴斯托霍瓦。

    Mr Miliband's Polish Jewish paternal grandparents were from Warsaw, and his Polish Jewish mother is from Czestochowa.


  • 该河蜿蜒向北奔流1047千米(651英里),穿过克拉科夫华沙波兰主要城市由格但斯克进入波罗的

    The river winds its way northward for 1,047 kilometers (651 miles), through major cities such as Krakow and Warsaw, to Gdansk Bay on the Baltic Sea.


  • 一家位于西迪威臣安静的名叫Podhalanka餐厅。西迪威臣街聚集着除华沙最多波兰,因称为波兰百老汇著名。

    It was at Podhalanka, a quiet restaurant on West Division Street, a thoroughfare known as Polish broadway-in a city that boasts the largest Polish population outside of Warsaw.


  • 波兰华沙华沙橙子期间英国摇滚乐队Skunk Anansie黑人女主唱德博拉戴尔军团体育场演出

    Warsaw, Poland: Skin of English rock band Skunk Anansie performs during the Warsaw Orange Festival at the Legia Stadium


  • 波兰得最好Barack Obama即将在5月27日访问华沙宣布进驻一个F - 16空军中队

    Poland does best: Barack Obama will announce the stationing of a squadron of F-16s there when he visits Warsaw on May 27th.


  • BBC记者亚当·依斯顿华沙报道这次坠机事故波兰民众灾难。

    The BBC's Adam Easton, in Warsaw, says the crash is a catastrophe for the Polish people.


  • 《钢琴家》:1939——1945年,一个波兰钢琴家华沙真实生存记录,瓦迪斯瓦夫·席皮尔曼。

    The Pianist: The Extraordinary True Story of One man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939-1945, Wladyslaw szpilman.


  • 3 月,波兰航空公司将近10年后重返中国市场开通华沙北京直接航线。

    In March 2008 LOT returned to China market after almost 10 years, opening direct connection from Warsaw to Beijing.


  • 马丁知道波兰,你是从哪个城市来的?华沙吗?

    MARTIN: I know you're from Poland. What city are you from? Warsaw?


  • 马丁知道波兰,你是从哪个城市来的?华沙吗?

    MARTIN: I know you're from Poland. What city are you from? Warsaw?


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