• 2001年爱德华法拉基,费利佩·安德烈·奥利阿基·莱·塞普·里加入乐队重生释放

    In 2001 Eduardo Falaschi, Felipe Andreoli and Aquiles Priester joined the band for the release of Rebirth.


  • 如果马尔基·奥尼能实现的目标,他创造出一家全新企业包括菲亚特汽车公司(法拉玛莎拉蒂除外或是包括上述两家公司但菲亚特集团其他部分除外)、克莱通用汽车欧洲分公司。

    If Mr Marchionne pulls it off, he will create a new company consisting of Fiat Auto (without Ferrari and Maserati or the rest of the Fiat Group), Chrysler and GM Europe.


  • 法拉朴茨茅誉为值得尊敬中东投资者”,同事马克·雅各布一道进入董事会

    Faraj, described by Portsmouth as a "respected property investor in the Middle East", will join the board with his associate Mark Jacob.


  • 我们家人医生老师他们知道两个母亲,”法拉说道,一边的康·坦扎点点头,“但是权利不能别人好心来施舍。”

    "Our families, our doctors, the teachers - they all know that there are two mothers," said Ms. Alfarache, nodding at Constanza. "But you can't leave rights to people's good will."


  • 还有一点尚不清楚,就是盖达马克为何不在八月份将俱乐部出售法拉吉,当时托里相信已经这位沙特商人安排了一协议结果却是法希姆买下了朴茨茅

    One issue which is still unclear is why Gaydamak did not sell to Faraj in August when Storrie believed he had brokered a deal for the Saudi to take over, only for Fahim to buy Portsmouth.


  • 法拉相信很快发生改变正如桑普拉贝克尔激励过一样,现在的这些职业球员也会激发下一代哥伦比亚球员

    Falla says he believes that will change soon, and as Sampras and Boris Becker inspired him, so will current pros spark another generation of Colombians.


  • 路易·法拉汗的总部这个地区

    Louis Farrakhan's headquarters were within his district.


  • 通过中间人,与他们间接接触——事情就是这样运作的”,德国巴登度过流放生涯的法拉先生表示

    "You are approached indirectly, by intermediaries - this is how it works," said Mr. Farani, who spent his exile in Wiesbaden, Germany.


  • 没人驾驭马尔科姆,”路易·法拉门生最终成了敌人

    "Nobody could handle Malcolm," Louis Farrakhan, his protege and eventual enemy, said.


  • 法拉博士发现后,来自康纳尔大学格里.伊凡米歇尔.博格对这一现象进行更加深入的研究。

    Since Dr Farah’s discovery, Gary Evans and Michelle Schamberg of Cornell University have studied the phenomenon in more detail.


  • 资金似乎转手,法拉已经答应接手朴茨茅债务以及运营成本

    It appears no money has changed hands but that Faraj has agreed to take on Portsmouth's liabilities, plus running costs.


  • 如今锈迹斑斑,污垢遍布影院曾有辉煌的过去。 洛伊维影院位于布鲁克林法拉布什大街,昔日华丽的影院1977年关闭之前曾给这条大街带来了繁荣商业活动。

    The rusting, dirt-caked marquee that hangs outside the Loew’s Kings Theater over a bustling commercial stretch of Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn last promoted a film in 1977.


  • 许多科学家都把自己理念出来。“个例子,我们看看大家麦克法拉第的成就便知道他们把画图视为创作发明一部分。”

    Many scientists draw their concepts. “For example, if we look at the work of somebody like Maxwell or Farady—we know they drew as part of their inventing process.”


  • 公司总部孟菲公司2006年花费52,000美元首席执行长约翰法拉奇(JohnV.Faraci)安装住宅保安系统

    They include International Paper Co., whose directors spent $52, 000 in 2006 to install a home-security system for CEO John V. Faraci after the company's headquarters moved to Memphis, Tenn.


  • 苏莱曼·阿尔·法希姆(Sulaiman al-Fahim')入主茨茅俱乐部仅仅段难熬的经历昨晚终结,已经签署协议俱乐部90%的股份出售给沙特阿拉伯商人阿里·阿尔·法拉吉(Ali al-Faraj)。

    Portsmouth owner ended last night after only six weeks when he completed a deal to sell 90% of the club to the Saudi Arabian businessman Ali al-Faraj.


  • 帕里希尔顿罗伯洛肯德拉威尔金帕米拉安德逊托米R凯莉科林法拉尔、金卡戴珊戴蒙德

    The Players: Paris Hilton, Rob Lowe, Kendra Wilkinson, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, R. Kelly, Colin Farrell, Kim Kardashian, Dustin Diamond


  • 法拉布拉德利·威奥运健儿消耗大量蛋白质碳水化合物特别是他们比赛准备一部分时间

    Olympic athletes like mo Farah and Bradley Wiggins consume huge amounts of protein and carbohydrates at particular times as part of their preparation for RACES.


  • 中国将向“超级豪车额外征收10%的税收包括法拉宾利·马丁·

    China has introduced an additional 10% tax on "super cars", including Ferrari, Bentley, Aston Martin and Rolls-Royce.


  • 接下来场比赛中法拉一样包揽1、2情况现实吗?

    Q. Is it realistic to have Ferrari win the next two races, like in Spa with a 1-2?


  • 切拉2010年法拉利车队里担任测试备用车手。

    It is rumoured Fisichella's temporary race deal will lead into a full test and reserve role at Ferrari in 2010 and beyond.


  • 希腊石油商人纳辛奈科功能界别股东拥有法拉经销商

    Giannis Vardinogiannis, Greek oil businessman and Panathinaikos FC shareholder, owns Ferrari dealership.


  • 从未蒙特利尔印第安纳波利驾驶法拉利赛车所以我无法评估它在这两条赛道上的表现。

    I have never driven the Ferrari in Montreal or in Indianapolis, so I can not say how the car goes in those circuits.


  • 基于偏振特性马吕定理法拉光效应,采用光源检测实现了量程直线位移的测量。

    Based on characteristics of optical polarizing, Malus law, and Faraday optical rotation, a long-range displacement detector is realized by same light source and double light route.


  • 根据法拉楞次麦克理论具体研究了变压器基本原理定向方法

    According to Faraday, Lenz and Maxwell theory, the basic principle and the directional method of transformers have been concretely studied.


  • 父亲也许是为了磨练新泽西州汤姆法拉格特海军上将军官学校学习。

    Perhaps to discipline him, his father sent him to admiral farragut academy in toms river, New Jersey.


  • 法拉车手莱科宁相信国际汽联关于布朗威廉姆丰田车队使用扩散器是否合法判决2009年冠军归属造成重大影响。

    Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen believes the FIA's ruling on the legality of the diffusers used by Brawn, Williams and Toyota will have a huge bearing on the outcome of the 2009 championship.


  • 轮胎制造商以低姿态出现一级方程式运动中,它在下个赛季愿意法拉利车队威廉姆车队提供轮胎。

    The tyre manufacturer is working towards a lower-profile in Formula One and only wants to supply Ferrari and Williams AS of next seASon.


  • 今年比赛来看迈克拉法拉不存在绝对的优势处于领先的位置,那时候你觉得轻松吗?

    Q. At races this year it seems that either McLaren or Ferrari have had a big advantage over the other team. At Spa, and in a situation where you are ahead, does it actually feel quite easy?


  • 中国引进附加税为10%的超级汽车包括法拉宾利·马丁·

    China has introduced an additional 10% tax on "super cars", including Ferrari, Bentley, Aston Martin and Rolls-Royce.


  • 中国引进附加税为10%的超级汽车包括法拉宾利·马丁·

    China has introduced an additional 10% tax on "super cars", including Ferrari, Bentley, Aston Martin and Rolls-Royce.


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