• 二月份,作为著名“巴基斯坦先知之友”领导人,旁遮普省法律部长Rana Sanaullah坚持参加了章马南部城镇次候选人竞选活动

    Punjab’s minister of law, Rana Sanaullah, went on the campaign trail in February with the reputed head of Sipah-e-Sahaba, for a by-election in the southern town of Jhang.


  • 二月份,作为著名“巴基斯坦先知之友”领导人,旁遮普省法律部长Rana Sanaullah坚持参加了章马南部城镇次候选人竞选活动

    Punjab's minister of law, Rana Sanaullah, went on the campaign trail in February with the reputed head of Sipah-e-Sahaba, for a by-election in the southern town of Jhang.


  • 这位外交部长表示:”我们准备任何法律主体进行探讨我们绝不会个罪犯谈判。“

    The foreign minister said:"We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but will never negotiate with criminals."


  • 卫生部长最近提出一系列旨在减少 Gandania烟草使用法律

    The health secretary recently proposed a series of laws aimed at curtailing tobacco use in Gandania.


  • 宣布自己授权接管当时津巴布韦最大芒果农场Ben Freeth坚称新闻部长正当法律程序

    He announced he had been given the right to take over what was then Zimbabwe's biggest mango farm. Mr Freeth insisted that the minister first go through the correct legal procedures.


  • 5月17日四面楚歌能源部长文章)克里斯·胡纳(Chris Huhne)2023年2027年英国温室气体排放规定了具有法律约束力指标

    On May 17th Chris Huhne, the embattled energy secretary (see article), set legally binding targets for Britain's greenhouse-gas emissions from 2023 to 2027.


  • 法令场闹剧转变一起卢斯科尼藐视法律规则例子,之前的一个例子是出台一项新的草案允许延期针对部长的诉讼。

    The decree transformed a farce into yet another example of Mr Berlusconi's contempt for the rule of law, of a piece with a new draft law to allow ministers to delay criminal trials against them.


  • 印度环境部长今天西方各国努力利用印度“毫无节制生育行为强迫新德里接受具有法律约束力减排目标

    Western nations are trying to use India's "profligate reproductive behaviour" to force Delhi to accept legally binding emission reduction targets, India's environment minister said today.


  • 所以法律某些权力委托卫生部长行使,授权制定相关规则并在其授权范围发生法律效力

    Therefore the main Act delegates certain powers to the Minister of Health who makes rules having the force of law within the scope of the authority delegated to him.


  • 分管环境部长助理负责保证能源部的所有项目必须符合相关的环境安全方面法律法规政策

    The assistant secretary for environment would assure that all departmental programs were consistent with environmental and safety laws, regulations, and policies.


  • 部长们意识到,由此所需法律作的修改将会引发如同30多年堕胎合法化时爆发的震惊争议。

    Ministers are a ware that the change in the law which will be required will be equally as explosive and contentious5 as that which legalised abortion6 more than 30 years ago.


  • 但是我们需要制定环境法律提高相应的执行能力,然后才能建立保护区。” 马尔代夫环境部长Mohamed Aslam如是说

    But we need to increase our ability to enforce existing environmental laws before creating new protected areas, " says Environment Minister Mohamed Aslam."


  • 环境部部长位发言人玛丽安·霍布斯提到建议中的禁止动物组织移植法律,她有关动物组织移植的条款卫生尼特·提出的。

    A spokesman for Environment Minister Marian Hobbs, who introduced the proposed banning law, said the transplant clause was a matter for Health Minister Annette king.


  • 环境部部长位发言人玛丽安·霍布斯提到建议中的禁止动物组织移植法律,她有关动物组织移植的条款卫生尼特·提出的。

    A spokesman for Environment Minister Marian Hobbs, who introduced the proposed banning law, said the transplant clause was a matter for Health Minister Annette king.


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