• 2018年1月1日,一项针对象牙贸易的新法律生效,中国许多商店被勒令关闭。

    Many shops in China were ordered to shut down as a new law against ivory trade came into effect on January 1st, 2018.


  • 个月,不少关于食品安全的新法律法规开始生效

    Quite a few new laws and rules on food safety were put into use last month.


  • 什么国际卫生条例(2005)》法律地位以及怎样各国生效

    What is the legal status of the IHR (2005) and how do they enter into force for States?


  • 明年生效最新联邦法律严格限制向年龄21岁以下人士发行信用卡

    A new federal law that takes effect next year tightens rules governing credit-card issuance for people under 21.


  • 法律生效以来女性焦急意识到丈夫现在实际上成了她们地主全国范围内婚姻家庭律师业务量剧增。

    Family lawyers across the country have been flooded with business since the new law took effect, as anxious women have realised their husbands are now effectively their landlords.


  • 现在随着组织烟草控制框架公约生效,公约缔约国必须公约的一般性条款化为本国法律条例

    Now, with the entry into force, countries Party to the WHO FCTC are bound to translate its general provisions into national laws and regulations.


  • 那些环保法律已经生效大量消费者响应了废旧电器的回收行动。

    Consumer response to recycling has been enormous in states where the laws have taken effect.


  • 另外知情人士表示恢复临时边界所需欧盟法律,不可能在今年底之前生效可能更

    Furthermore, the EU legislation required to reintroduce temporary borders is unlikely to come into effect before the end of the year, and could be delayed longer, insiders say.


  • 包括新泽西州康涅狄格州以及纽约市在内许多地区的法律虽然没有一个正式生效)都明确禁止居民电子废品当成一般垃圾来丢弃。

    Many laws, including those for New Jersey and Connecticut and New York City (none of which are yet in effect) specifically ban residents from dumping electronics into the regular trash.


  • 欧盟又推出了“罗马号(Rome III)”措施目前还在协商修改中,将于2008年正式生效措施旨在确保婚姻与其关系最为密切法律终结

    An EU measure called Rome III, now under negotiation and pencilled in to come into force in 2008, tries to ensure that the marriage is ended by the law that has governed it most closely.


  • 具有约束力国际法律工具,于2007年615生效

    This binding instrument of international law entered into force on 15 June 2007.


  • 烟草控制框架公约2月份生效成为具有约束力国际法律

    In February the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control came into force and has become binding international law.


  • 必要法律规定按计划已2000年8月1日生效

    Answer: The requisite legal regulations went into effect on August 1st 2000.


  • 而后经过几个争吵选举法律12月6号最终生效这使得大选明年举行可能是三月七号

    And then, after months of wrangling, an electoral law was finally ratified on December 6th, enabling a general election to be held early next year, probably on March 7th.


  • 附加议定书的法律程序。 该议定书今年3月28中国生效

    The protocol has entered into force for China since March 28.


  • Carlyle与离婚(1857年起生效法律)再婚

    Carlyle divorces her (a legal option since 1857) and remarries.


  • 双方将积极履行法律程序,推动《中菲刑事司法协助条约》尽快生效,愿探讨早日启动两国《移管被判刑协定》的谈判,重申打击包括贩毒人口贩卖在内的跨国犯罪活动方面加强合作

    They reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening cooperation in combating transnational crimes, including drug traffickling and traffickling in persons.


  • 为了回应七月17个生效法律全国洗洁精制造商都重新调配他们产品使他们产品中的关键元素——磷酸盐降低仅仅微量的水平。

    Responding to laws that went into effect in 17 states in July, the nation's detergent makers reformulated their products to reduce what had been the crucial ingredient, phosphates, to just a trace.


  • 根据2012生效联邦法律,白炽灯高效照明技术取代二极管灯(LED)。

    Under federal rules that take effect in 2012, they will be replaced by more efficient lighting technologies, such as LEDs.


  • 一多边系统具有法律约束力粮食农业植物遗传资源国际条约》的组成部分,该条约2004年生效得到115个国家批准

    The Multilateral System is part of the legally-binding International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture that entered into force in 2004 and has been ratified by 115 countries.


  • 年前生效联邦法律规定严禁儿童乙烯玩具产品中使用邻苯二甲酸酯,然而美国没有限制化妆品其他个人护理用品中的邻苯二甲酸酯。

    A federal law that went into effect a year ago bans phthalates in children's vinyl toys and other products. But there are no U.S. restrictions on phthalates in cosmetics and other personal care items.


  • 这部法律生效时,金融行业企业已经正常运营了

    When this legislation was introduced, businesses in the financial sector were already functioning.


  • 他们已经对2007年生效法律产生了恐惧法律更为严格标准但是时间限定在2020年以前。

    They already feared a law enacted in 2007 that had the same tight standards but a deadline of 2020.


  • 密西西比州已经通过了自己有关处方药品法律法律2010年7月1日生效以后,该州与冰毒相关的案件降低70%。

    Mississippi has passed its own prescription-only law, which went into effect on July 1st 2010; since then the state has seen a 70% reduction in meth-related cases.


  • 甚至认为禁止同性恋入伍公平的人也因认为国家顶级法律学校鼓励国家而对其怒目相向

    Even people who think the ban on gays in uniform is unjust are affronted that the nation’s top law school should actively discourage its students from serving their country.


  • 法律生效个月内20家城乡医院监测数据显示道路交通头部受伤死亡风险分别降低16%和18%。

    In the first three months after the law took effect, surveillance data from 20 urban and rural hospitals, found the risk of road traffic head injuries and deaths decreased by 16% and 18% respectively.


  • 有一些经济学家担心企业在新法生效几个月观望期中反而会停止招聘新人,所以最初结果可能这个法律初衷- - -刺激就业背道而驰

    But some economists worry that the first result of a law designed to boost employment will be the opposite, as companies freeze hiring during the months of uncertainty.


  • 法律开始生效时间里,犯罪率开始普遍升高。 其中谋杀升高最快

    It was during this period of severe restrictions on owning firearms that crime rates in general, and the murder rate in particular, began to rise in England.


  • 法律开始生效时间里,犯罪率开始普遍升高。 其中谋杀升高最快

    It was during this period of severe restrictions on owning firearms that crime rates in general, and the murder rate in particular, began to rise in England.


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