• 那些计划的申请,几乎可以肯定一些法律斗争存在

    For those planning to apply, there are almost sure to be some legal battles.


  • 终于赢得了这场要求赔偿的法律斗争

    She finally won the legal battle for compensation.


  • 意味着司法部加州之间有更多类似现在这样正在进行斗争,后者联邦通信委员会放弃后,制定了一项严格的网络中立法律

    That means more battles like the one now going on between the Justice Department and California, which enacted a tough net neutrality law in the wake of the FCC's abdication.


  • 孟山都评论家抨击公司农户发起了无情法律斗争”,他们希望案件得到应有的惩罚。

    Monsanto's critics have attacked the company for its "merciless legal battles against small farmers" and they are hoping this will be the case that puts it in its place.


  • 虽然有法律保护印度打击暴力斗争仍然步履维艰

    Despite the protections of the law, India still struggles to combat gender-based violence.


  • 因为这引发长期法律斗争使得整个进程更加缓慢、花费更巨

    That would prompt long legal battles, making the whole process even slower and costlier.


  • 这些抱怨有关实现网络连接的法律斗争无疑使当局管理者犹豫是否同意Telmex涉足电视服务行业

    Such complaints, and the legal fights over interconnection elsewhere, will no doubt give the regulators pause as they consider whether to grant Telmex the right to move into television services.


  • 在世界几乎出售10手机其中有4这家芬兰手机生产商生产的,它可是法律斗争的老手。

    The Finnish mobile phone manufacturer, which makes almost four in every 10 mobile phones sold worldwide, is no stranger to legal fights.


  • 原告合法斗争演变成了商业行为,它包括7家法律公司几百万美元花费

    The plaintiffs' legal fight has become a business unto itself, involving seven law firms and several million dollars in expenses.


  • 但是居民Port Jervis表示36伴侣SusanZimmer可能通过说服立法机关修改法律来继续斗争

    But the Port Jervis resident said she and her partner of 36 years, Susan Zimmer, would fight on, probably by lobbying the Legislature for a change in the law.


  • 这些以及许多其他斗争使得制定工业时代法律与颠覆定律进行了较量。

    These and hundreds of other struggles pit laws written during the industrial age against the law of Disruption.


  • 玛蕾》已经我们展现一个勇敢蓝领女性公司斗争的故事;《大审判》展现了不拉帮结派律师们面对让人恐惧法律挑战的故事。

    NORMA RAE has given us the gutsy, blue collar woman fighting the big corporation and the VERDICT has shown us out-of-their-league lawyers having to face very daunting legal challenges.


  • 罗伯逊表示,唱片公司之间斗争,不仅我们这个时代最为重要事业,也是一场具有决定意义的法律

    According to Robertson, the struggle against the record labels is one of the defining business and legal battles of our time.


  • 来,世界最大烟草公司之一展开法律斗争1997年肺癌丈夫讨还公道

    For 10 years she has been waging a legal battle against one of the world's largest tobacco corporations, seeking justice for her husband who died from lung cancer in 1997.


  • 法官充分利用国王支持成就各种制度英国传统法律原则与国王进行斗争

    The judges stroked with the king fully using all kinds of institutions shaped under support of king and legal traditional principals.


  • 经过长时间法律斗争该市目前正在推进燃煤取暖禁令于2019年9月生效。

    After a long legal fight, the city is now moving forward with a ban on burning coal for home heating, to take effect in September 2019.


  • 我们必须更多钱来和全球气温上升作斗争另外,我认为我们还必须采用严厉法律措施。这不只是一个问题

    We must spend more moneyfighting against global warming. In addition, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money.


  • 刑事政策国家打击预防犯罪运用刑事法律武器与犯罪作斗争各种手段方法对策

    The criminal policy indicates various means, methods and countermeasures of employing criminal legal weapon against crimes by the State in order to prevent and crack down on crimes.


  • 针对日益严重毒品违法犯罪国家制定一系列法律法规,禁毒斗争发挥巨大作用

    Towards increasingly serious drugs illegal crime, our country made a series of laws and institutions playing an important role in the forbidding drugs struggle.


  • 经过长时间法律斗争该市目前正在推进燃煤取暖禁令于2019年9月生效。

    After ra long legal fight, the city is now moving forward with a ban on burning coal for home heating, to take effect in September 2019.


  • 烟草制造商吸烟者之间法律斗争可以追溯到1954年,当时美国提起一起诉讼

    Legal battles between tobacco makers and smokers date back to 1954, when the first case was filed in the U. s.


  • 刑法无限防卫规定虽然有利于犯罪分子作斗争同时也极易导致防卫权的滥用,使现实法律中的某些整合平衡关系遭致破坏

    Law Regulations on the limitless defense right can encourage people to fight the wrong doers, however, it can arise excessive force and destroy some balance in reality or law.


  • 因此毫无疑问你们可以赢得漠视耻辱偏见斗争,能够中国同性恋者,艾滋病患者病毒携带者提供社会与法律保护

    So there is no doubt that you can win the fight against ignorance, stigma and prejudice, and offer legal and social protections for Chinese gay people, and people with HIV.


  • 我们必须更多来和全球气温上升斗争另外,我认为我们还必须采用严厉法律措施。这不只是一个钱的问题

    We must spend more money fighting against global warming. In addition, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money.


  • 权力权利君权与教权争夺基督教世界最高统治权斗争一再地被强调,并因此兴起罗马研究确立法律权威

    The kingdom and church placed over and over emphasis on the power and rights in the investiture controversy, so as to give rise to study the Roman law and to establish the authority of the law.


  • 即使他们接受了任何良心法律”这样基本的约束争夺抚养权斗争希瑟几乎是不可能过他们的。

    They'd be nearly impossible to beat in a custody battle even if they let themselves be constrained by anything as plebeian as "conscience" or "law."


  • 虽然记者数据获取法律斗争正在不同欧洲我们更多语言问题

    Though reporters there still struggle with data access laws being different from state to state, in Europe we have the additional problem of languages.


  • 虽然记者数据获取法律斗争正在不同欧洲我们更多语言问题

    Though reporters there still struggle with data access laws being different from state to state, in Europe we have the additional problem of languages.


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