• 没有进入哥伦比亚大学法律学院

    I didn't get into Columbia Law School.


  • 我们安排新加坡法律学院认证

    We can arrange for authentication by Singapore Academy of Law on your behalf.


  • 法律学院一半学费就是这么来的。

    That's how I've paid my way through half of law school.


  • 话说,以学院法律学院为首他们表现得越来越私立学校了。

    Led by the business and law schools, they behave increasingly like private universities, in other words.


  • 哈富法律学院研究生现在回到北京在清华大学读书

    I am a student at Harvard Law School, but just moved back to study at Tsinghua University.


  • 斯坦福法律学院教授MichaelWara,“他们发现确凿证据”。

    "They found the smoking gun," says Michael Wara, a professor at Stanford Law School.


  • 法律学院教授联邦检察官劳里·利文森说:“他们可以门票了。”

    "They should sell tickets," said Laurie Levenson, a professor at the Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, a former federal prosecutor who speaks often about the nexus of fame and felony.


  • 我国法律学院图书馆镌刻着这样的一句格言:“听命于法与主,而非听命于人”。

    Over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto?


  • AmyChua耶鲁法律学院教授一个作家同时也是上周被全世界讨论最多母亲

    Amy Chua is a professor at Yale Law School, an author and, as of last week, one of the most talked-about mothers in the world.


  • 凹陷的木板装饰的房间看起来很像排常青藤联盟学校法律学院的教室。

    It was a cavenous wood-paneled room that looked like a tiered classroom from an Ivy league Law school.


  • 我来说法律学院游离从LSAT纽约律师考试一步得都非常地艰难

    For me, law school was drift, and it was hard every step of the way, from the LSAT to the New York Bar exam.


  • 该刊物得克萨斯州律师知识产权法分部主办得克萨斯大学法律学院编辑出版。

    Electronic edition of the Texas Intellectual Property law Journal produced by law students at the University of Texas School of law, supported by an advisory committee composed of faculty members.


  • 西北大学法律学院错误定罪中心主任史蒂芬·德利岑,对于嫌疑人思想引导重要性不能低估

    Steven A. Drizin, the director of the Center on Wrongful Convictions at the Northwestern University School of Law, said the significance of contamination could not be understated.


  • 埃默里大学法律预科协会那些想加入法律学院从事法律相关职业同学们服务的。

    The Emory Prelaw Society is designed to serve members of the Emory community who plan to attend law school or pursue law-related careers.


  • 世界上最多两种那些当年差点考上法律学院人和那些打算某一天本书的人。

    Two of the largest groups of people in the world are those who almost went to law school and those who are going to write a book someday.


  • 比方说,女性们要是知道她们没有必要为了小孩而法律学院辍学,那学院对她们就有吸引力了。

    The knowledge that they would not have to drop out of, say, law school to have a baby made law school more attractive.


  • 我国法律学院图书馆镌刻着这样一句格言:”听命于上帝法律而并非听命

    Over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto, Not under man but under God and law.


  • 过去30年里,斯坦福法律学院监狱专家加州刑法系统在世界范围内最好下降到了最差的。

    In the past three decades, California's penal system "has gone from one of the best to one of the worst in the world", says Joan Petersilia, an expert on prisons at Stanford Law School.


  • 第一法律学院,其中包括后来成为耶鲁法学院法律学院,创立了这种学徒体系律师事务所内部成长起来

    The first law schools, including the one that became Yale, developed out of this apprenticeship system and grew up inside law offices.


  • 奥巴尼法律学院一家赛马研究所的负责人Bennett Liebman说:“纽约州公众对于赛马的兴趣已经减退。”

    "Public interest in horse-racing in New York state has simply shrivelled up," says Bennett Liebman, who heads a racing think-tank at Albany Law School.


  • 找到内殿法律学院律师理查德·多恩,已故杰瑞米·本瑟姆的朋友助理贝利法院审判中辩护。

    He also finds an excellent barrister - Richard Doane of the Inner Temple, a friend and amanuensis of the late Jeremy Bentham - to defend her at the Old Bailey trial.


  • 这件可能延续一个十年期内——也就是托马斯-拉塞特的4个孩子法律学院毕业,代替承担战斗责任的时候。

    This story has the potential to drag on well into the next decade -- when for $1.5 million, all of Thomas-Rasset's four kids could finish law school and take up the fight on her behalf. .


  • 吴女士国际新闻学会1993年坦普尔大学法律学院中美高层圆桌会议-环境法政策”2004年的访问学者。

    She was the 1993 Fellow of World Press Institute and 2004 Fellow of the Temple law school's High-level US-China Roundtable on Environmental law and Policy.


  • 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校法律学院教授,斯蒂芬·班布里奇(Stephen Bainbridge),“对冲基金应该具有银行那样的特点。”

    "Hedge funds are going to need to have the same quality of compliance officers that Banks have," says Stephen Bainbridge, a professor at University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law.


  • 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校法律学院教授,斯蒂芬·班布里奇(Stephen Bainbridge),“对冲基金应该具有银行那样的特点。”

    "Hedge funds are going to need to have the same quality of compliance officers that Banks have," says Stephen Bainbridge, a professor at University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law.


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