• 移民可以通过用他们美国出生孩子名字租赁购买土地来规避这种排他性法律

    Immigrants could circumvent such exclusionary laws by leasing or purchasing land in their American-born children's names.


  • 卡伦丈夫她的名字嘲笑她的体重法律地位是个疯子毁坏她的私人物品

    Carreon says her husband often called her names, ridiculed her weight and legal status, said she was crazy, and destroyed or trashed her personal belongings.


  • 原本以为报纸不会在没有获得允许的情况下报道她的名字——她以为资料保护法律意味着他们需要她的允许才行。

    She believed newspapers would not print her name without asking her permission first - she assumed data protection law meant they needed her say-so.


  • 委员会这项要求法律政策没有可靠依据并且注意法律通常允许人们改变名字除非其中涉及欺诈意图

    The panel said there was “no sound basis in law or policy” for the requirement and noted that the law generally permits people to change their names unless there is some fraudulent intent involved.


  • 受害者认为起诉必要性在于这家论坛法律论坛,她们名字相关的恶毒评论可能影响她们的工作机会。

    Because the comments were associated with their names, the women claimed that it would hurt their chances of being offered a job.


  • 的家伙了。之所以撤下这个名字的原因可能是并且与著作权有关的,不过呢这个名称改变似乎整个超越法律外的层面上却是成功的。

    His reasons for dropping that name are probably boring and copyright-related, but still: the name change seems healthy on whole other extra-legal levels.


  • 男孩P生父,(出于法律保护原因不能提及名字:“P是个健壮的十七个月大的孩子

    Baby's P's natural father, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said: "P was a bouncing 17-month-old boy.


  • 太太说:“结婚丈夫父母的房,写的我丈夫的名字所以岳父母(应为父母,原文有误——译注)根据新的法律无权获得一半房产。”

    "My husband's parents bought it when we married. It's in my husband's name so he and his parents-in-law are saying that under the new law I am not entitled to half of it," said Mrs Zhang.


  • 总部在约翰内斯堡(Johannesburg)基金会立刻指责这种厚颜无耻滥用91高龄曼德拉名字的行为,暗示说要诉诸法律

    The Johannesburg-based foundation was quick to condemn the "brazen abuse" of 91-year-old Mandela's name and give a strong hint of litigation.


  • 因为有张穿蓝色T恤照片脸谱网删除,或者因为是随机选择了你,或者因为你博客名字法律之上而不是法律之下

    Facebook can banish you becauseyou’re wearing a blue T-shirt in your photo, or because it selected you atrandom, or because you named your blog Above the Law rather than Below the Law.


  • 知道这儿法律的。面前绝对不准那个名字,因为才是国王

    You know the law. Never ever mention that name in my presence. I'm the king!


  • 经历里发现人们会相信如下这些:如果自己姓名上了版权,你的名字不能出现任何法律条款里;

    In my travels, I have learned that people believe the following: if you copyright your name, you can't be named in any kind of legal action;


  • 被捕之后。首先加拿大然后美国,其合伙人发现以其名字命名“德雷尔法律事务”(DreierLLC lawfirm)中有数以千万第三方托管账户资金失踪

    His arrest, first in Canada and then in the U.S., led partners at his eponymous Dreier LLC law firm to discover tens of millions of client funds missing from escrow accounts.


  • 这位妇女(出于法律保护原因不能提及名字警告执意如此,“可能导致监护权发生变更”。

    Now the woman, who could not be named for legal reasons, has been warned that if she continues she 'could lead to modifications of the conditions of custody'.


  • 詹姆斯·盖茨——真正的、至少法律上的名字

    James Gatz - that was really, or at least legally, his name.


  • 但是司法部表示,名记者透露了参与审讯程序秘密特工的名字,而这个行为违反法律

    But the Justice Department says he ran afoul of the law by sharing with a reporter the name of an undercover operative involved in a detainee interrogation program.


  • 法律命令他们名字律师名册中去掉

    The law ordered that their names be struck off the roll of solicitors.


  • 这个报导今天发布后,编织出一个复杂国际法律故事,困扰在苹果尽心全力保护平板电脑商标名字周围

    The report, published today, weaves a complicated international legal tale surrounding Apple's efforts to secure the trademark name on its popular touchscreen tablet.


  • 法律名字改变譬如结婚时改姓无条件的,和婚姻是否维持无关

    No there is nothing you can do. A legal name change such as upon marriage is an unconditional change not one that is contingent on the marriage lasting.


  • 名字永远伊拉克血腥糟糕、关塔那摩监狱的藐视法律以及中东地区腐化僵局等等许多联系了一起。

    His name will be forever associated with bloody bungling in Iraq, the blatant injustice of guantanamo bay, the corrosive stalemate in the Middle East and, alas, much more.


  • 名字只是由于法律规定才在本案中出现,因为哈利·波特系列创作者

    My name has to be attached to such proceedings as a legal technicality, because I am the underlying creator of Harry Potter series.


  • 因为热那亚——对夫妇所居住这个意大利北部城市法律规定市政厅官员必须上报稀奇古怪名字这件在这里法官面前了句号。

    Since City Hall officials are obliged by law to report odd names, the matter ended up before judges in Genoa, the northern Italian city where the couple live.


  • 外国元素不当使用正在破坏中国语言文化。对此已经国家法律禁止道路广场自然风景公共场合使用外国名字异国建筑设计。 应该注意的是:适度是最好的政策。

    In response to this, there are already national laws banning the use of foreign names or exotic architectural designs in public places, such as for roads, squares, and natural scenery.


  • 外国元素不当使用正在破坏中国语言文化。对此已经国家法律禁止道路广场自然风景公共场合使用外国名字异国建筑设计。 应该注意的是:适度是最好的政策。

    In response to this, there are already national laws banning the use of foreign names or exotic architectural designs in public places, such as for roads, squares, and natural scenery.


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