• 凿岩峒室稳定性VCR采矿安全重要保障

    The stability of drilling chamber is an important facet to ensure the safe operation of VCR mining method.


  • 从工业系统安全分析入手,设计一种新型连续安全生产次氯酸钠工艺

    A new type of safe continuous production process of sodium hypochlorite was designed for ensuring the safety of the industrial system.


  • 拆除方案论证,利用桥板空心可以注水结构特征采用水压爆破安全拆除。

    The hydraulic blasting was adopted to safely demolish the bridge after analyzing the blasting programs and utilizing the structural characteristics of cored slab.


  • 结论微创技术治疗去腐效果安全有效无痛临床应用价值

    Conclusions: Minimally invasive treatment of caries to rot there to rot effect, the method safe, effective, painless, have clinical value.


  • 工业时代宏观经济风险凸显诱发了宏观经济安全理念产生,使其成为经济安全理念重要内核。

    Macroeconomy risk in late industry time induced the safety theory of macroeconomy to happen, and made it the major part of the safety theory of economy law.


  • 雇主义务遵行健康安全

    The onus is on employers to follow health and safety laws.


  • 最近安全锚地位于新斯科舍哈利克斯。

    The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


  • 调查一致显示,男性天黑后街上感到安全。可参见欣德朗洛的著作(1978年,127)。

    Surveys consistently find that men report feeling safe on the street after dark. See, for example, Hindelang and Garofalo (1978, p.127).


  • 非常担心需要提醒公众注意糟糕安全状况,到目前为止,事实证明是对的。

    Farmer is very concerned about the need to alert the public to poor security and, so far, events have proved him right.


  • 许多国家都水力破裂安全表示担心这种技术高压液体注入页岩致岩石破裂从而挤出其中存储的天然气

    Concerns have been raised in many countries about the safety of fracking, a technique in which high-pressure fluids are pumped into shale to fracture the rock and force out natural gas.


  • 麻烦冬季越野跑其他速度训练变得难以安全持续进行,但是莱克训练不会受到影响。

    Messy winter weather can make track workouts and other types of speedwork difficult to do consistently and safely. Not so for fartlek workouts.


  • 越南国家头盔国家交通安全委员会制定实施的。

    The Viet Nam national helmet legislation was developed and implemented by the national Traffic Safety Committee.


  • 你要记住唯一安全的美黑只有人工日晒肤色。

    Remember: The only safe tan is a fake tan.


  • 据Cuadrilla所说,一个议会委员会已经调查过致裂健康安全问题决定不对尝试施加新的严格控制

    Cuadrilla said a parliamentary committee had looked into the health and safety issues surrounding fracking and decided not to introduce tough new controls on the practice.


  • 思想秘密模式加密确保安全唯一

    Encoding his ideas in secret patterns was the only way to be safe.


  • 由于没有来自私人领域的有效惩戒食品安全》主张行业标准可能难以收到实效

    Without these effective private sanctions, the standards imposed by the new food-safety law are unlikely to have any real effect.


  • 皮肤取血测试血糖水平安全监测血糖水平唯一,这样可以患者知道是否需要注射胰岛素。

    Skin prick tests are the only way to safely monitor glucose levels and will let patients know if they need an insulin injection.


  • 没有定论问题健康安全这样争论无力取消比赛将会使危险暴露出来而且,这也违反

    It is a moot point but there is an argument in health and safety law that failing to cancel the match carries an exposure to risk and is a breach of the law.


  • 职业健康安全(2000)以注意义务原则基础,涉及新南威尔士州所有工作场所

    The Occupational Health and Safety Act (2000) is based on the principle of duty of care and covers all workplaces in NSW.


  • FSO更是安全可靠:能够拦截信号唯一光束的物理隔断。

    FSO is also secure: the only way to intercept the signal is physically to intercept the beam.


  • 这些新的发现是中情局一把手列侬·帕内塔上交国会简报泄露出来的,如果它们属实给《国家安全构成破坏

    The revelation, which if true could constitute a breach of the National Security Act, came from a leaked briefing to Congress by Leon Panetta, the head of the CIA.


  • 哈德利以触犯健康安全遭到起诉,认为无人操作式沙龙鲁莽经营

    Hadley was prosecuted under health and safety laws with the judge branding the operation of an unmanned salon 'reckless'.


  • 自从2008年颁布新的更为严格的产品安全玩具召回事件逐年减少,监管部门认为消费者今年的节假日(感恩节至圣诞节期间)应该不必担心玩具的安全问题。

    Toy recalls have been declining since a tough new product-safety law was enacted in 2008, which regulators say shows consumers should be more confident than ever this holiday season.


  • 就是美国国际开发署凯西卢格全球食品安全的职权范围。

    That is where the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Casey-Lugar come in.


  • 美国在《安全饮用之下,对公共饮水井中的饮用水进行检测。

    Treated drinking water from public wells is regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act.


  • 苛刻道路交通安全面前成为明星醉驾第一人,生效后,已将名醉酒驾驶人员判刑

    He will become the first celebrity to face punishment under the tough new rules which sent nine drivers to jail on Monday when the law came into effect.


  • 非洲商业一体化组织负责监督执行商业规(一般商业安全交易公司仲裁债务回收破产核算货物公路运输)。

    OHADA oversees eight business laws (general commercial, secure transactions, company law, arbitration, debt recovery, bankruptcy, accounting and transportation of goods by road).


  • 非洲商业一体化组织负责监督执行商业规(一般商业安全交易公司仲裁债务回收破产核算货物公路运输)。

    OHADA oversees eight business laws (general commercial, secure transactions, company law, arbitration, debt recovery, bankruptcy, accounting and transportation of goods by road).


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