• 这场电视辩论一位法学教授主持

    The television debate was moderated by a law professor.


  • 正如耶鲁大学法学教授安妮·奥尔斯托特指出的那样,要证明父母支持子女的合理性,必须家庭定义一种社会公益而在某种意义上社会必须为此买单

    As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues, justifying parental support depends on defining the family as a social good that, in some sense, society must pay for.


  • 几年耶鲁大学法学教授查尔斯

    Some years ago Yale University law professor Charles L. Black.


  • 至少法官法学教授谢尔盖·巴辛这么认为

    At least that is the view of Sergei Pashin, a former judge and now a law professor.


  • 同时还是一名法学教授,他办公室里参加我们的节目。

    He's also a professor of law there, and he joined us from his office there.


  • 迈阿密大学法学教授迈克•弗路姆肯对此以为然。

    MichaeI Froomkin, professor of law at the University of Miami, is not so sure.


  • 科隆大学国际法学教授克劳斯.克莱斯法理上,情况已经完全理顺了”。

    Legally, the situation is now fully clarified,” says Claus Kress, a professor of international law at the University of Cologne.


  • 乔尔·艾森美国佛吉尼亚州里士满大学里士满法学法学教授

    Joel B. Eisen is a professor of law at the University of Richmond School of law in Richmond, Virginia (US).


  • 回到家乡后,无论是法学教授检察长还是州长主场比赛几乎是场场必

    When I moved back home, as a law professor, attorney general, and governor, I got to virtually every home game.


  • 作为一个20多年法学教授异乎寻常地勇敢发表对于社会敏感问题观点

    A law profes-sor for more than 20 years, He has been unusually brave about sharing his views on the most sensitive societal issues.


  • 就是斯坦福大学法学教授拉夫·理查德班克斯的新作,《结婚白人的专利吗》这本的中心。

    That's the message behind Is Marriage for White People?, a new book by Stanford Law professor Ralph Richard Banks.


  • 北京人民大学法学教授陈瑞华,1983年修正案导致死刑监管不利的局面。

    Law professor Chen Ruihua of the Peking University said the 1983 revision has resulted in "insufficient supervision" of death sentences.


  • 我们倾向考虑未来成本,”纽约大学研究信用卡合同客户行为法学教授奥伦·巴·吉尔

    "We don't tend to take into account future costs," says Oren Bar-Gill, a law professor at New York University who has studied credit-card contracts and customer behavior.


  • 一位来自纽约大学法学教授威廉莎士比亚戏剧中探究了复杂有关司法和正义问题

    William Shakespeare explores complicated issues of justice in his plays, according to New York University law Professor.


  • 作为杜兰大学(Tulan University)的法学教授知道女性取得高中大学学位的人数增多了。

    As a former law professor at Tulane university, I know that women get more high-school and university-level degrees.


  • 然而哥伦比亚大学一位法学教授杰弗里·戈登指出高盛留出50%利润作为奖金,这与其以往做法并无二致。

    Yet Jeffrey Gordon, a professor of law at Columbia University, points out that Goldman set aside 50% of its profits for bonuses, in keeping with previous years.


  • 香港大学法学教授张善表示,“可以肯定是,法院认为搜索引擎一个问题承认需要采取一些措施。”

    "For sure the court sees human flesh search engines as a problem and recognizes the need to do something about them," said Anne Cheung, a law professor at the University of Hong Kong.


  • 法学教授马丁·阿德尔曼福特专家证人告诉科恩案子开审,事态就朝着有利于的方向戏剧性地逆转了。

    Marty Adelman, the Wayne State law professor, was an expert witness in the Ford case. He told me that once Kearns got into the courtroom the odds of his winning shifted dramatically in his favor.


  • 法学教授斯科特·沙克尔福德相信科幻小说给了一种父亲沟通方式并且使现实生活中的智慧变得敏锐

    Law professor Scott Shackelford believes sci-fi gives him a way to connect with his father and sharpen his own intellect in the real world.


  • 这些法学教授发现距离违约仅一步之遥时,投资者不会买入持有英国法律辖内公债,而是纷纷奔较为安全的资产类别

    What the law professors have uncovered is not investors buying and holding English-law governed bonds, but investors piling into the safer asset class when a default appears imminent.


  • 一些曲线肚子凸出一点点,”艾伦·伯格赞同地说。她的丈夫巴尔的摩,而丈夫是巴尔的摩大学法学教授

    "She's got some curves, her stomach sticks out a little bit," agrees Arenberg, who lives in Baltimore with her husband, a law professor at the University of Baltimore.


  • 法学教授丹尼尔·马丁·卡茨(Daniel Martin Katz)设计了一个预测美国最高法院投票行为系统

    Daniel Martin Katz, a law professor, has designed a system to predict the voting behaviour of the US Supreme Court.


  • 第二群体经济学家们——其中部分主要(者排他性地)受经济学训练剩下那部分经济学家则主要由法学教授训练出来。

    Second, there are the economists - some of whom are primarily (or exclusively) trained in economics; while others legal economists were trained primarily by law professors.


  • 同时来说,两个耶鲁法学教授孩子学校里表现出色,这实在没什么惊讶也许有人说,不管采取哪种教育方法,她们都会很成功。

    Also, it seems hardly a surprise to me that the children of two Yale law professors did well in school, and one might ask if that would have happened however they were raised.


  • 同时来说,两个耶鲁法学教授孩子学校里表现出色,这实在没什么惊讶也许有人说,不管采取哪种教育方法,她们都会很成功。

    Also, it seems hardly a surprise to me that the children of two Yale law professors did well in school, and one might ask if that would have happened however they were raised.


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