• 唱片的名称《拉教徒永不死亡》。

    The CD was called Rastas Never Die.


  • 南非仅有几千虔诚的拉教徒之一

    He was one of the few thousand committed Rastafarians in South Africa.


  • 身为伦敦大学学院自闭症研究人员的乌教授一发现慎重对待

    Professor Uta Frith, an autism researcher at University College London, said the findings needed to be treated with caution.


  • 王璐新(音)共事,后者是食品科学项目研究生她们研究结果发表最近《食品科学学报》上。

    Mustapha worked with Luxin Wang, a graduate student in the food science program. Their research results were published recently in the Journal of food science.


  • 而且哈维伊涅布雷加阿隆索这些人为这位射手输送炮弹,肯定得到理论上跟多机会

    And with players like Xavi, Iniesta, Fabregas and Alonso delivering the killer passes, he's sure to get more than his fair share of chances.


  • 修改使食品科学家使用PCR测试时,可以有效利用高效性、有选择性敏感性并且通过区分死亡细胞细胞避免测。

    Mustapha's modification lets food scientists use the PCR test to capitalize on its speed, selectivity and sensitivity, but avoid false-positive tests by differentiating between dead and live cells.


  • 禽类沙门氏检测非常重要,因为沙门氏菌会长期依附禽类脾脏生殖系上,每一颗由受感染禽类所生的鸡蛋都会被感染

    Mustapha said salmonella testing in poultry is important because it persists in birds' spleens and reproductive tracts. An infected bird passes the infection on to all of its eggs.


  • 王璐新(音)共事,后者是食品科学项目研究生

    Mustapha worked with Luxin Wang, a graduate student in the food science program.


  • 希腊北部国王·玛两个孩子瑞克赫勒

    King Athamus of northern Greece had two children, Phrixus and Helle.


  • PCR检测进行了修改检测样本增加了一个染剂

    Mustapha modified the PCR test by adding a dye to the test sample.


  • 伊涅布雷加一样托雷也是带伤参加本次世界杯,而如果换作其它的赛季,他肯定是迫不及待地要求休息调整了。

    Torres, like Iniesta and like Cesc Fàbregas, were carefully nursed toward this tournament after injuries that in any other summer would cry for rest and recuperation.


  • 埃玛·——上天眷爱那年代曙光,他奥非等待十二,等着载他返乡的,载他回到诞生小岛

    Almustafa, the chosen and the beloved, who was a dawn unto his own day, had waited twelve years in the city of Orphalese for his ship that was to return and bear him back to the isle of his birth.


  • 前排副驾驶的座位上坐名男子,他留着拉·里发式,蓄着胡须,身着黑色T似乎当地游击队的指挥官。

    The passenger in the front seat, a man wearing a beard, dreadlocks and a black T-shirt, seems to be the commander.


  • 由于伦敦金属交易所等金属价格下跌智利铜矿企业安托公司(Antofagasta)股价下跌2.9%,至1335便士

    Antofagasta, the owner of copper mines in Chile, declined 2.9 percent to 1,335 pence as copper, zinc and aluminum retreated on the London Metal Exchange.


  • 精矿在重力作用下呈泥浆状顺管道流向安托南部较小港口科罗索(Coloso),这里脱水装船运出。

    Assisted by gravity, the concentrates are piped as slurry down to the smaller port of Coloso just south of Antofagasta, where they are dewatered for shipping.


  • 铜矿智利港口城市安托(Antofagasta)东南部约170公里(约合110英里),身处海拔3050(约合10010英尺)、极度干旱的阿·卡马沙漠中。

    The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile's port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3,050 meter (10,010 feet) above sea level.


  • 铜矿智利港口城市安托Antofagasta东南部约170公里(约合110英里),身处海拔3050(约合10010英尺)、极度干旱的阿沙漠中

    The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile’s port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3, 050 meter (10, 010 feet) above sea level.


  • 驾驶热气球,气球一度很惊险地靠近一个住人的山洞吓得不敢出声但是气球很快上升了。

    Mustapha guides the balloon up and alarmingly close to a 60-ft high cave dwelling. My silence is now based on fear but we drift by and upward.


  • 网络能够起到教育工具帮助作用,警告:“这样一位专家交谈,找出失眠根源。”

    Online therapy can be helpful as an educational tool, says Mostafavi, but he cautions, "You don't have the benefit of talking to a professional and finding out what is causing the insomnia."


  • 1843年那会儿,胡安•巴•多•圣托出生于葡萄牙(Faro)。

    Juan Baptista dos Santos was born in Portugal around 1843 in the town of Faro.


  • 过渡国民委员会负责人·阿卜杜勒·加里尔(Mustafa Abdel-Jalil)表示这笔资金部分将用于支付利比亚东部的薪资。

    The head of the Transitional National Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, said the money was needed in part to pay salaries in eastern Libya.


  • 由于梅西身后拥有着哈维、安德烈·伊涅克·布雷加这样批世界级中场天才的支援,梅西每周都可以不费吹灰之力的得到大量机会

    Messi gets many opportunities laid on a platter for him weekly by world-class midfielders Xavi, Andres Iniesta and Cesc Fabregas.


  • 。阿奎尔名土耳其新闻工作者,其新书《AnIslamicCasefor Freedom》预计不久即将面世。

    MUSTAFA AKYOL is a Turkish journalist and the author of the forthcoming book an Islamic Case for Freedom.


  • 去年,宝洁公司(Proctor &Gamble)一点上大获成功。当时,宝洁公司邀请演员以赛亚•公司的Old Spice男士香水推出了一个互动社交媒体宣传活动

    Proctor &Gamble (PG) struck gold with this last year, when they created an interactive social media campaign for Old Spice around actor Isaiah Mustafa.


  • 在这里从零开始,”说道

    "Here I start from the zero," Mustafa said.


  • 裁缝师幕儿子吗?”阿拉丁

    "Are you the son of Mustapha the tailor?" he asked Aladdin.


  • 裁缝师幕儿子吗?”阿拉丁

    "Are you the son of Mustapha the tailor?" he asked Aladdin.


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