• 法则每天早晨太阳都会升起除了2009年10月7日

    So what the law is that every morning the sun will rise except in the 7th of October 2009.


  • 这项法则一项任务依据准备时间而扩大所需的时间显得复杂

    This law says that a task will expand in time and seeming complexity depending on the time you set aside for it.


  • 51法则说每一个在人际交往中产生的消极的互动,将要5积极的互动弥补使人际关系平衡

    The "5 to 1 Rule" states that for every negative interaction that you have with a person, it will take five positive interactions to bring the relationship into equilibrium.


  • 格调杂志做过一个明星乐于打破时尚规则”的专题栏目,其中,瑞切尔·贝尔森针对劳动节过后法则:“忘掉这些陈规吧,我喜欢一整年都穿白色,越是被认为不当,这样的穿法越酷。”

    InStyle magazine did a great feature on fashion rules the stars love to break. In it, Rachel Bilson sounded off on the white after labor day rule, saying "Forget the old rules."


  • 他们生活中不能没有法则,他们不会破坏彼此就是每个家庭都自给自足

    They live without nomoi, and they wreck not of one another, that is to say, each family lives by itself.


  • 的意思是,人类应该遵循自然的方式,尽量不要打破自然法则

    What he meant is that human should follow the way of nature and try not to break the rule of nature.


  • 法则增加别人的话期望值

    This law can also increase the perceived value of information.


  • 社会事务研究中心主任凯特·福克斯:“手机短信好比潜意识地带这个特殊的区域里,正常的社会法则不起作用了。”

    "It ACTS as a kind of subliminal zone, an exclusive forum where the normal social rules are suspended," said Kate Fox, director of the social Issues Research Centre.


  • 也是贝格尔号,他学会了所认为节约时间黄金法则,也就是利用好备忘录

    On the Beagle, too, he would say, that he learned what he considered the golden rule for saving time; i.e., taking care of the minutes.


  • 比如如果所有事都基于吸引力法则,吸引力法则创造了一切,一切都因变,一切的错误都归咎于我。

    For example, if everything is based on the law of attraction, that created everything that everything is up to me and also everything is my fault.


  • 回到我们讨论自然法则可以点什么呢?

    Jumping into the debate, what can be said about the laws of Nature?


  • 如果认为真正理解重力法则量子力学真正地理解,那么你可以,“根据这些定律宇宙是经脱离而存在的。”

    If you think you understand the rules of gravity and quantum mechanics really, really well, you can say, "According to the rules, universes pop into existence."


  • 现在气候学家不仅发布他们所有数据并且还有所有他们用来处理数据运算法则

    Now, he says, climate scientists release not only all their data but also the proprietary algorithms they write to crunch the data.


  • 建筑师决定他们的运算法则什么地方打住,”齐曼

    "The architect has to decide at which point the algorithm stops," Zyman says.


  • 如果软件领域存在某些法则,那么到目前为止没有我们发现

    If there are laws of software, we have not discovered them yet.


  • 克洛文实际上祭司有关文献中,关于献祭两个组成法则或者主要关注点

    So he just says that there are really two organizing principles or overriding concerns in the Priestly traditions and the Priestly materials regarding sacrifice.


  • 只有银行违反银行业黄金法则也就是如果他们发生货币配、期限错配或者货币期限错配的时候,他们容易受到CDS攻击

    Only if Banks violate the golden rule of banking, i.e., if they mismatch currencies or maturities or engage in a combination of both, they become vulnerable to attacks through CDSs.


  • 不是感性事物不能进行论断,它们通常只能够自然而然加以意会技术性法则它们无效这些事物表现方式超出了人类的能力范围,只有少数人才感觉到

    Not that the mind does not do so, but it does it tacitly, naturally, and without technical rules; for the expression of it is beyond all men, and only a few can feel it.


  • 这些人实在贫穷的,是愚昧因为晓得耶和华作为和他们法则

    Therefore I said, Surely these are poor; they are foolish: for they know not the way of the LORD, nor the judgment of their God.


  • 可以根据我们物理逻辑和自然法则知识是个有力的论点

    And you can say given our knowledge about physics, about logic, about laws of nature etc. that is a strong argument.


  • 好的,请不要引开眼睛停止阅读这些秘密法则某些人也许貌似太明显了,或者简单了所以我们更深入的讨论。

    OK, don't roll your eyes and stop reading yet. That secret might seem obvious to some, or too simplistic. So let's go a bit deeper.


  • 许多人提倡的一经验法则代码超过1,000行就可以该类了。

    A rule of thumb advocated by many is that a class with more than 1,000 lines of code is too big.


  • 史蒂芬•认为合适通胀水平判断完全依赖于“经验法则”,他“如果公众央行有着相同的经验法则,那么控制通胀将变得容易。”

    Mr King says it is all down to "rules of thumb" concerning the likely level of inflation. "it is easier to control inflation if the public has the same rule of thumb as the central bank."


  • 笛卡尔运动法则可以事物本质,轻而易举地体现出来。

    The laws of motions Descartes claims can be known simply by seeing what follows from the essence of matter.


  • 一个很有帮助经验法则可以代码注释超过100行的方法方法

    For a helpful rule of thumb, you could say that a method with more than 100 non-commenting lines of code is way too long.


  • 如果知道关于元微积分所有求导法则

    Let's say that you want to understand actually all these rules about taking derivatives in single variable calculus.


  • 对于一些人比如那些肥厚性心肌病的人,个方法则植入一个心律转复除颤器(ICD)。

    Another option for some, such as those with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).


  • 梦并非,也神赐物,而是源于“恶魔”,其本质“魔”而非神,也就是,梦不是超自然现象的反映,而是遵循于人类精神法则

    We are told that the dream is not god-sent, that it is not of divine but of demonic origin.


  • 梦并非,也神赐物,而是源于“恶魔”,其本质“魔”而非神,也就是,梦不是超自然现象的反映,而是遵循于人类精神法则

    We are told that the dream is not god-sent, that it is not of divine but of demonic origin.


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