• 这个简单例子来自于大卫•李嘉图发现一条经济定律,即所谓的“比较优势法则”,能让着迷

    This simple example is derived from an economic law discovered by David Ricardo that has always fascinated me, called the law of Comparative Advantage.


  • 神奇是,他们当时既没有诸如我们今天建筑计划没有蓝图而是依据几何符号法则来施工。

    Amazingly they worked without architectural plans or drawings as we understand them today. Instead they were guided by a set of codes and principles dictated by the art of geometry.


  • 暴胀宇宙中宇宙宇宙之间物理法则没有关联

    With inflation there is no connection between the physics of one universe and that of another.


  • 首先观众必须明白生物概念整个动物王国分类组织法则

    First, theaudience must understand the concept of phylum (plural, phyla): the organizingprinciple for classifying the entire animal kingdom.


  • 遵循创业企业比较优势法则可能没法获得诺贝尔经济奖,你在创业有效地运用自己的时间

    Adhering to the Start-Up Law of Comparative Advantage may not earn you the Nobel Prize in Economics, but it will help you direct your time more productively when starting your company.


  • 基因组中心法则只是研究领域内研究假设一个简短说明。

    The Central Dogma of Genomics is a concise summary of the basic assumptions that underlie this field.


  • 这个基因组中心法则源于结构生物

    The Central Dogma of Genomics derives from structural biology.


  • 并不确定人们是否就我们想要通过完善的工程原理和法则什么这一问题达成一致

    I'm not sure there is universal agreement about what we mean by sound engineering principles.


  • 现在向大家一点:基因组一个中心法则更为深刻的法则强壮,更棒打不走。

    So, I might as well suggest that genomics has a dogma that is more profound, I think, than the Central dogma, and more robust to boot.


  • 但是这些公司完善的工程原理法则应用软件建造中去了么?

    But do these companies apply sound engineering principles to the software's construction?


  • 软件工程()利用完善工程原理法则经济获得稳定可靠的并且能够真正的机器上有效运行的软件。

    Software engineering is the establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines. 2.


  • 当代翻译研究表明翻译活动没有固定不变法则,也不存在绝对正确翻译策略。

    It has been shown in contemporary translation studies that there is no such thing as a "fixed" principle of translation or a "correct" translation strategy.


  • 然而希望那样违反校里正式作文的种种法则弗利格尔先生肯定一个及格

    To write it as I wanted, however, would violate all the rules of formal composition Id learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade.


  • 然而希望那样违反校里正式作文的种种法则弗利格尔先生肯定一个及格

    To write it as I wanted, however, would violate all the rules of formal composition I'd learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade.


  • 信赖瑞士品质,恰当的生产过程,以及国际生态标准尊重出口法则核心

    Its authentic Swiss specialities and appropriate production processes together with respect for international ecological standards are the core of its export policies.


  • 成就测验就是根据课程标准和目标要求编制,用以测量领域知识概念法则掌握程度绩测验。

    The achievement test designed according to the curriculum criterion is to measure to what degree students master the concepts, the principle and the knowledge in certain fields.


  • 神奇是,他们当时没有诸如我们今天建筑计划没有蓝图而是依据套几何的符号和法则来施工。

    Amazingly they worked without architectural plans or drawings as we understand them today. Instead they were guided by the art of geometry.


  • 就是分子遗传基本论点,或中心法则

    This is the essential thesis of molecular genetics sometimes called the central dogma.


  • 确立实践人类边际关系中心法则等。

    Establishing marginal relation and central theorem of practical anthropological philosophy.


  • 遵循扩大智力方面适者生存法则当代生物这些劣等的”落败理论很少给予重视,结果它们就只能苟存那些冷门的、已经绝版著作中

    In a kind of intellectual survival of the fittest, contemporary biology places very little importance on these "inferior" beaten theories, so they survive only in marginal out-of-print books.


  • 进化法则遗传角度出发,讨论进化算法生物原理,找到了充分的生物依据

    From the point of evolution and generation views, the principle of biology theory of evolutionary algorithm is discussed, and its sufficient basis of biology theory is proved.


  • 简述了图书馆第四定律省力法则内涵,联系实际讨论目前网络环境下第四定律图书馆工作指导意义

    Law of Library Science and the Labor-saving Principle, and connecting with the reality, discusses on the directive function of No.


  • 根据柯赫氏法则生物特性鉴定黄瓜褐斑病,又叫病。

    The pathogen was identified as cucumber target leaf spot according to Koch s Postulation and biological characteristics.


  • 人机工程定义工作法则

    Ergonomics is defines as the "law of work".


  • 大数法则统计专有名词,也是中最被提及术理论

    Statistical law of large Numbers is a proper noun, as well as academic altar bet most frequently mentioned.


  • 基于数形态对偶法则以及形态理论线性位移不变系统理论间关系,引入偏振编码技术,提出使击中与否运算通过单通道取零阈值非相干光相关器来实现的方案。

    With polarization encoding, the scheme combines the foreground and background of an image into an encoded image, so the hit-miss transform can be completed by an erosion operator, one-channel re.


  • 孟德尔19世纪晚期研究中,得到一些基本遗传法则最后成为现代遗传基础

    From his studies in the late 19th century, Gregor Mendel derived certain basic concepts of heredity, which eventually became the foundation for the modern science of genetics.


  • 形象研究研究重要内容,比较形象研究能够开辟形象研究之领域

    The study of image plays a important role in literary study. And the methods in the Imagology of the Comparative Literature can open a new field of the study of image.


  • 形象研究研究重要内容,比较形象研究能够开辟形象研究之领域

    The study of image plays a important role in literary study. And the methods in the Imagology of the Comparative Literature can open a new field of the study of image.


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