• 会议公布加州大学研究结果他们发现接受体外受精治疗的患者相比第三个体外受精周期妇女很难怀孕。

    The conference will also hear the results of a California University study which found that women on their third IVF cycle were no more likely to conceive than those receiving no treatment.


  • 结果世界范围内使用直接督导短程化疗治疗病例相比2003年增加了8%。

    As a result, the number of cases treated under DOTS worldwide rose 8% in 2003 compared to the previous year.


  • 还有两交易联合治疗公司(United Therapeutics)相关——约翰逊该公司披露临床试验结果之前就已将消息泄露出去。

    Two others involved trading in United Therapeutics before news of clinical trial results were made public.


  • 莫西·索尔特豪斯教授研究结果表明旨在预防或扭转年龄有关的症状的治疗应尽早开始而非等到退休

    Professor Timothy Salthouse said the results suggested that therapies designed to prevent orreverse age-related conditions may need to start earlier, long before people become pensioners.


  • 一些精神治疗认为,这种应对失去绵长悲伤痛苦转向内心愤怒结果

    Some psychotherapists have held that prolonged sadness and agony in response to loss is the result of anger turned inward.


  • 研究显示最好出现症状48小时给予的早期治疗临床结果改善呈现出密切相关性。

    Studies show that early treatment, preferably within 48 hours after symptom onset, is strongly associated with better clinical outcome.


  • 过去遇到这种情况,心理治疗师们就会开始指责长辈不是,不过现在大家更明白了,其实这种行为遗传身体状况、父亲兄弟角色,甚至环境等等因素脱离不了关系,是所有因素共同作用结果

    So often in the past psychiatry tended to "blame the mother," but we now understand that so many factors - genetic, biologic, the role of father and siblings, and environmental - all play their part.


  • 结果纳米技术肿瘤诊断治疗巨大优势

    Results: Nanotechnology has its giant advantage in diagnosis and treatment of tumor.


  • 莫西·索尔特豪斯教授研究结果表明旨在预防扭转年龄有关的症状的治疗尽早开始,而非等到退休

    Professor Timothy Salthouse said the results suggested that therapies designed to prevent or reverse age-related conditions may need to start earlier, long before people become pensioners


  • 目的研究立体定向放射治疗肺癌呼吸运动频率图像扫描时间靶体积定位成像结果影响

    Objective: to study the effects of respiratory movement frequency and scanning time on the image results in the treatment of lung cancer by stereotactic radiotherapy.


  • 这个研究结果关节炎风湿病杂志发表作者们可能研究者治疗纤维肌痛寻找新的药物有用

    The results of this study, which appears in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism, could be useful to researchers looking for new drugs that treat fibromyalgia, the authors say.


  • 目前采用新药治疗病例结果相比较

    With present USES the new medicine treatment a group of case's result to compare.


  • COURAGE试验结果泄漏触了试验的机密性对于稳定心绞痛而言,试验发现支架运用医学治疗本质上是等同的。

    This breach of confidentiality involved the results of the COURAGE trial, which found that stents were essentially co-equal with medical therapy for stable angina.


  • 结果联合用药甘利欣单独治疗比较均出现显著性差异

    Results Two groups of united medication compare with group of sole medication. it presented striking difference.


  • 一项一系列国家人们调查结果表明:人们相信社会中的所有生病受伤应该有权享受照顾治疗,并且免于因此而遭遇破产的结局。

    People surveyed in a range of countries believe that all members of society should have access to care and receive treatment when ill or injured, without going bankrupt as a result.


  • 结果水针配合针刺治疗原发性三叉神经痛治愈率单纯针刺组差异明显

    Results There was a significant difference in cure rate between electrical point injection plus acupuncture and simple acupuncture for treating primary trigeminal neuralgia.


  • 结果湿性愈合治疗常规治疗相比较创面换药次数患者住院时间患者满意度等方面显著差异

    Results Moist healing treatment group compared with the conventional treatment group, the wound dressing in the number of patient hospital stay and patient satisfaction have significant differences.


  • 美国科学家周三公布的这个结果表明许多男性接受不充分不合适治疗,因为这些治疗不足以疾病实质相抗争。

    The results, published by US scientists on Wednesday, suggest that many men receive inadequate or inappropriate treatment that is not aggressive enough to combat the true nature of their disease.


  • 结论有效临床治疗患者在临床上症状好转脑电图结果基本是相符的。

    Conclusion Through effective clinical therapy, the patients of viral meningitis can get better, which conforms to the results of EEG.


  • 结果经皮肝胆道内外引流术胆道内支架置入术恶性梗阻性黄疸一种安全有效治疗方法

    Results It is a safe and effective treatment of internal and external percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage and stenting for malignant obstructive jaundice.


  • 结果治疗神经功能缺损评分显著降低有效率达89%,对照组比较差异统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Results The neurologic impairment score in the treatment group was decreased evidently, the effective rate was 89%, there were significant differences between the two groups (P<0.05).


  • 结果患者了解自己疾病有关护理预防保健知识积极配合治疗同时增强护患关系

    Results Patients knew nursing and prevention knowledge of their disease and positively assisted treatment to enhance nurse-patient relations.


  • 结果:平合剂治疗对照组综合疗效显著差异治疗治疗lpo治疗前明显降低SOD治疗后比治疗前显著提高

    Result: There was not obvious difference between Pingchuan Heji group and control group in the clinical curative effect, and Pingchuan Heji could enhance the level of SOD, lower the level of LPO.


  • 结果合理预防药物治疗达到降低骨质疏松发病率的目的,效果明显

    Result Through reasonable prevention and drug therapy, we could lower incidence rate of osteoporosis and had significant effect.


  • 结果盐酸氟西汀阿米替林治疗抑郁症良好效果

    Result: Both fluoxetine hydrochloride and amitriptyline had a good effect in treatment of depression.


  • 结果心理护理健康教育促进患者配合治疗,促进疾病康复

    Result: Psychological care and health education to promote the treatment of patients with, and promote rehabilitation.


  • 目的探讨乳腺癌转移临床病程特点内科治疗结果

    Objective To analyse the clinical course and treatment result of lung metastases from breast cancer.


  • 结果治疗对照组时间P<0.05)、症状缓解时间(P<0.01)治愈时间(P<0.05)上均显著性差异

    Results: Between the treat group and the comparison group there are statistics difference in using oxygen time (P< 0.05), symptom alleviating time (P< 0.01) and healing time.


  • 结果表明药物治疗因子手术化验因子、其他因子支配住院医疗费用因子。

    Results indicated that the factor of medicine treatment, operation, laboratory test and other factors are the public factors allocated medical fees.


  • 结果表明药物治疗因子手术化验因子、其他因子支配住院医疗费用因子。

    Results indicated that the factor of medicine treatment, operation, laboratory test and other factors are the public factors allocated medical fees.


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