• 倍受瞩目的《治安管理处罚新近出台

    The Security Administration Punishment Law being paid close attention to has been enacted recently.


  • 治安行政强制执行产生存在依据治安管理处罚决定

    The public security administration enforces the basis which produces and exists is the public security management punishment decision.


  • 新颁布的《治安管理处罚》规定了寻衅滋事治安违法行为

    The Security Administration Punishment Act provides the illegal behavior of stirring up fights and causing troubles.


  • 不够刑事处罚应当给予治安管理处罚的,依照条例处罚

    If such ACTS are not serious enough for criminal punishment but should be given administrative penalties for public security, penalties shall be given according to these Regulations.


  • 治安管理处罚调查程序增设,具有现实必然性

    Adding procedure of investigation in the Penalty Law of Public Security Management is of realistic inevitability.


  • 虐待残疾人依照治安管理处罚条例第二十二规定处罚

    Whoever maltreats disabled persons shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security;


  • 治安管理处罚程序排除非法证据包括言词证据实物证据。

    The unlawful evidence that needs exclusion in the punishment of public order management includes verbal evidence and object evidence.


  • 治安行政强制执行实现治安管理处罚维护社会秩序一种保障手段

    The public security administration enforces is realizes the public security management punishment, the maintenance social order one safeguard method.


  • 拘留一种重要治安管理处罚但是我国法学界对此研究并不深入。

    Administrative is an important punishment in public security management, but few law schoolar researches it.


  • 但是只有本人陈述没有其他证据证明不能作出治安管理处罚决定

    However, where there are only statements made by the offender but no other evidence to prove the facts, the decision on a penalty for administration of public security shall not be made.


  • 诸多因素影响治安管理处罚运行过程公民权的保障发生冲突

    With the influence of many factors, the punish power of public order in the process of working conflict with the safeguard of citizen right.


  • 长期以来治安管理处罚体系中的量罚问题一直困扰警察执法一个症结。

    Since a long time, in the public security punishment system, the question of discretionary power has been plagued police enforcing the law.


  • 受诸多因素影响,治安管理处罚运行过程中与公民权的保障发生冲突。

    Right Guarantee of Franchise——Angle of view is based on government deeds civilization;


  • 实施治安管理处罚应当公开公正尊重保障人权,保护公民人格尊严。

    Penalties for administration of public security shall be imposed openly and impartially, human rights shall be respected and safeguarded, and the dignity of citizens shall be protected.


  • 本文实际出发治安管理处罚决定成立、可执行以及效力界定

    This article embarks from the reality, to the public security management punishment decision establishment, the performability as well as its potency has made the limits.


  • 阻碍民警执法依法再加予治安管理处罚,构成犯罪的依法追究刑事责任。”

    Such drivers will be given additional administrative punishments for interfering with the work of the police and those who cause injury will be given criminal penalties, she said.


  • 当事人限制人身自由行政处罚异议的,依照治安管理处罚条例有关规定执行。

    Article11 Administrative penalties, with the exception of restriction of freedom of person and rescission of business license of an enterprise, may be created in local regulations.


  • 可能成为治安强制执行依据治安管理处罚决定必须有效并且具有可执行性的。

    Possibly becomes the basis public security management punishment decision which the public security enforces, and must be effective has the performability.


  • 第四十治安管理处罚提出申诉或者提起诉讼,在申诉和诉讼期间裁决继续执行

    Article 40. The original ruling shall continue to be executed during the time a petition or suit against the penalty for violating the administration of public security is taking place.


  • 暂缓执行拘留附有条件暂时不执行拘留,是全面按期履行治安管理处罚决定例外

    The reprieve of the detention execution is conditional and temporary and an exception of carrying out the punishment decision of security administration across-the-board and on schedule.


  • 警察B根据治安管理处罚条例第一你们应被罚款200向他们道歉,问题吗?

    Policeman B: According to the fourth article of the Rules, you ll be fined 200 yuan. And you must apologize to him. Do you have any objections?


  • 现行治安管理处罚条例》显露出立法方面诸多不足因此进行修改当务之急

    Nowerdays, a great deal of the legislation respect is insufficient in "the punishment regulations of public security management". So modification on it has already become the urgent task.


  • 治安管理处罚》对暂缓执行拘留规定了必须具备条件实施按照严格程序来进行

    The Security Administration Punishment Law prescribes the indispensable conditions for the reprieve of the detention execution, and its implementation should accord to strict procedures.


  • 应当给予治安管理处罚的,依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

    Should an administrative penalty be given, the Regulations on administrative Penalties for Public Security shall apply.


  • 根据治安管理处罚任何人被发现铁轨或者附近构成安全威胁面临正式警告最高200元的罚款

    According gto Public Security Administration Punishments Law, anyone found posing a safety threat on or near railroad tracks faces an official warning and a maximum fine of 200 yuan ($30).


  • 修改治安管理处罚条例》,应从扩充内容避免立法重复空档处罚幅度修改及完善部分条文方面入手。

    Revising the regulations involves some means, such as expanding the contents; avoiding repeat and empty legislation; revising punishment range and perfecting some clauses etc.


  • 未成年违法犯罪包括违反刑法治安管理处罚条例行为包括未成年人不良行为严重不良行为。

    The juvenile breaking law and crime includes breaching "penal law" with "the public order management punishment regulation" of behavior, also includes the juvenile's bad behavior and serious behavior.


  • 未成年违法犯罪包括违反刑法治安管理处罚条例行为包括未成年人不良行为严重不良行为。

    The juvenile breaking law and crime includes breaching "penal law" with "the public order management punishment regulation" of behavior, also includes the juvenile's bad behavior and serious behavior.


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