• 他们沿着赞比西河河岸跋涉

    They trekked for three days along the Banks of the Zambezi.


  • 史瓦弥居住亚穆纳河河岸神殿圣人。

    Vishwanath Deo is a sadhu living in a temple on the Banks of Yamuna.


  • 史瓦弥居住亚穆纳河河岸神殿的圣人。

    Swami Vishwanath Deo is a sadhu living in a temple on the banks of Yamuna.


  • 喀纳斯河河岸了,肯定喀纳斯湖不远。

    Since we have already reached the Kanas River, we must be not far from Kanas Lake.


  • 那里开始,洪水流经信德省进入海洋溢出印度河岸

    From there, the waters flowed south into Sindh province on their way to the ocean, spilling far beyond the Indus' Banks.


  • 周二日食期间人们一个偏瘫男孩巴基斯坦印地安座河岸沙滩上。

    People bury a partially paralyzed boy in the sand along the banks of the Indus River in Pakistan during the Tuesday solar eclipse.


  • 图24 2010年25星期五印度新德里名男子雅满河岸吸烟侧影清晰可见

    Pic.24 a man is seen silhouetted as he smokes on the Banks of the River Yamuna in New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb. 5, 2010.


  • 亚马逊某些地方了,以至于中心不见两侧河岸

    The Amazon is so wide at some points that from its center neither shore can be seen.


  • 位于威斯敏斯特区的钟楼陷入泰晤士河岸里,部分是因为长期的地下挖掘施工造成的。

    The tower in Westminster is sinking into the banks of the Thames, partly as a result of decades of underground excavation.


  • 他问河岸上的村民,在哪里可以找到这位传奇艺术家时,村民们笑了,指着的下游。

    When he asked the villagers on the banks of the river where he could find the legendary artist, they smiled and pointed down the river.


  • 我们打算日内瓦湖吉利海峡骑行,路线本身就很有吸引力:汝拉山,我们翻越最低山口穿过勃艮第到达卢瓦尔时,我们沿河岸轻松骑行一天

    Our route from Lake Geneva to the Channel more or less drew itself: over the Jura by the lowest pass we could find, through Burgundy and across to the Loire for an easy day on the riverbank.


  • 楚国人民河岸悼念渔民们划船遍寻找尸体。

    After his death, the people of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him. The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the river to look for his body.


  • 那条侵蚀河岸直到一条新的形成

    The river frets at its banks until a new channel is formed.


  • 最近夏天炽热日子回到萨斯喀彻温坍塌河岸这样一个巢穴地点

    More recently, on a blazing summer day, he took me back to one of the den sites, in a slumping bank above the South Saskatchewan River.


  • 瓦尔理想的骑车河岸一边交通繁忙,另外一边却没有交通。高高的河岸上延伸的纤夫小道让开车人看不到风景

    The Loire is the perfect cycling river, with heavy traffic on one bank and none on the other, and long stretches of towpath on a raised embankment giving river views denied to motorists.


  • 糟糕恩尼斯科西的晚上,那是一个漂亮多山小镇,坐落斯拉尼河岸在那里看见了一个满脸胡子家伙,他还戴着一顶很时髦的帽子。

    The worst was the night in Enniscorthy, a pretty, hilly town on the Banks of the River Slaney, where I spotted on the street a bearded guy wearing a trendy straw hat.


  • 平原地带形成了一个圈圈,侵蚀会造成互相挨得很近的两个河岸最终连在一起使得有一条捷径

    When a river forms a loop on flat terrain, undercutting occurring on the riverbanks closest to each other can eventually connect the Banks, giving the river a shortcut.


  • 迈阿密先驱报报道大雨至少已经使得岛上水流涌上了河岸

    The Miami Herald reported that heavy rains had pushed at least five rivers over their Banks on the island.


  • 佳士得拍卖行,“张照片驾驭了莱茵美景,因此,张照片并不是让看照片注意河岸上的某个特定位置而是去感受整片水域完美状态。”

    Christie's said the viewer was "not invited to consider a specific place along the river, but rather an almost 'platonic' ideal of the body of water as it navigates the landscape".


  • 水势浩荡批耶河岸上,我们自行车杠一条,朝对面驶去

    At the Banks of the mighty Chao Phraya, we carried our bicycles on to a long tail boat and motored to the opposite side of the river.


  • 每年密西西比洪水河岸退去留下了泥沙,使附近地表增高。

    When the river was allowed to flood over its Banks every year, some of the muck that spilled out remained, creating more and higher land nearby.


  • 六个星期前,暴雨冲垮了印度河岸淹没了位于旁南部拉金布尔泥墙围着村庄

    Six weeks after torrential rains caused the Indus river to break its banks, inundating their mud-walled villages in Rajanpur, a district of southern Punjab, their anguish is not feigned.


  • 静静流淌,水会河岸这边留下沉积物,并侵蚀另一边。

    When water flows around a river bend, it deposits sediment on one bank while cutting away at the ground on the opposite bank.


  • 现有位置视野永宁公园之前设计河岸具体物一起排成一行,而且整个的开运程序进行。

    A former view of the existing site: before yongning park was designed the riverbank was lined with concrete and the process of canalization of the whole river was underway.


  • 尝试跨越肯尼亚时,几千角马河岸跌落下来。

    Thousands of wildebeest tumble from the top of a bank as they make a dramatic attempt to cross a river in Kenya.


  • 尝试跨越肯尼亚时,几千角马河岸跌落下来。

    Thousands of wildebeest tumble from the top of a bank as they make a dramatic attempt to cross a river in Kenya.


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